Disney Characters That Should Get Their Own Spinoffs

Mickey Mouse

Spinoffs are the latest trend in Disney movies, after remakes. The biggest ones to date are the Maleficent films (2014 and 2019), and the newest release is Cruella (May 2021). Looking back, from the classics to the newer offerings, there are many characters whose backstories don’t get fully explained.

This list is a mixture of villains and heroic sidekicks and is entirely subjective. The first two suggestions were made on the original topic posting. All four characters would be interesting subjects for their own films. Selections were made based on unique qualities that make the characters stand out, unanswered questions about their past, and some theories that may lend clues to their backstories.

Warning: Plot details and fan theories below.

Yzma and Kronk from The Emperor’s New Groove (2000)

Yzma and Kronk

Yzma and Kronk are the iconic villain-sidekick duo who aren’t really that good at what they do. Instead of succeeding at eliminating Kuzco, they deliver many iconic lines and scenes that have become a signature of the cult classic. From “Pull the lever, Kronk…Wrong lever!” to “Oh, yeah. It’s all coming together,” they delight audiences to the extent that they want the villains to win for a change.

What Makes Them Unique: As a comedic couple, Yzma and Kronk are perfect. They embody the stereotypical over-the-top villains, with their not-so-secret lab, convoluted plots, and memorable one-liners. As villains with goals of world domination, they are less than competent.


Yzma may appear to be the brains of the group, with her knowledge of potions and her aspirations of being Empress. However, she takes too much pride in cooking up schemes that don’t turn out well. Take the “flea in the box” scene, where she plans on turning Kuzco into a flea and mailing him to herself to smash, instead of killing him off straight away. It’s not clear what the potions themselves are for, or why so many are to turn people into animals. Finally, if Yzma is so clever, why does she need so many assistants? Or an assistant in the first place?


Kronk, on the other hand, loves cooking…food. He may be bulky and tower over most of the other characters (except for Pacha), but he is incompetent at doing the most basic tasks. He easily picks out the wrong potion, which he should have checked for the right label, and mixes up the drinks when he serves them at dinner. He leaves Yzma to fend for herself in the jungle, at Mudka’s Meat Hat, and at Pacha’s House instead of helping her. Finally, he lets his conscience get the better of him twice, which a good sidekick never does.

In other words, Yzma and Kronk are too HUMAN to be villain-and-sidekick. They are likeable characters who fail at being evil (Yzma) or at trying to help their boss succeed (Kronk). They are also easily underestimated by their supposedly smarter rivals, who don’t seem to be aware that they can actually pull off a coup d’état. Yzma and Kronk are easily two of the funniest characters Disney ever created, and they deserve their own spinoff.

Origins/Backstory: Both Yzma’s and Kronk’s backstories have been teased, with some of their family members shown in the franchise.


In The Emperor’s New School (2006-2008) episode “The Bride of Kuzco,” Yzma is paid a visit by her mother Azma. That episode, and the episode “Yzma Be Gone,” reveal that Azma is a tough mother who pushed her daughter to become evil in order to become Empress. Yzma even now feels the pressure as she laments in “Yzma Be Gone:” “To be honest, it wears on me, too. Every week, another diabolical plan to concoct. I’m not a machine, but my mother, always pursuing me: ‘Are you Empress yet? Are you Empress yet?’”

Of course, since Yzma seems to enjoy coming up with plans on her own, pressures from her mother don’t seem to be the only thing driving her.


Thanks to the sequel Kronk’s New Groove (2005), viewers also learn Kronk’s backstory: he was a precocious child, interested in cooking. However, his father Papi disapproved of his hobbies, wanting him to take on more “manly” pursuits like wrestling. All Kronk wanted was a thumb’s up from Papi, so somewhere along the way he became Yzma’s right-hand man.

Questions and Theories: Both backstories omit one crucial detail: How did Kronk get hired by Yzma? What were the events leading up to The Emperor’s New Groove?

