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    The representation of women as the hero in YA novels

    Analyse how female protagonists are represented as the hero in YA novels. It could be interesting to include an examination of the extent by which these female protagonists rely on the male characters and how they differ from male protagonists depicted as the hero in other novels.
    An interesting take on this topic could also include how these female characters reflect the women of today.

    • Great topic. I'd be interested in reading essays on this topic, There are so many YA stories, of course, that it wouldn't be fair to pick just two -- one with a female protagonist, the other with a male protagonist -- and make overly general claims based on just that one examination. – JamesBKelley 5 years ago
    • Great topic! I think JamesBKelley makes a great point, since there are *many* great YA female protagonists, and the YA genre is so large now. Maybe adding an additional specification would help focus the comparison -- perhaps comparing female protagonists in the top ten bestselling YA novels in your country, or comparing an older series with a newer one. – Eden 5 years ago
    • Yeah, it could also be a chance to compare good and bad YA female leads. (Bella, anyone?) – OkaNaimo0819 5 years ago

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    The timeline is very confusing especially for people who are deeply invested in this film franchise! However the films are very good.

    The X-Men Timeline

    I personally believe that films should be historically accurate, these days, television is used as means of entertainment but also information. By misconstruing the information in regards to history, is giving many people false concepts of what may have happened in the past.

    How Important is Historical Accuracy in Films?

    The Star Wars franchise is one that is being debated about for quite some time, the quality of the films since Disney gained rights is subject to opinion. Depending on how deeply invested and analytical an individual is will influence their interpretation of the film. For someone who has a deeply rooted appreciation for these films, they will likely share similar perspectives as you do, as your piece is very insightful and encapsulates the loopholes created. However, for someone who is merely a consumer, they are likely to just simply enjoy the films without any acknowledgment of these factors brought up.

    The Rise of Skywalker Succeeds As A Legacy Film But Illustrates The Flaws Of Disney Era Star Wars