Kira Metcalfe

Kira Metcalfe

Relatively recent university grad with a BA in English. Trying to get some poems published, interested in copy writing and working on my first novel.

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How 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) and Drive (2011) Operate as Multi-Genre Films

Analyze how these two films balance multiple, often opposing, genres to create something unique and engaging. In what ways are the films similar in their approach to genre-switching? How do the liberties or risks each film takes illustrate that risk-aversion in movie making can be limiting?

  • I agree 10 Cloverfield really tried to keep viewers guessing because they utilized viewer's expectations of multiple genres at the same time. At one point you're wondering whether this is apocalyptic horror vs just captive horror all while drawing suspense; confirming apocalyptic horror first, keeping the captive horror and in the end reintroducing the alien invasion horror. It was a nice juggling act. Mind you I felt that once she got out of the capsule it was really jarring but that was good! It's great to actually get confronted by other genres that have been leading up to, when really you're just sitting there thinking "they won't do it, that'd be too much". Nice combination. – Slaidey 8 years ago
  • Hi, just to clarify, are you talking about Drive (2011) with Ryan Gosling, Carrie Mulligan, and Albert Brooks? Or is there another movie called drive from 2015? Sounds like a very interesting topic! – SeanGadus 8 years ago
  • Yes, that was an error. Thanks for catching it SeanGadus! – Kira Metcalfe 8 years ago
  • And are genres restrictive because they have 'requirements'? If I wrote a rom-com noir would people lose their minds (joking)? Genres are entirely human-imposed, so they're infinitely interesting to me. Thanks for the positive spin on the debate! I feel like using genre expectations is a great film-making practice (as long as it's not obnoxious/self-important, ha). – m-cubed 8 years ago
  • After watching many Nicolas Winding Refn movies, I have observed that Drive is very much the director's most "tame" film in terms of how he balances the art house genre with a "mainstream cinema"-esque style. Therefore, I would say that it is good that the film takes risks, but it does not take nearly as many risks as other films he has released. Most have been very divided by critics on their release because he implements even more genre-switching, to the extent that it becomes somewhat challenging to watch. I think for this reason while the risks he took in the movie worked well, the modesty in risk that Refn takes on Drive as compared to his other films actually benefitted it in terms of its wide understanding and accessibility to the audience. – dboyer 8 years ago

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Latest Comments

Kira Metcalfe

Very well thought-out, and beautifully written article! Any holes in your thinking are not holes at all, but further opportunities for thought and investigation for future topics/articles. This, of course, is the best thing an article/essay can do. Keep up the good work.

Relationship Entertainment: Navigating the Struggle between Romance and Friendship on TV
Kira Metcalfe

I would consider your use of rhetorical questions. What purpose would you say they serve? I find that they don’t add anything to your article. Also watch out for over use of colloquial sentence structure. If used it should be to affirm a point or antidote rather than assume the knowledge of your readers (e.g “exactly”). Overall I found that your article didn’t present any answers to or insight about the topic. You need to expand on your ideas, not just state them.

What Should Happen To Captured Super Villains?
Kira Metcalfe

Loved your short-but-sweet article! However, I would have loved to hear more about the post-golden age Hollywood changes, as well why you think its so frustrating that most studios/ directors choose to advertise their movies this way. You also failed to acknowledge that their are many more studio movies besides Midnight Special that have ambiguous trailers.

Time to Trim Trailers? The Death of Surprise in Modern Hollywood
Kira Metcalfe

Although I don’t agree with some of your assertions, such as that socio/ psychopathy inherently lead to violent actions, I see that you have given some thought to what your writing since you define some of your terms. I would recommend outlining your argument from your thesis, since your thesis had a tendency to get lost in other tertiary points your gave in the second half of your paper. Also, be mindful of spelling/ grammatical errors.

Superhero Villains and their Struggle with Morality