There are some hilarious theories surrounding the two characters. According to one of them, Yzma is actually Megara from Hercules (1997, see below). Meg’s father made potions for Hades, one of them being the mortality potion used on Hercules. Meg maintains her connections with Hades and, when Hercules goes mad and kills her and his kids (see Megara’s Origins/Backstory), is rescued by the God of the Underworld. However, she has become the bitter and evil Yzma, who now focuses on her new goal of becoming Empress. While it could explain how Yzma knows so much about chemistry, the theory is too far-fetched to take seriously, and there are too many clashes with the stories of both Hercules and The Emperor’s New Groove for it to make any sense.

Yzma as Meg
Yzma as Meg, with Hades. Artwork done by Andre Schutte.

An equally fun but implausible theory revolves around Kronk being a squirrel turned into a human by Yzma. The theory supposedly explains his dim-witted nature and ability to talk to animals (namely, squirrels). However, flashbacks from Kronk’s New Groove and Kronk’s own explanation of his communication skills in The Emperor’s New Groove debunk the theory. (A similar theory suggests Kronk was originally a monkey.”) It could be used for potential gags in a spinoff, though.

What a Yzma-Kronk Film Might Look Like: The film should stick to 2D animation, in keeping with the other movies and TV series. While it would revolve around the meeting and hiring of Kronk, it should also include Yzma’s backstory, possibly around her own appointment to Royal Advisor by Kuzco’s father. However, the film mustn’t take itself too seriously. After all, the original is chock-filled with goofs and gags. Monologues on not being appreciated (Yzma) or loved (Kronk), moody atmospheres, and intrigue around every corner wouldn’t work for this film. Finally, it must appeal to old fans and newcomers. A tricky balancing act that might potentially end in disaster in live action.

Megara/Meg from Hercules (1997)


Megara, or Meg, is one of Disney’s feistiest heroines. She starts out as Hades’ henchwoman, assisting him in his schemes. However, after she meets Hercules, she starts questioning her feelings towards him and what she truly wants for herself. Eventually, Meg decides to help Hercules and even sacrifices her life for him. Make no mistake: in a decade of strong Disney women (Esmeralda from 1996’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame and the eponymous Mulan, 1998), she holds her own easily.

What Makes Her Unique: Meg shares a few similarities with Esmeralda. Both characters wear colors traditionally associated with villains (purple for Meg, purple and green for Esmeralda) and attract unwanted sexual attention from various characters. They are both outspoken, quick with comebacks, and not afraid to stand up to the antagonists of their films. Finally, they save male characters (Hercules and Phoebus) that they eventually marry.

A few other things help Meg stand out. According to one source, she is 28 years old, making the age gap between her and Hercules the second largest for Disney couples. As mentioned before, she fights off the advances of the centaur Nessus, a reference to the Greek myths. She later explains to Hades, “[H]e made me an offer I had to refuse.” When Phil, a satyr and Hercules’ trainer, climbs onto her lap and attempts to romance her, she shoves him off; and Hades’ remarks on her “curves” elicits a “Don’t even go there.” In a sexist, men-centric world, Meg makes it very clear that she’s her own woman.

Meg with Hades
Meg with Hades.

Meg’s role as Hades’ henchwoman, when dealing with Hercules, is as the femme fatale. At her first meeting with the hero, she quickly sees that he is infatuated with her. She finds it cute, teasing him and calling him “Wonderboy” for his not-so-dashing fight against Nessus. When she calls him to the rock where the disguised Pain and Panic, and the hidden Hydra, are waiting, Meg uses an over-the-top voice that is poor acting for a damsel in distress. However, Meg is also adept at seduction, as she tries to wheedle Hercules’ weakness from him in the middle of the movie. She knows she is beautiful and can use it to her advantage. If she wants to, that is.

Despite her orders from Hades, Meg has a soft spot for Hercules. She is worried about him during his fight with the Hydra, and is outwardly relieved when he survives. During her conversation with him after the play, she struggles to keep her feelings under wraps. At the same time, she gives him some advice: “Sometimes it’s better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you.” The turning point, of course, comes in “I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)”, a love song that is both triumphal and defiant and helps her realize how she really feels about him.


