I play a lot of video games. I have some pretty strong opinions about them. I also dabble into animation, art, and literature. We should totally hang out sometime.
Junior Contributor I
Are superhero movies overdone?It seems we can’t go a week without another superhero movie being announced or the latest comic book adaption coming to life. I understand it’s profitable and popular, but is anyone else excited for film projects outside of the Marvel/DC universe? What movies are you excited for? Or, if you absolutely adore superheroes, what are you looking forward to (beside the Deadpool movie)?
The Superhero Film in The Modern Era | |
Youtube as a whole intrigues me. You can basically do whatever you want, and that’s an unprecedented level of freedom. Youtube is obviously trying to make more money (a la YouTube Red), but I have to admit, all of these people and scandals listed above are still a marvel to behold in this day and age. People make a living doing what they love. What more could you ask for? | The Rise of YouTube |
I think at the end of the day, a movie’s purpose is to tell a story. And the filmmakers can do whatever they want with it. Most kids movies are lighthearted simply because kids can’t understand deep complex character motivations. They are perfectly content to watch a Minion dance around the screen. But there are some movies, like Inside Out, that aren’t afraid to get pretty serious in order to advance the story. I think it depends on what the movie is aiming for. Some appeal only to children. But others appeal to both little tykes and their parents as well. | Should Children's Films be Dark or Light? |
As much as I love superhero movies, I’ll admit they get a little stale after a certain while. There’s just so many. Often times they feel all to similar. I’m waiting for the day we get a superhero movie that isn’t completely by the book. Deadpool, anyone?