
20 year old student. Studying Media and Communication, as well as Print Journalism. Pop culture fanatic, curly haired red head, future New Yorker, and potential Avenger.

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Time travel and alternate universes in Donnie Darko

An explanation of the way time travel works in Donnie Darko, why Donnie was the chosen time traveller, the role of Frank the bunny, and whether or not the events that took place were as a result of time travel or took place within an alternate universe/reality.

For all the DD fans who just can't quite wrap their head around all the theories.

  • The works of M.C. Escher, especially his fascination with closed loops, would be an important reference – JLaurenceCohen 8 years ago
  • Hey llsebben, love Donnie Darko, great topic idea -- I think filmmaker Richard Kelly was unable to answer the same question in an interview somewhere, might be interesting to get his take on this (if he has one). – cbharris 8 years ago
  • An excellent idea for a topic! I was going to suggest taking a look at the 'Casual Loop' phenomenon, but this has effectively been suggested already by JLaurenceCohen's comment. It might also be worth noting that the director's cut of DD includes more information about 'Grandma Death' (Roberta Sparrow) and her book. I was disappointed with the follow-on film 'S.Darko' though as it just seemed to cover old ground and failed to introduce anything new to the concept. – Amyus 7 years ago
  • Donnie Drako opens up more questions than answers with regards to time travel. We can discuss on this for years and still have no conclusion. Much like Shining being discussed for this long. – theidealstranger 7 years ago
  • Here is a work that may be helpful: http://www.queensu.ca/religion/sites/webpublish.queensu.ca.rlgnwww/files/files/rels/grad/maessaytitles/mastersessaycoxtwardowski.pdf – oddiem 7 years ago

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In all honesty, I think Snyder bit off more than he could chew. The movie was way to packed and actually felt more like a Batman movie than a Superman movie. In the first hour of the film it seemed like any inclusion of Clark Kent/Superman was an afterthought. Like “Oh let’s throw in a random scene with Cavill so people don’t forget who this movie is about, while we show how sad and angry Batman is”.

Batman Vs Superman: What Went Wrong?

I like the way you led into this article, with the quote from Cersei. I cannot stand her character, but I do admire the power she has and how easily she uses it – it sets up your argument perfectly. You have pointed out a lot of accurate readings that as a feminist I have seen when watching the show. I’m glad you contrasted the identification and subjectification of male and female characters, because I think that really adds a layer to any gendered reading one might do on this show

How A Feminist Watches Game of Thrones: Power Is Power

I honestly think the change in tone for shows like these comes from a desire to make the superhero show seem more “realistic”. The crimes we know today are more gruesome and I think switching from the kiddy approach to portraying these heroes adds a layer their already exciting stories. Your analysis of this change contributes to the conversations about this genre!

Superhero Live Action Shows: Conventions and Evolution