However, Meg isn’t like Pussy Galore or any of the other Bond girls who join or throw away their lives for the titular spy. Her arc is well-developed, as is her relationship with Hercules. It starts out as an accidental meeting with more exasperation on her part; as Hercules grows stronger and meets every challenge Hades throws at him, Meg becomes more impressed. At the same time, she discovers that Hercules is both naïve and honest, unlike the other men she’s met before. Her friendship becomes a love that Meg is forced to acknowledge when Hades gets closer to putting his evil plan into motion.

She shows her love in three ways: First, she repeatedly refuses to work for Hades any longer, even with her freedom on the line. When Hercules’ strength is taken away from him, she tries to set things right by finding Pegasus and Phil. And finally, when Hercules is almost killed, she takes the fall for him, explaining, “People always do crazy things…when they’re in love.” Her example inspires Hercules to “Go the Distance” and bring her soul back from the Underworld, at the cost of his own life.

Meg Hercules

To summarize: Meg is sarcastic, cynical, witty, heartbroken, caring, and independent. She needs her own film to explore her character more fully.

Origins/Backstory: Meg is based on Megara and Deianira, who both married Hercules (or Hercules) in the Greek/Roman mythology. Unfortunately, both stories end tragically,

Megara was the Princess of Thebes, whose father Creon gave her in marriage to Hercules after he saved the kingdom from the Minyan army. Together the couple had three or eight sons, depending on the legends being cited. Unfortunately, the goddess Hera struck Hercules mad, and he killed his wife and family.

Villa Torre de Palma
A panel from the Villa Torre de Palma near Monforte. This shows Hercules/Heracles murdering his children, as Megara watches from the side.

Deianira was also a Princess, this time of Calydon, and a very independent one at that. She could ride chariots and fight like the other soldiers. Hercules heard of Deianira through her brother, the hero Meleager, who entrusted the then unwed princess to his new friend. Out of all the suitors she had, Deianira chose Hercules, who’d fallen in love with her, and they spent several happy years together. Later on, she accidentally killed him using a shirt smeared with centaur’s blood; out of guilt and grief, she killed herself.

In the Disney reiteration, Meg is not a princess. Little is known about her, except that she sold her soul to Hades to save her boyfriend’s life. The ungrateful boyfriend runs off with another woman, leaving Meg to serve Hades forever.

Questions and Theories: That raises the question: Who was this boyfriend?

According to the 1998 series Hercules, Meg once dated Prince Adonis, Hercules’ rival. The narcissistic prince was not the best of dates. The whole episode is spent trying to get water from the River Lethe so she can “forget the whole thing.” (The mission is a success, with Meg and Hercules forgetting their initial meeting.)

Meg and Prince Adonis. Artwork by DKCissner.

Some fans speculate that Prince Adonis was the unfaithful boyfriend Meg gave her soul for. If the Lethe water wiped her memories of the first date, he would have been able to welcome her back and manipulate her again, since she forgot his true nature. This is definitely a theory that should be considered for a spinoff.

What A Meg Film Might Look Like: This film would benefit from a Maleficent treatment. A live-action feature would see a young Meg navigating through love, facing the heartbreaking betrayal from Adonis (or whoever is named) and eschewing relationships for good. It would also be interesting to see her first encounters with Hades and some of the schemes they get up to. The film should probably also explore the events of Hercules from Meg’s perspective, going more in depth into her rollercoaster of emotions.

Cobra Bubbles from the Lilo & Stitch franchise (2002-)

Cobra Bubbles

Lilo & Stitch is a film set in modern-day Hawaii, with more mature and realistic subject matter such as broken families, trauma, and making things work despite difficult circumstances. It’s easy to forget that, though, with the extraterrestrial subject matter and memorable characters such as Stitch, Jumbo and Pleakley, and, of course, Cobra Bubbles.

