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    Exploration of Hulu's 'The Path'

    'The Path' unfolds, largely, through the POV of a member of a cult who deals with his shaken faith and thoughts of leaving his community. The show relies heavily on his family life and wife whom was born into the cult. Other story lines unfold around him as we get a look into the ways the cult hooks, indoctrinates, and keeps its members. There are also key stories involving outside views of the community.

    This article could explore the depiction of religion in this contemporary thriller and how it addresses the "American staple" aspects American cults have in American culture. Possibly compare contemporary foreign films depicting cults and how cultures depict them through media. How does the view towards the main character shift the show from a one-sided negative depiction to a sympathetic American issue?

    • Cool topic. The serious side of the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt or Bowfinger. – Tigey 9 years ago

    A contemporary multi-cultural look at a modern multi-cultural film: 'Belladonna of Sadness'

    This article would work well for someone who is interested in Japanese erotica adapted from a French novel. 'Belladonna of Sadness' (1973) by Mushi Production; the French novel 'La Sorcière' (1862, Jules Michelet) was the source material.

    This epic film was created by men, and originally written by a man nearly 100 years prior; how does an 2016 American interpretation of a 1970's Japanese adaptation of a 1860's French idea find a story of women's awakening? Meaning, across the ages and cultures, how does a person now and here see this woman's sexual awakening and how it translates to her strength as a woman? How does this epic play now, and how does the retelling in film expands itself from the classic novel?

    • I think the title should be adjusted due to the word multi-cultural being used twice and using the words contemporary and modern is redundant. There are some search engine optimization suggestions in the guide that may help this topic get more exposure. – Munjeera 9 years ago

    The "V" Word and Its Public Appearance

    This article would discuss the impact of feminine art in popular culture and it's designation in 'shock art'. Aside from an article which was just posted to the site this last week (the artist who painted the portrait of Donald Trump from the previous article would be off limits to this one), this article would focus on four points: menstrual art, vaginal art (artwork representing the vagina and vulva), and way these types of feminine art are received compared to falic art, and the artistic representation vs commercials for feminine products. Why does this art only see feminist shows and shock art galleries? What is still so taboo about the subject the expressive forms suffer from lesser public appearances and appreciation? How can the constant ad revenue for feminine products be accepted, but the presence of celebration and politics concerning the feminine body is recoiled against?

    • This is interesting phallic art vs. vagina art. There are many phallic symbols in architecture such as the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. An exploration into power symbols can be explored here. The vagina art is most popular through the studies of Georgia O'Keefe. I look forward to this article. – Venus Echos 9 years ago

    American politics and the influence over 'Rock the Kasbah'

    'Rock the Kasbah' (2015) has been in theaters for only a few days, and already, reviews of the film express a lack of interest and the wonderful feeling of being "Murray-ied'. Critics and public viewers alike are unimpressed and can't stand how slowly the film moves through a plot which flat-lined within the first half hour. Through all of the unrest regarding the movie, one critic I have not been seeing is how the movie was loosely based off a riveting and touching documentary "Afghan Star" (2009).

    The film centers around Bill Murray's character, a Hollywood music manager. He goes to Afghanistan with a musician on a U.S.S tour, she ditches him there, and a few bad decisions and wacky circumstances lead him to find a Pashtun woman who is a (surprise) talented singer. Salima (played by Leem Lubany), goes on the Afghan version of 'American Idol', 'Afghan Star'. She risks her life to do so, and a truly inspiring ending is the result; however, this film is dedicated to a real woman, Setara Hussainzada.

    Who is she, you may ask? Hussainzada was a female contestant on the real-life show "Afghan Star" and was the first of four to be eliminated. Her final goodbye was inspiring, she danced freely and without her hijab. She recieved death threats and became a social outcast for her scandaless performance. Lema Sahar, a Pashtun woman, was another contestant on the show and was eliminated after Hussainzada.

    The film takes a beautiful, empowering moment in Afghanistan current culture and white-washes it to the point where a white, male, American is not only the center of the film, but is responsible for Lubany's characters bold demonstration of feminine strength. It can be argued such changes were made to not only get Murray in a film but also to make it more appealing to American audiences, but this is where the problem resides. This film could have been an American take on the stereotype-breaking event of two empowered Afgah women; in the end, the credit was given to a fictional American man. This could have been a movie to celebrate two women who risked thier lives to express themselves without forcing an American in to help 'liberate'. Hussainzada and Sahar did that themselves, but you wouldn't know that from the film they inspired. How is this a reflection of American bias against Afghan people and culture?

    • Thank you! I understand exactly what you are speaking to regarding mainstream acceptance; that these women would not be capable of expressing themselves and their freedom if not for the obligatory white male hero. – Venus Echos 9 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Thank you for your analysis. It’s not one you often read, so I was happy to see it here.

    The Portrait That is Dorian Gray

    Thank you for the article. I’ve never been good at keeping myself in a steady regimen, so I will start thinking about your helpful words to keep me on track.

    A Writer's Essential Steps to Staying Motivated

    Great article. I think it is important to understand the trope of an expendable LGBT character, even when such a character is treated as something more than a queer character, like Delphine Cormier. While she was brilliant and strong, and her sexuality was just something else about her, it’s important to not ignore that even characters like her are still devalued by being a disposable LGBT character. It’s the subtlety which concerns me, as well as the out-right exploitation.

    Queer Death in Media: Drawing Attention to the Bloodshed

    A great analysis. One thing I love about the show is they never put themselves in a rut with just one type of joke. They have silly jokes and amazing puns which balance out the severe dramatic nature the show takes on, especially by the end of the last season. Yet they also excel at philosophical and didactic jokes. It has a little bit of niche humor for everyone provided everyone who watches loves dark, realistic humor. The show lives in balance.

    Bojack Horseman: Balancing Humor and Dark Themes

    Thank you for the deconstruction; this was a very good exercise in understanding the importance of well-crafted language.

    Shakespeare's Richard III: The Power of Speech

    Thank you for the profiles on some very talented film makers.

    Poeticism in Cinema

    The finished article is much better. I liked the points you added in and it is put together very well; the ending statement sums up your article nicely.

    Animal Symbolism In Life Is Strange

    Thank you for the comprehensive history; great article.

    The Modern Freak Show