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    What action movies tell us about the repetitiveness of life

    Over the past year I have watched more action movies than I had ever cared to and I couldn't help but notice that each one is exactly the same. Sure, the plot might be altered just slightly but they follow an identical formula in an identical pattern: brief exposition – initial complication – bland nothingness – punching – running – car chase – running – punching – final monologue – more punching – and everything's fine. If we can sit through this repetitiveness over and over again then are we not complacent with repetitiveness in our lives?

    • I couldn't agree with you more, although many at the Artifice would disagree with your opinion. Perhaps an angle to take would be to look at why formula works - and not just in action movies. Romance films also have a formula, as do crime films, detective films etc. I'd therefore suggest that people sit through the same old same old, over and over again because of its familiarity and the sense of comfort that offers. We know that the hero/heroine will always beat the bad guy, we know that when boy meets girl (or vice versa), boy will inevitably lose girl, only to find girl again and all will be fine. Is this complacency? To a large degree, yes, but then many mainstream cinema goers are there to be entertained not challenged. – Amyus 5 years ago
    • I think something that could be helpful here is clarifying whether or not you believe the comfort of repetitiveness is inherently wrong or not. It seems that you are inclined to think it is not a virtue. Also, another thought--does repetitiveness of a movie necessarily reflect the lives/characters of the audience enjoying said movie? – rachelwitzig 5 years ago

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    I must admit, I enjoyed Infinity War a lot more than Endgame so this final movie fell a little flat for me.

    The Role of Thanos in Avengers: Endgame

    The live action remakes of such classics just spoil the originals. Much of what I love about Disney is the magic that animation brings to the story, live action versions have this almost adult feel that doesn’t fit

    Live-Action Disney Remakes and the Souring Faith in Animation

    The greatest injustice adaptations do is in regards to narration. Film adaptations don’t allow for the steady stream of thought that many novels posses that facilitate a deeper connection between audience and character. In the case of Lionel Shriver’s We Need to Talk About Kevin, the lack of personal narration in the film created an entirely different narrative and pulled most of the intended conversation away from the audience.

    The Art of Adaptation: From Book to Film