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    The Harry Potter Series and its Relation to Terrorism

    In J.K. Rowling's acclaimed series, there is a clear separation between good and evil. The reader is aligned with Hogwarts and the 'good' wizards, and Voldemort and his followers are clearly characterized as evil. Dementors and Death Eaters are continuously attempting to invade the walls of Hogwarts, and are willing to kill anyone who gets in their way of securing power. If J.K. Rowling drew upon World War II for the series, can that view be shifted to how the series can now be read in relation to terrorism? Analyze the ways in which Death Eaters resemble terrorist organizations. What does this say about our culture? How can we learn from the series using this lens?

    • As an idea the Death Eaters exemplify terrorism but at it's core it's really hard to say/argue. I feel like they are the embodiment of terror because the books make it a little too easy for us to see them as people. They don't get character development, like Bellatrix a lot of them come off as just wanting to watch the world burn. On that note, there is always Draco. A good angle this article could take is: Draco Malfoy helping people sympathize with children in radical families. Death Eaters aren't brainwashed by religion like modern day terrorists but as the books point out in a lot of cases they are pressured into it, feeling like they have no other choice, and that it's submit to Voldemort or die. – Slaidey 9 years ago
    • Are you aiming to explore Death Eaters as "weapons" or terror as as state sanctioned vehicle to spread fear of terrorism or a way to control it. It might be a more effective argument to take Death Easters as weapons of fear and control, given that they are operated under the "state power" which in this case would be the ministry. For example as one of the comments above has suggested here, Death Eaters are clearly not brainwashed but rather, it is their nature and function to spread fear. – aferozan 9 years ago
    • I'm actually going to go ahead and take this topic up. It seems like an interesting topic to discuss. It's pretty well established that Rowling drew inspiration from the Nazis, but puritan ideology exists even today, and future generations may look back at this series, coming as terrorism becomes a real problem in the world, and may very well assume that was its inspiration. – Adnan Bey 9 years ago
    • Looking forward to this article Adnan. – Munjeera 9 years ago
    • There's a pretty interesting (and amusing) video that Cracked made a couple of years ago that might shed some light on this topic: – ProtoCanon 9 years ago
    • Cant wait to read this! – Alexander 9 years ago

    The significance of the lobotomy in Robert Penn Warren's "All the King's Men"

    Around three-quarters of the way through RPW's masterpiece, Jack Burden observes Adam Stanton perform a lobotomy on one of his patients. Some have argued that the lobotomy represents Jack's disassociation with the present, yet some will go further and say that Jack is watching himself undergo a lobotomy, as a sort of 'out of body' experience. Talk about the possible reasons for Jack's fascination with the surgery…what is the relationship between "The Great Twitch" and the lobotomy? Are Jack's "Great Sleeps" just the same as a lobotomy? Analyze the implications of a lobotomy in terms of Jack's existential crisis, and perhaps suggest an explanation for Jack's eventual disgust with the surgery.

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      Latest Comments

      Great article! I seem to find these sort of films more terrifying because of the psychological horror that they provoke…it seems to be more real, more **under the skin**

      Indie Horror: Recent Rise of a Meta-Genre

      Nice writing! Have you ever thought about the categorization of Clarissa between ‘Mrs. Dalloway’ and ‘Clarissa’ as related to her agency in her marriage?

      Virginia Woolf: A Palpable Parody of Patriarchal Power

      ‘The Constant’ was one of my favorite episodes ever, for I really felt myself extracting some **greater** meaning from a show that had already given me so much. I found myself wondering who my ‘constant’ in life would be, and if there was anyone out there to truly be my rock. So many feelings in this episode. I can’t imagine that any other show will ever rival Lost’s genius. Thanks for this post!

      The Best Episodes of Lost