What Makes Him Unique: From his introduction in the first quarter, it’s clear Cobra is more than just a social worker. His imposing physique, shades covering a scowl, and eloquent but intimidating phrases strike terror into Nani and confuse (but otherwise has no effect on) Lilo. His surprising strength are also on display, when he easily rips open the door Lilo nailed shut.

Then there’s the revelation that Cobra used to be a CIA agent. Even with his new job as social worker, he maintains a reticence about his work. At his first meeting with the Pelekai girls, Lilo is very confused about his being a social worker. He deflects her questions by being vague (“I’m a special classification”) and then refusing to answer entirely. (“Did you ever kill anyone?” “We’re getting off the subject.”) Obviously, it’s clear that becoming a social worker will be a lot harder after his old job.


For the first half of the film, viewers see Cobra as an antagonist, trying to take Lilo away from Nani. However, it’s important to look at things from his point of view. From the terrible state of the Pelekai house to the disastrous first meeting to Nani’s failures at getting a job and the dangerous situations Lilo gets into, he sees the current living situation as bad for both girls.

The turning point comes after Lilo and Stitch almost drown and Nani tries to explain to Cobra what happened. Cobra finds it difficult to look at Nani as he tells her: “I know you’re trying, Nani, but you have to think about what’s best for Lilo. Even if it removes you from the picture.” He looks sad as he tells her he’ll pick up Lilo the next morning.

The same concern shows when the Pelekai home gets blown up after Jumbo and Pleakley find and chase Stitch. This time, Cobra is angry with Nani, and with good reason. It’s a miracle that Lilo survived the attack, let alone without a scratch. He says to Nani, “It seems clear to me that you need her a lot more than she needs you.”

Lilo and Stitch
Lilo and Stitch.

Finally, Cobra’s relationship with Stitch undergoes a change. Their first meeting starts with Stitch tossing a book at Cobra and ends with Cobra charging Lilo to turn him into a “model citizen.” The tension only increases when Cobra witnesses the havoc Stitch wreaks when Nani goes job-hunting. However, Cobra helps Lilo stop the Grand Councilwoman from taking Stitch back, and the post-credits scenes show that he is now good friends with the little alien.

Despite the laughable name and cool aura, Cobra Bubbles is a rounded character. He does what he needs to do out of concern for the people and creatures involved. He’s not a bad character for trying to break up the Pelekai sisters, nor is he a one-note character with only the CIA background to stand out. An origin story exploring his career would do even more to help audiences connect with him.

Origins/Backstory: Unlike the previous characters on this list, there isn’t much information on Cobra’s backstory besides his previous work for the CIA. No details are given on family or friends or what he may have been like as a child or teenager. And even the exact nature of his old job is pretty scarce.

L-R: The Grand Councilwoman, Nani, Stitch, Lilo, and Cobra Bubbles.

One incident that is mentioned is “Roswell. 1973.” This probably wasn’t the alleged landing of aliens at Roswell, New Mexico, which took place in July 1947, but a different incident altogether. (Unless the creators moved the dates.) Here, the Galactic Federation was planning to destroy Earth. However, using his quick wits, Cobra convinced them that mosquitoes were an endangered species, and Earth was preserved as a wildlife preserve as a result. That was slick diplomacy, even for Cobra.

Questions and Theories: Most of the questions stem from the lack of details surrounding Cobra’s origins and family. The two key points a film should center around would be: How or why was Cobra recruited by CIA? and Why did he become a social worker?

There are fan theories suggesting that Lilo and Nani’s parents were CIA agents and that they were good friends with Cobra Bubbles. This is a plausible idea that creators should at least consider for a spinoff. Another theory says that Cobra Bubbles was a member of the Men in Black. That would be some crossover.


What a Cobra Bubbles Film Might Look Like: Now this would be a prequel that could work as a live-action. A Cobra Bubbles prequel would explore his first days as an agent and his initial interactions with extraterrestrial beings, culminating with the Roswell incident. It would show an immature, inexperienced Cobra who’s just getting used to the job. Could the creators get Dwayne Johnson for the role?

