Valeria Sharivker

Valeria Sharivker

A Russian blooded, Israeli raised, Ryerson University student in Toronto. Majoring in Creative Industries, specializing in Business, minoring in History.

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    Humanity in Psychological Thrillers

    In the recent horror film titled Babadook, it is clear that the main character suffers hallucinations and eventually goes through insanity because something we all experience; a toothache. This would be an interesting article to write, since something so human that pertains to all of us, causes this insanity, and leads to a perfect psychological thriller. Examine how many other horror films can be humanized, and the events of horror films can be explained by natural human behavior/actions.

    • It would be really cool to look at films like Silence Of The Lambs and Hannibal because of the extremely unique main characters. They too have scarily very realistic human qualities, which is what makes a story so brilliant and plausible. – Nof 10 years ago
    • This could be a good article, especially if you examine both the psychology of the villains and of the victims. – Winter 10 years ago
    • It would be interesting to note how said humanity affects the protagonist(s) in their treatment of the antagonist. – smartstooge 10 years ago
    • Whoever writes on this topic should be sure not leave out a good analysis of the mother and her son. The complexities of their relationship drive the movie and really ground it on something tangible that the audience can grasp onto. – S.A. Takacs 10 years ago
    • What is interesting to me is that I recently heard another interpretation of The Babadook, that the monster was the young boy's way of explaining his mother's depression and mental strife after the death of her husband. Another angle for a topic like this could be to present the different humanizing theories to a film and maybe do some sort of analysis. – Marcie Waters 10 years ago
    • Isnt that what all good writing does, makes us wonder how we would respond given the characters same circumstances? – NovaHammer 5 years ago
    • That sounds interesting, but a single example is not enough for me to believe there is a trend that can be found in "many other horror films." – T. Palomino 3 years ago

    The Females of Game of Thrones : Books VS Television

    Analyze the roles and personalities and actions of the women in Game of thrones, from the books to the HBO show. Whether the changes were good, or not. Analyze why some characters are over sexualized, for example, like Maggy the Frog. Another crucial detail that can be discussed is Daenerys' first night with the Khal. Where in the show, she was crying and brutally raped, in the books, the sex was quite welcome on the first night. Can dive into fan theories, and why certain things are changed for higher ratings and more viewership. Can comment on society as a whole, and why changes like this are "necessary" for success.

    • This is an interesting topic. I think there is enough here to write a pretty substantial article. I hope somebody snaps this one up! – DClarke 10 years ago
    • I think this article would be great at exploring the character Sansa Stark. In the tv show she is kind of a Frodo character, if you know what I mean (part of the main plot but people find them boring and can't wait for them to get off the screen to the more exciting characters). It's a lot easier to relate to her in the books because you can read her thoughts, you know from her point of view just how callous and full of hatred she is that she is in such a helpless position, all anyone gets from the tv show is that she is in that helpless position but aren't able to sympathize as much without that insight and therefor they think she is boring. Not to mention in the books she comments a lot on the physical abuse she suffered while in Kings Landing that was not brought out as much in the tv show for decency reasons. – Slaidey 10 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Valeria Sharivker

    Everyone has seen Banksy’s work at least once, but it is always interesting to learn more in depth information and analysis. Good piece.

    Banksy: The Elusive Street Graffiti Artist
    Valeria Sharivker

    This was an interesting read. It is definitely interesting how animators are able to make animals have human emotions, and therefore have them be relatable.

    The Use of Animation to Convey Character Traits
    Valeria Sharivker

    Very interesting topic. I have always been surprised with the original meanings of fairytales, and the way DIsney has always been “cleaning up” the original story. Its interesting to think, as well, that in countries like Russia, the traditional movies/cartoons that follow fairytales are very gruesome, and never sugar coat everything.

    Clarifying Current Understandings of Fairytales: The Princess or the Goblin?
    Valeria Sharivker

    Very unique and interesting topic. It is true that a beard can really shape a persons face, and personality. Interesting read, and nice touch of the feminist show push.

    Unbear(d)able: The Rise of Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Television
    Valeria Sharivker

    Finally, someone wrote what all the book readers were thinking. Well done.

    The Adaptation Choices Behind 'Game of Thrones'
    Valeria Sharivker

    A great topic to write about. I have always wondered how Monica and Phoebe, and then Monica and Rachel were able to afford such an apartment. I appreciated the use of actual number and research of monthly rent, in American and British currency.

    Housing in UK and US Sitcoms: The Modest and the Magnificent
    Valeria Sharivker

    Loved the added details of the music used in the films, and their effects. Great article.

    John Hughes Remains Relevant: Don't You Forget About Me
    Valeria Sharivker

    Interesting topic. As a history student, I always get bugged about weird (often misplaced) modern things within a historical film. The Deborah Nadoolman Landis quote in the conclusion wraps up the article well. I am not sure I agree that accuracy is less important than relevance, but a well written article with good points and examples. Perhaps it would be interesting to further examine less popular, more indie films, such as “girl with a pearl earring”. It is a social commentary to see that actual brutally historically accurate films, are very unpopular.

    The Debatable Importance of Historical Accuracy in Period Films