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    Lack of Mothers in Fairy Tales

    Cinderella, Snow White, Belle. These are just a few of the heroines from traditional fairy tales that lack a maternal figure. Most often, the mother is deceased and the heroine must navigate the world without her guidance. What is the significance of this maternal absence? How has the lack of a loving, nurturing mother in traditional fairy tales enabled the story to progress? Or has the lack of maternal figure hindered the development of the heroine?

    • This would actually be a really fascinating topic. I have often wondered about the meaning behind maternal figures in fairy tales and their significance in real life, both throughout history and today. The literary analysis of this character attribute can be discussed in much detail. – SophIsticated 8 years ago
    • It also seems that the only time an older female exists in a traditional fairy tale is when they are an antagonist, such as "the evil stepmother" or "wicked witch" trope. Maybe this is pointing to the fact that at the time the tales were written, youth, beauty, and innocence was more desirable in woman, and championed as marks of a 'good' woman, as opposed to old age and life experience, which automatically made you 'evil', if you were a woman. – Yanni 8 years ago
    • This is such a great topic! I've been wondering this for a while and especially as of late what with all the new adaptations of classic fairytales :) – ChloeB 8 years ago
    • This is such an interesting idea! Maybe that the heroine and theoretical strong mother figure would conflict? – tarawesson 8 years ago
    • This is a really interesting idea! There's an article in the Atlantic about absent mothers in cartoons, so it seems like a very prevalent trope! – RachelFieldhouse 8 years ago
    • Great idea! I think this issue really needs to be explored. It is present in super-heros and other modern fairy-tales, too. – Jeff MacLeod 8 years ago

    Netflix's Stranger Things and the other world of the Upside down: how does this reflect the state of American life?

    Netflix's Stranger Things, although set in the 1980's, seems to reflect the current state of life in America. How does the notion of the "Upside Down" speak to life today? The Oxford Dictionary word of the year in 2016 was 'post-truth' which states that objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion or personal belief. How does the notion of the Upside Down reflect the current post-truth era that we live in?

    • The first sentence of this topic needs to be supported with a strong argument or a reliable source before proceeding to do anything. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    In all the disney characters referenced, none of them had a true, loving mother figure. All of their natural mothers are dead or non-existent or not referenced. what does that say about feminism? I think it speaks to a loss of stories being passed from mother to daughter.

    Feminism and Disney: They're Not As Different As You Might Think

    This book is so relevant for our times; the topics of technology, alternate history, and how Guy, as a lone individual feels the effects of these broader concepts and struggles how to deal with his world. Additionally, Chief Beatty gives insight into our life today, as in the excerpt provided shows that humans need to feel instant gratification while simultaneously feeling no pain/sorrow (e.g. no funerals). this is so true of today and our reliance on technology for instant gratification, as well as our need for pain killers (no pain). Bradbury was very observant in terms of human emotions, or lack there of.

    Fahrenheit 451: What’s In a Tale?

    One point that is interesting is that as Lucy can be considered one of the founding women of comedy. She was able to break through the barriers of race, gender, etc through her talent as a comic.

    Why Wouldn't Everyone Love Lucy?