Ultimately, it’s up to the creators at Disney to decide which characters get the spotlight. Instead of making unnecessary remakes or reboots, they should invest time and money into what viewers want.

A new look at an old face, or digging deep to get to know a new friend. All that’s needed is a bit of magic.

What do you think? Leave a comment.

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Contributing writer for The Artifice.

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  1. Stephanie M.

    Well, you’ve completely sold me on a Meg spinoff, for one. Also, she’s 28? Who knew??? Now I really want Disney to explore stories of women in their 20s-30s, women who are not necessarily mothers or even traditional career women. The 2020s are showing us (at least me) that “ideals” we’ve clung to such as, have a 9-to-5, a spouse, and 3 kids by 25, are not how life works for many women, and that’s okay. Disney movies should reflect that.

  2. As someone who has recently looked at Ancient Greek literature, the Meg spinoff has some interesting ideas to develop, especially considering that she is Oedipus’ niece/cousin.

  3. One of my favourite Disney movies of all time has to be the emperors new groove and one of my favourite gags in the movie is chase scene where Yzma and Kronk are chasing Cuzco and Pacha.

  4. Megara in Greek means a girl that has literally too much confidence and is full of herself I think.

    • Megera means “bitch” in greek (μέγερα) and she was a monster too in mythology.

  5. Kronk is a treasure.

    • This movie had just the right pinch of meta. Absolute perfection.

    • This movie ended up being not at all what I expected, and it quickly became one of my favorites, even though I was 19 years old when I first saw it

  6. Did u know that in Greek mythology that Hercules wasn’t actually Hera’s son but Zeus and a mortal woman’s and bc Zeus had cheated on her she punished Hercules bc she couldn’t punish another god. So one of the ways she punished him was when he married megara and they had kids she drove him mad and made his family look like demons and he killed them. It’s a sad story ik but most greek myths r. Hera tortured all of Zeus’s kids that he had out of affairs unless they were deities, I mean she through the only kid she had own her own off of mount Olympus bc he was so ugly.

  7. I remember playing the first Kingdom Hearts when it came out, going nuts over the Coliseum segments, then being a little let down that this Meg wasnt one of the Princesses captured by the villains

  8. I love Meg unlike other Disney Princesses she doesn’t fall for the first guy with rippling biceps. And I love how independent she is and unlike other Disney Princesses she know she’s not perfect and she believed that she wasn’t good enough for him.

  9. I love Lilo & Stitch because there are no villains in it, making it pretty unique among Disney’s films. There are protagonists and antagonists, but antagonist isn’t really the same as “villain.” And a lot of characters switch roles! The characters are much more complex than just “good” or “bad,” which is part of why the story and characters are so wonderful.

    • Honestly every character (except maybe Gantu and David) is morally ambiguous to a degree, and that really makes the characters feel real to me.

      • It does give them a basis in reality that “absolute good” and “absolute evil” do not. I would even say that Gantu and David have their morally gray moments; Gantu, at the end of the day, is really just trying to uphold galactic law (albeit in a pretty overenthusiastic way), and David has that moment when he tells Stitch that Nani and Lilo were going to be okay until Stitch came along, prompting him to run away. David obviously didn’t mean to be cruel, but he also didn’t mean it to be kind.

        Overall, I’d say Gantu is the closest thing the movie has to a villain, but he’s still just not a generic bad guy. And I like that he eventually gets the chance to redeem himself in a later movie!

  10. Since they keep making live-action movies of every damn movie I want a Lilo and Stitch live-action prequel with Cobra. These shot for shot remakes are annoying, make a new story out of it without compromising the original like Maleficent did though. You could even get Ving Rhames to reprise the role.

    • I’ll second this idea!!! I’m a HUGE Lilo & Stitch fan. This is a good idea and something I’d watch, although it wouldn’t include Stitch in sure. That would be the only downside.

