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    Avatar Two Long

    Recent News has been read stating the James Cameron has just finished the final script for Avatar five which means production can now start for Avatar Two followed by Avatar Three, Four and five. Do you think that this move was a good or a bad idea, Has he set the franchise up for failure with an eight year absence.

    • You could also explore why exactly this model was chosen for production and discuss any other directors that did this and how it worked out for them. – JakeV 8 years ago
    • I like the pun in your title. I wonder if anyone has seen 'A Man Called Horse' (1970) directed by Elliot Silverstein and starring Richard Harris (yes, the same Richard Harris who played the original Dumbledore in HP)? A definite influence on the first Avatar storyline, in my opinion. – Amyus 8 years ago
    • I enjoyed Avatar, but the gap between films has been way too long. People have moved on. Though I would still see the film, I wouldn't rush out on release day, and I'm not sure how well the movies would do at the box office (compared to the original). In addition to this, the original was the first to implement the 3D technology which has now become commonplace. Also, it might be important to mention that the film was a self-contained story, so many people might feel there was no need for the story to continue, which could hurt the sequels chances. – AGMacdonald 8 years ago
    • It's been such a long time since the original...what is the point? It is likely at best to engage a different audience. I remember enjoying the original, and would have watched sequels if they had been trotted out on a regular basis, but now I doubt if I could be bothered. – JudyPeters 8 years ago

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    I really do agree with our article, WIR is really becoming a common trend that needs to be corrected although it would be difficult to do so, when you think about it. This is because what would you replace the female character with my first immediate thought would have to be children or Male spouses however the comics would become heavily scrutinised if they had villains killing of children. However this could be voided if they started to use Young adults such as Dick Grayson or Miles Morales.

    However it is an interesting article that i may have to reread.

    Women in Refrigerators: Killing Females in Comics

    I Read through your article and really enjoyed it. I too LOVE comic books however I never really got overly embarrassed reading them in public. The main thing I generally get embarrassed about is going into a comic book shop and walking out with a collectable or Action Figure

    Comic Books, Adults, and a History of Stigmatization

    I read your article and thought it was brilliant.

    I love the Halo’s never really bothered with the books or comics did watch the TV shows however and loved Halo 5 although it was a little disappointing that there was no coop play.

    Halo's Mystery Is Quickly Becoming An Endangered Species