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    Tony Stark to Riri Wiliams

    Iron Man is becoming a woman, but not just that – he is becoming an African-American woman at that! Well, Iron Man will no longer be Iron Man, but you get the drift here. How does this change the Marvel Universe? How does this change the way we will see diversity, she is incredibly smart and an African-American woman. Emphasis on that because it is rare to see that other than in A Girl and her Dinosaur and things of that sort. What will this bring to the comic series? Will you still be reading it to see what it will be like and what it will continue to bring to the Iron Man franchise?

    • Great topic....especially due to this being discussed on numerous online platforms, entertainment sites, and blogs. I am not a fan of this transition just because I don't understand the reasoning for doing so. Why not kill Iron Man and create a new character? Yet, please forgive me, and at the risk of being redundant, do remember that I am unfamiliar with the comics and I understand there might be a very intricate and thought out reasoning behind this transition that is completely ingenious and makes sense. I look forward to reading this topic and the reactions to the comments. – danielle577 9 years ago
    • A small but important part of the description is ambiguous. As a result, one can't tell if you're saying brilliant African American women are rare, or that the film portrayal of such is rare. – Tigey 9 years ago

    Captain America: Civil War

    You can focus on the hype around Civil War – Spoilers included for anyone who has not saw the film yet (I have). So Easter eggs, Spider-Man, and Black Panther!!!! Focus on how Civil War led up to the hype, or it didn't. Were all the good parts of the film in the trailers? All the really good fight scenes as well, considering most of them were in the trailers for the most part. The awesome Spider-Man scene with his Aunt and Tony – How Tom is going to change the MCU (if at all).

    1. Focus on the hype of Civil War, did it lead up to the hype and expectations?
    2. Did the trailers prove to tell too much?
    3. Will this lead into another Spider-Man film that will be different? Did this show something different about the Spider-Man character?
    4. The prequel to Black Panther and how he will evolve in the MCU
    5. Easter eggs that will lead to other films, or even hints to what will happen in the future of MCU as well

    • Loved Civil War and thought it was great. I hope someone writes on this topic soon a I would love to read more about it. – Munjeera 9 years ago
    • I would love to read a critical analysis of the MCU as a whole and it's effects on how individual superhero movies are made. – ColinCobb 9 years ago
    • You could expand on this idea by analyzing how Marvel has kept the anticipation going from the post credit scene in Iron-Man and how the promotion for each subsequent movie affects audience expectations. – Rico 9 years ago
    • If I remember my Marvel comic book timeline, Spidey was always crossing over into the avengers comics. They asked Spider-Man to join the Avengers a few times but Spidey turned them down, so I think he was made an honorary avenger. – jamiepashagumskum 9 years ago
    • It would be cool if there was a discussion the future of the characters in the MCU after the consequences of Civil War, particularly the #TeamCap characters, and also specifically the implications for the upcoming Infinity Wars movies. – andreacr 9 years ago

    Batman VS. Superman and Captain America

    How trailers can lead to the demise of gain of a film and how that will lead to how Captain America will do. Will people be sceptical after how Batman VS. Superman did or will they be more excited to see how Cap does. Cap has come out with some pretty telling trailers, will that be what the whole movie based on if you seen BVS. Did the trailers prove to tell too much, or did they tell nothing important?

    • Some of the trailers tell the climax part of the movies, they make the film itself less exciting when the audience watches it. The trailers, which show the climax, are bad examples of trailers. They are supposed to show parts of the scenes to advertise the films. – moonyuet 9 years ago

    Miles Morales "Spider-Man"

    Where has the Miles Morales film seem to be lost at? Mostly wanted to focus on how the movie would go if it were made and why they have not made one yet. The audience seems to appeal to the Miles storyline and the film seems to be something that fans are constantly yearning for. But, why won't they seem to make one? Why do they seem to keep remaking the same spider-man that we know and love already? What does not appeal about Miles that they don't see in a film? Deadpool has created an epidemic, do you think they will consider it now that Deadpool who people were indifferent about?


      Progression of Marvel Female Characters in TV and Film

      The art of female characters in film and TV shows and how they have progressed. Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Peggy Carter.

      We first see Peggy Carter in Captain America and now she has her own show Agent Carter, you can focus on the progression of that character from Captain America to who she is now and how she is perceived as well. Black Widow is first seen around in Iron Man, and how she has progressed from Avengers and etc., how they have used the character in their favor and have progressed her towards an awesome or not so awesome female character in the MCU. She may have started off as a character that potentially had growth, but with the recent plots she has had in Age of Ultron, does she have that same potential. Then last but not least, Scarlet Witch. She was first seen in Age of Ultron, which means this character is going to show up next in Civil War. That means she has had the least potential shown in a film in the MCU, this one can be based off what you know as a character — this could possibly derive from the comics as well. I added this one because it would be interesting to see how they have shown her progression just in this one film. Have they showed some potential in her character that can be positive?