    • Ving Rhames looks just like him too, so they wouldnt even have to recast

  11. Meg is actually the real hero of the film itself. It was through Meg that Hercules finally understood what it meant to be a true hero. She saved his life so Herc could save Mount Olympus (and the world), and he goes to the Underworld willing to give up living to resurrect Meg.

    She really doesn’t get enough credit.

  12. I’ll admit, I never liked Meg much, but this article gave me a completely new insight on her. She is actually so dope!!

    • Coenburgg

      Sad is that Hercules killed her AND her child. In the mythology.

  13. I love Meg. ‘I won’t say I’m in love’ is my jam and I love the art style of this movie. I know people say that the proportions are absurdly inaccurate but I think it’s supposed to be that way. Hercules was THE hunk and Meg was the girl that had Hercules’s heart at first sight. Out of the many girls throwing themselves at him, Meg definitely had to look pretty damn amazing to have that ‘love at first sight’ for Hercules.

    And of course as shallow it may have been for Hercules to fall in love with her that way, He gradually fell in real love with her by getting to know more about her while Meg gradually opened her heart for him even though she had suffered so much previously because of it.

  14. MedusaCastle

    I like the fact that the cactus Yzma pours her drink into when they “poison” Kuzco turns into a llama shape.

  15. What was Kronk’s relationship with Yzma?

    • OkaNaimo0819

      Kronk is Yzma’s assistant/servant.
      There are some typos here when I accidentally put “Kuzo” instead of “Kronk” in the article. That might have been confusing.

      • According to Kuzco, who could easily be exaggerating, she gets a new lackey every ten years or so. This strongly implies that he’s nothing more than a hired hand. His diehard loyalty is almost certainly nothing more than drop dead stupidity, which also explains why she puts up with him. It’s the cost of owning a braindead monkey.

    • Russell

      He’s hired help. He gets paid to do what Yzma says and keep his mouth shut about it.

    • Hired help. Yzma wants someone strong and push around anyone she wants pushed around, and dumb enough to not have to worry about him thinking for himself.

    • Wulfher

      I like to think Kronk considered Yzma to be kind of a friend

  16. An Yzma and Kronk spin-off . . . I would definitely watch that! The Emperor’s New Groove is an underrated and hilarious classic. I love it!

  17. One thing funny is that Yzma is voiced by Eartha Kitt, one of the actresses who played Catwoman in the 60’s Batman show.

  18. Emperor’s new groove and the first atlantis are the most underrated disney movies.

  19. My two favorite Disney female characters are rapunzel and mEg because like she’s rapunzel:
    1. She can swing from trees with her hair
    2. She is technically immortal because the sunflower kinda made her that way
    3. Her weapon is a literal frying pan
    4. She has a chameleon
    5. She is an amazing artist
    6. Is beautiful
    7.Can sing well
    8. Is kind
    9. Has FRECKLES
    10. she is like so brave

    Now for Meg
    1. Beautiful
    2. SASSY
    3. Very Sarcastic
    4. Can manipúlate people into doing her bidding
    5. She doesn’t need a man
    6. Is very strong
    7. Is very brave
    8. Is cunning
    9. She can sing like a queen
    10. Is relatable
    (Also her hips don’t lie)

  20. Hear me out: If we get a Hercules reboot, Liz Gilles plays Meg and the muses are played by Ariana Grande, Janelle Monae, Lizzo, Chloe Bailey (since Halle is starring in the Little Mermaid reboot) and Normani. Idk who would be the top pick for Hercules or most of the other characters. They gotta be very picky with their casting choice for Hades though. If the person chosen doesn’t have the wit and sass of Bea Arthur, then I don’t want it.

  21. Agent Bubbles is just a good man, trying to do the best he can for the world.

    • I imagine some slightly tragic backstory that led to his lifelong pursuit of helping people.

  22. Apparently Cobra is singularly responsible for saving all life on Earth. Why wasn’t he a celebrated hero? Even if the government didn’t want to reveal the existence of aliens to the general population, surely they would have rewarded him richly for what he did.

    • He got to live in Hawaii, didn’t he? It’s a beautiful island paradise, and is one of the most expensive states to live in.

