Jordan Sheppard

Jordan Sheppard

Humanities student, media junkie, aspiring journalist and writer.

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    The influence of television on subsequent literature

    Around WWII the television began to become more and more welcomed as a member of the average household in America. In the 1950's the television became the primary means of influencing public opinion on world events and politics. Later in the 90's we see the reflection of the culture surrounding television programming in postmodern writers like Don Delillo and David Foster Wallace. How have the infusion of the passivity of television-watching culture influenced the literature of subsequent decades? How has the expectation of the average reader been affected by this mass incorporation of this form of media in the average household?

    • You could also mention the shortening of people's attention spans, and could tie in the influence of social media here too. – Andi 6 years ago
    • Disagree. I believe it was during the Cold War, not WW2. – T. Palomino 3 years ago
    • Also, I feel like some sources and examples would support and illustrate your claims. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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    Jordan Sheppard

    Thank you so much for your contribution, and for helping me with my first post for the Artifice. Please share, if you would like.

    Penderecki and the Sound of Horror
    Jordan Sheppard

    Well-thought out analysis. I am interested in the notion that the horror movie, at least a certain pinnacle of even shock-and-awe horror or torture porn, represent latent fears within new societal paradigms. The industrial and safety culture tensions that have emerged in the past 20-30 years and their playing out in this film are a great example.

    Final Destination, Safety Culture and the Post-Industrial Accident
    Jordan Sheppard

    Thank you for this brief description of the elements of writing. With the technical proficiencies it takes to be a writer, the daily grind, the dedicated time to reading and so on, I cannot help but find writing about writing intoxicating. This is because in my own experience often the need to write comes before subject. It is a pressing urge. A thirst. I do not always write because I am moved by a subject but I always find release in putting pen to paper.

    The "Write" Way
    Jordan Sheppard

    This film is incredible. The element of the unknowable alluded to above left the film with immense rewatch potential. Also as I have watched it several times now, and subjected several friends to its horrors, I have still been left pondering the drastic depiction of guilt through the demon which follows Lucie into her revenge and tortures throughout; the pangs of conscience which turn her life into a living nightmare make the psychological manifest in the first act in a way that surpasses the supernatural of most horror movies.

    The Philosophy of 'Martyrs': Transcendence in Torture