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    Horror films as entertainment

    What causes people to enjoy watching horror films? Naturally, fear is an emotion meant to keep us away from danger. When it comes to horror movies many people choose to run straight towards fear and the skittish feeling it leaves its viewers with. Why are some people more affected by horror movies than others? In a culture where viewers anxiously await the newest release of horror movies, where did this culture begin and why?

    • I'm pretty sure this has already been addressed in studies and other research, at least in the general sense. However, it's always an interesting topic! To differentiate it from what's already out there, maybe the article could focus on a particular horror sub-genre or style. It could also be interesting to focus on the horror of particular countries or time periods (either individually or a comparison of two or more). And I've read that psychologically speaking, horror actually has several interesting commonalities with comedy, so that may also be worth exploring. – OBri 8 years ago
    • Check out Stephen King's article "Why People Crave Horror Movies". It's a short but insightful piece which reaches into the heart of man to discover the darker side of fun. King teaches the reader about their "anticivilization emotions". Should help with your question. – DKWeber 8 years ago
    • It would be interesting to bring violence into this, even if it's just a bullet point of the argument. What are we so fascinated with blood and gore? – daniellegreen624 8 years ago
    • Fascinating topic. I have always been interested in exploring this in more depth. I to have read Stephen King's article and have assigned it my courses. He makes many insightful points about the psychological desires of the human mind and its need for excitement mixed with fear. – egomez79 8 years ago

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    Art is meant to be viewed in many different perspectives. No one work of art will be viewed the same by another person. Video games, while often depicting alternate universes, are meant to be seen the same by mass amounts of people so as to bring players together. Art may bring people together but not because they are playing in the same piece but because they can enjoy their differences. It is a very interesting argument and this is a great article. I, however, feel that video games could be considered art as long as it stays in its own category. Just as film, photography, and paintings are separate categories, why should video games be given special treatment?

    Graphics, Pixels, and the Art of Video Games

    This article is greatly informative. I knew nothing about Sally Mann until now and I want to know more. Especially in the United States, nudity is often looked down upon. It seems that Mann’s art has been breaking barriers and the best art not only contains an easily disputed meaning but also invites change or action. Lovely photos and a great article.

    The Controversial Art of Sally Mann

    It is possible to teach a person to write; however, it is not possible to teach someone to be a writer. With guidance, we are able to write at a young age. It is easy to create the lines or curvatures of letters with a pencil or type out letters to create words. Yet, to be a writer, a natural sense of interest is necessary. A writer has the ability to make others want to know more about whatever it is they choose to write about. I must disagree that anyone who enjoys learning is a writer. Yes, a writer must always be seeking knowledge in new subjects and love learning, but they must also possess the ability to intrigue the interests of others in any new subject matter as well.

    Can you Teach Someone how to Become a Writer?