      • Though arguably working a fairly substandard job. One that he doesn’t particularly seem to enjoy.

        You’d think there would be something more engaging for the man who singlehandedly saved the entire planet using just his wits.

    • Maybe it was his choice. Think of agent Kay (Men in Black), who at the end chose to have his memory wiped in order to live a simple, happy life, despite having saved the planet with Jay. As for Bubbles, maybe he too would try to forget about his past experiences by living a simple life.

  23. Emperor’s new groove is my favorite Disney movie.

    • Mine too – Have you seen the documentary Sweatbox? It’s about how this movie was supposed to be a totally different movie. It’s great.

      • No I haven’t. You peaked my interest though, where can I watch it?

        • I’m not skilled with downloading/torrenting but if you google you should find some sites. Disney really tried hard to kill it – it is such a good example of how even the best planned films can go totally sideways. I work in animation, and it was a revelation the first time I saw it.

  24. Meg and Elsa are my Ideal princesses, the most realistic humans in the world of disney.

  25. ms hall

    Meg is the only true character of all of disney who knows heartbreak who knows what “true love”really is and has trust issues. She’s so relatable to the real world that’s unreal cuz we’ve all experienced it

  26. One of my friends said that I kinda have the same personality as Meg and that’s the best compliment I’ve ever take.

  27. Cobra is Nick Fury on vacation?

  28. Megara is basically the Disney version of Persephone (only people who understand Greek mythology will understand this).

  29. Sean Gadus

    My students are obsessed with Kronk. They would love to see a Kronk spin-off. Plus, Patrick Warburton has one of the best voices in the history of acting so it would be fun to watch.

  30. I’ve never been big on Disney films on the whole, so I haven’t seen many. But I do remember being shown Hercules in primary school, and I thought Megara was the coolest woman. If I were to care about any spin-off it would probably be hers.
    Great writing, as per usual. 🙂

  31. Megara has always been one of the most intriguing and captivating characters in the Disney universe. Her witty humour and dramatic behaviour makes her an amusing figure to watch, while her unique backstory and how she approaches life allows for a fully rounded and dynamic story. Megara would be a perfect protagonist for a new Disney film, for greek mythology continues to be an addictive subject in the modern-day AND Megara herself has the potential of becoming one of the most memorable and relatable Disney characters yet.

  32. I am 10000% for Yzma to get her spin-off. She and Kronk made me laugh so much; it’s still my favorite movie, and would love to see her do her thing!

  33. Wait, wait, wait. We have Aladdin, but no Jasmin movie! Most of the people watching Aladdin are women, so it would be at least fair to make a Jasmin movie.

    I do believe that is also what Aladdin would more than approve.

  34. Yeah….. I absolutely agree that we need spin-off for Yzma and Kronk. And Yeah… Cobra Bubbles from Lilo and Stich would be also good choice.

  35. You’re totally right that an Yzma-Kronk movie wouldn’t work if it got all melodramatic, but imagine the comedy it could make by indirectly referencing the melodrama of the Maleficent-Cruella trend!
    Maybe if things started to get moody, Kuzco could do his fourth-wall breaking, spotlight-stealing shtick, much like he did when the original movie spent “too much time” on Pacha being sad.

  36. Honestly, if we’re not throwing out more suggestions, I think Cobra Bubbles has the most potential for a spin-off story. We’ve already had a taste of what a Kronk and Yzma spin-off could be like. And Meg’s story is mostly known and contains many elements that could be too familiar or political, and potentially become subject to desensitization.

    The mystery surrounding Cobra’s background creates more opportunities for creative storytelling. And his hardened agent with a heart of gold persona has much potential for character exploration and development.

  37. The idea of a bubbles spinoff is pure brilliance. A live-action Disney plus series featuring him and other CIA agents traversing to other planets and extraterrestrial places in search of aliens and other creatures would be highly entertaining. It could even be used as a prequel to the original Lilo and Stitch story.

  38. I would watch the HELL out of a Megara spinoff!!!

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