      • Seems like Peggy Carter has developed the most as a crossover from movies to TV. I do believe she is the first Marvel female character to successfully crossover with the same actress. Given the success of Agent Carter hopefully the trend will continue. – Munjeera 9 years ago
      • I find a lot of people thought Natasha's arc in AOU was stopping her storyline and taking from her being "badass" but I personally thought it made her more complex and realistic. There is nothing wrong with a super agent who has been deprived of life to wish she could have kids, etc. I think it'd be also cool to discuss how people expect certain things from female characters to define them as strong (no feelings, no boyfriends, etc) and how that often makes them just another form of 2D. – noursaleh 9 years ago
      • I think the only reasons Natasha's arc was so hated in AoU is because some women are so sick and tired of the same old story arcs. Like Noursaleh said, it's not completely unreasonable and it isn't strictly misogynistic. That being said, some of the controversy comes from who wrote it. Might you want to include a section of this paper that addresses "Death of the Author"? Either a critique of it or a defense of it? Should things stand on their own, away from the author; Should folks take the creator into account when looking at a text? Would reaction to Romanoff's character been different had it been written by a woman? woman of color? etc.? – sniederhouse 9 years ago
      • This article would now make for a timely read. Analyse the characters of Valkyrie, Captain Marvel, Shuri and Pepper Potts too. – Dr. Vishnu Unnithan 5 years ago

      Marvel Spider-Man TV Show Character (1994-98) VS. Spider-Man Comic Book Charater

      The synopsis of the show is "The series focuses on Spider-Man and his alter ego Peter Parker during his college years at Empire State University. As the story begins, Peter has already gained his superpowers and is a part-time freelance photographer for the Daily Bugle. The show features most of Spider-Man's classic villains, including the Kingpin, the Green Goblin, the Lizard, the Shocker, Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, the Scorpion, Rhino, the Vulture, the Chameleon, and Venom. Over the course of the series the single Peter contends with the romantic love interests of Mary Jane Watson, Felicia Hardy and her alter ego, the Black Cat. The show also features appearances from various other Marvel superheroes; including the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Daredevil, Blade, Doctor Strange, the Punisher and Captain America."

      What this should focus on is the progression of Spider-Man from then and now. How he has progressed as a character and why you think they have made the changes they have made thus far. This show lasted five seasons and had a pretty decently long run and Daredevil has made an appearance along with some other characters from the universe. Showing how they have changed in appearance and personality as well in the series from now is something to focus on too.

      The focus here is Spider-Man as a comic book character in comparison to the TV show, they are very similar in some retrospects, but also not in many as well. There are also characters such as Captain America and Daredevil who also have origin stories in the show and some things alter in the comics as well.


        The Evolution of Kate Bishop (Hawkeye)

        There have been three main renditions of Kate Bishop in the past year or two that have made a significant difference in how we perceive her as a character. The storyline of who she has become is one thing, but how her personality is perceived is another.

        Adolescent Kate is what started it all when she made an appearance in the first Young Avengers by Allan Heinberg and drawn by Jim Cheung in 2005. In the previous comic mentioned, she looks entirely different than she is depicted now. But, Kate has grown from being a sidekick character in David Aja, Annie Wu, and Matt Fraction's version of Hawkeye in 2012. To being her own character with her own personality (and older) in Young Avengers by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie in 2013. And, lastly, to being a grown up version of these two comics in the All-New Hawkeye series by Jeff Lemire and Ramon Perez in 2015.

        Throughout all of these comics, Kate Bishop has not only changed who she is and how she's grown as a person; but, how she is drawn as well. She is drawn differently throughout these comics and it is interesting to see how differently that she is drawn. How artists are perceiving her and how she has altered through time is one way to think about it.

        Kate Bishop is an underrated character in the Marvel universe, mostly because she is secondary to Clint Barton. She is essentially his sidekick, when most of the time, it seems like Cint is her sidekick. While she did start in the Young Avengers she has made quite the evolution since Jim Cheung has made her character into a character.


          The Appeal of Introducing Villains in TV Shows (Netflix / TV)

          The success of superhero TV shows and the success of bringing villains from the comics onto the screen every week (or on Netflix every season). AOS (Agents of Shield), Agent Carter, Flash, Supergirl, Gotham, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Arrow, etc. These TV shows all have something in common and that's appeal to the viewers that still like watching TV shows weekly and keeping on the edge of their seat until the next week comes.

          Aside from these shows being popular on the screen and keeping the suspense coming, what does the effect of bring in villains from the comics appeal to the show? I know they are supposed to be there, yes; but, does it appeal to bring in one every season like Daredevil? Or bring them in all at once, like Flash? Which appeal works best, introducing them one at a time or introducing multiple at one time. With Netflix, you have Jessica Jones and Daredevil who have introduced one each season so far. But, TV shows like Supergirl and Flash are already having a crossover and Arrow has had one as well.

          There are multiple topics to speak upon on this one, but there's also the difference between Netflix and TV show on TV. There's the fact that Netflix puts them all on the table in one night / day, is there enough leeway to have more than on villain based on that? Flash and Supergirl, even Arrow have the ability to introduce one every episode BECAUSE they come on weekly. What is the difference in doing that? Gotham has introduced the origin of the majority of the DC characters from Gotham in one season. Every show has a different way of doing it and why are they all so successful? Not only really copies the other, even on different publications like Marvel and DC.

          • I think this also speaks to our interest in the villain. We aren't satisfied with an all evil, kill-everybody-they-see type bad guy anymore. We are just as fixated on sexy conflicted heroes as we are on sexy conflicted villains. Good topic – DClarke 9 years ago
          • An excellent topic! One might also consider how the plot arcs of these shows proceed. Does a series that contains a sustained plot arc across the entire season benefit from introducing a single villain vs. introducing multiple villains from the start? If a series is more episodic in nature, do they necessarily lean to one side or the other? If the series is going to be taking place in one of the "expanded universes" that have become so popular, how does that affect the introductions of villains? – SMurphyEGB 9 years ago

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          Also, a true statement haha

          The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading

          That could be it haha honestly

          The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading

          You will get them eventually, it always happens.

          The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading

          BUT, only the best kind!

          The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading
          The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading

          I love this comment, and I think that does have something to do with it entirely. It’s another world with comics and I appreciate and always will coming from the comic world.

          The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading

          Exactly! That’s what I like to hear!

          The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading

          Totally, even though I am a comic reader myself… lol. Was mostly just saying from past experience that may have been the case with the stigma. But, who knows, now everyone could be totally rad!

          The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading