
Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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    What Does an All Girls Ghostbusters Mean for Storytelling?

    With the upcoming reboot of the Ghostbusters franchise with an all female main cast, what does this mean in terms of a more feministically diverse story-telling ability. Is this just a way to pacify those that are fighting for more women to have leading roles in a genre that is dominated by men, or can this be a springboard for the next gender flip on classic characters told in a way that conveys that these stories are wanted by audiences across the board?

    • I was considering suggesting a topic like this myself, but I didn't quite know how to word it. While I am anxious to see how the new (all-Female) Ghostbusters will turn out, along with the recent announcement of a female-centric Ocean's Eleven, I'm concerned if this is going to help or hurt female actors. Because on the one hand, taking one thing that is well-beloved--like Ghostbusters--and changing it as they have has brought on a lot of negative speculation and sexist backlash, which I think would not be quite the same had a female-centric film of some other nature been announced. However, this sort of thing could be the launching point for female-centric films, or films with more female leads in the future. But what will need to happen is this Ghostbusters film needs to present a dynamic between the female cast that is really magnetic, engaging, and lovable, just as the chemistry between the original cast had been, and yet not make it a carbon copy: otherwise, it will feel like a knock-off, and it won't allow the actresses to be set apart as their own characters. So I am both very hopeful, and concerned whether this film will get the results it hopes for. But I am all for films or shows with female leads, because nearly every single one is amazing. "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind," "Kiki's Delivery Service," "When Marnie Was There," "Kill Bill Vol. 1," "Coraline," "The Sound of Music," "Anne of Green Gables," The Legend of Korra," just to name my favorites. – Jonathan Leiter 9 years ago
    • Also don't forget the female Expendabelles hanging on the rumor mill. – wolfkin 9 years ago

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    I don’t believe that Merida hates being a woman so much as she hates the role she is being forced into by the established societal role that women are supposed to hold. In her purview, men are given free reign to do as they wish, pursue what they want, be who they want. Her freedom to explore her own identity was curtailed as she approached adulthood. The attitude that she has personifies the male paradigm, the ability to decide her own destiny.

    It becomes established that Merida idolizes her father, and tries to emulate him. That isn’t to say that she fails to recognize the power that her mother wields on the other hand. Her mother stands as an authority in her own right. Merida only rejects her mother’s configuration of who she is supposed to be because Elanor and Merida were born from different molds, and can’t reconcile their separate configuration. They fit differently to each other because the part of the picture that they try to fit the other one into doesn’t fit. It is only until the end do they realize that their best method is compromise, so that their opposing edges don’t clash, but complement.

    Masculinity and the Disney Princess

    Between school and working on stuff that I’m attempting write, my distraction tend to come from social media for my homework, and a shiny new idea separate from what I’m currently working on. My environment isn’t really conducive to writing, so until I move, my focus tends to feel very forced.

    Writing: The Real Reason You Procrastinate

    I deeply missed the 90’s shows of Nickelodeon, and was very excited that there was going to be a greater expansion of the programming coming back, even if it ended up being a niche channel. This version of 90’s nostalgia is far more acceptable than all the reboots and remakes. It’s one thing to go back and re-watch the old shows, it’s another to take what was force commercial nostalgia down the throats of the populace.

    Nickelodeon’s The Splat: Bringing Back Classic Content for Millennials