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    The polarizing popularity of the Call of Duty series

    Look at reasons why Call of Duty is so popular with many video game players while also pointing out what causes many people to dislike it.

    • This is an excellent topic. It would serve the topic's writer good to look at its sales and its advertising, as well as callbacks in new sequels to the previous games. Another big aspect is the sit-and-go nature of the game - it seems as though the average player can get going with no problem and stop at any time they want. It's a casual game. Also, look at other big FPS series, especially Battlefield. BF is more realistic and in general allows for broader gameplay. How does Call of Duty compare to big series on the market? – John 9 years ago
    • This sounds like it could be fun. I'm a huge Call of Duty nut, but the fact of the matter is I'm about as casual a gamer as it can get. Most of my hardcore gamer buddies tend to spurn Call of Duty on the grounds that it's too easy and never changes, yet that's precisely the reason I like it; it has a real arcade-y feel to it. As John noted, aside from looking at sales and such, I think you or whoever writes this topic should look into why people enjoy it, though it's a pretty laid back game, while others don't, even though it's pretty popular. – August Merz 9 years ago
    • There are conspiracy theories floating around that the US government provides funding for shooter games like this in order to entice players into thinking the realities of war are more palatable. Though this may appear as overzealous, the government has shown interest in the game's production of the Call of Duty series (even the title may reinforce the ideal of subservience to the military): – Paul Osgerby 9 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    You need to watch The Babadook. It features a relatively normal woman in her thirties being haunted.

    Indie Horror: Recent Rise of a Meta-Genre

    Great article. I enjoy scary movies, but I prefer the ones with a psychological focus. Goodnight Mommy looks like it’ll fit into that mold.

    Indie Horror: Recent Rise of a Meta-Genre

    I enjoyed all of your recommendations. Dragonball Z and Pokemon were definitely the anime that drew me in, but it wasn’t until I started reading Shonen Jump that I became really involved with both anime and manga. Good article.

    Anime for Dummies: What Starters Should Watch

    This was quite informative. I have two posters hanging on my wall, one of Bane from The Dark Knight Rises and one of the Joker from The Dark Knight. While I don’t know all the proper jargon, I like these posters because they’re “cool” and because they are the most interesting characters in both movies. Thanks for your article.

    The History of Film Posters

    I agree with this article. When I was younger, I adored Pokemon, but I never could get into Yugioh because of how darker it seemed in comparison. It was only until my best friend introduced me to the Yugioh card game that I became obsessed with it (in fact, my friend grew to regret introducing me to the card game due to how many times I trounced him in our own duels!). I’m surprised you didn’t mention the manga in this article. The first volume of the manga especially was extremely dark. Yami Yugi was more like a vindictive spirit of vengence than the impeccable duelist the anime portrays him as.

    Yu-Gi-Oh!: Terrifying or Inspiring?