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The Portrayal of The Bride in Cinema

So often in cinema woman are portrayed by their relationship to men. I thought it might be interesting to look at this through the use of women as brides, especially as quite a few female-led films have women in this role. Good films to look at might be any Dracula, The Corpse Bride (2005) Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004)

  • Interesting to note is Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) and its significant departure from a traditional marriage/ romance plot ending. It is a sort of dystopian world, so perhaps it is a statement on how the typical marriage plot is no longer viable in the present, nor will it be in the future. – Nicola 9 years ago
  • To the author who writes this topic: be sure to differentiate between "wife" and "bride." – Jeffrey MacCormack 9 years ago

What is the problem with movie review sites?

Are these well known film review sites such as "rotten tomatoes" biased towards certain movies?

  • What I find interesting about this topic is that even though, for the most part, critics and audience scores are pretty similar, there are movies where critics and audiences disagree. What happened in the cases where that the critics hated and the audience loved (e.g., Entourage) and visa versa (e.g., It Follows)? Are critics and audiences looking at different things? Is the job of the critic to reflect the judge the artistry and competence of the filmmaker, or to predict how well the movie will be received by the audience? I know that I read reviews to know whether I will like the movie. I also know that some of my favourite movies were panned by critics. – 12jm9 9 years ago
  • To that point, I think it's a good idea to keep in mind what a great movie means in terms of financial success vs. critical acclaim. – colmwhitford 9 years ago
  • What makes you say that? What are your supportive arguments? – T. Palomino 2 years ago

The Best of David Lynch

Perhaps an article about the primary aspects of Lynch's work. Maybe exploring Twin Peaks and his most essential films?

  • This would be very interesting given the new interest in Twin Peaks. Maybe a focus on that and then a run-down of how his other work links in/is similar for those who don't know it. – Francesca Turauskis 9 years ago
  • Mr. Lynch is my favorite film director, and thus I'm very tempted to go ahead and grab this topic. But yes, it might make more sense to write this article once the new Twin Peaks series starts becoming more of a reality. It would also be interesting to go through a series of tropes that Lynch uses consistently in his films and in Twin Peaks, and even how other directors have been inspired by these same Lynchian tropes. There's so much that could be written on about Lynch! He's a fantastic rabbit hole of ideas for posts. – Rachel Watson 9 years ago

The decline in experimental/creative period films, and why

It seems that period films in the twenty-first century have never been more popular. However, after watching the trailers for the newly released "Far From the Madding Crowd" and the upcoming release of "Madame Bovary," it seems like all of the period films are being produced, made, and designed in exactly the same way–with all of the attention on costume, make-up, setting, and cinematography. These filmmakers do not seem to want to make a period film that is experimental, or that interprets the source material in a new or refreshing way. Of course, this is usually for financial reasons. But are there any other reasons? Should the beautifully-shot, beautifully-costumed, but traditionally scripted, edited, and directed period film continue to be made? Or are there ways to go in new directions with this film genre?

  • There was 2011 version of Wuthering Heights that reimagined Heathcliffe as a black. It was a Film4 film, very good, very intense. BUT it didn't make much money and is not well known. That would definitely be worth talking about (and watching if you haven't.) – Francesca Turauskis 9 years ago

Makeup: Competition to CGI?

Discuss the role of makeup in movies. How has it evolved over time, and how it competes with CGI and VFX in movies. An example of implanting reality through makeup would be the horrible state of the soldiers in the movie Lone Survivor. The bullet shots are perhaps computer-generated (research needed), but what makes the movie all so real is the makeup.

  • I think you may also want to consider how film technology has affected the make up applied. For example, a lot of the make-up used in film depended upon the kind of film stock it was being shot on. So what looked liked "red" lipstick may have been more like licorice because it showed up on B&W film better. – rj2n 9 years ago
  • Make up helps shape one's identity. It can frame how the character is perceived and portrayed by the audience. Make up is also an important tool in character development - as a character progresses through the film, so does their look. – danasom 9 years ago

The Reboot of our Childhood: What Classic TV Show is Going to be Rebooted into a Movie Next?

With movies like Shaun the Sheep and The Jungle Book being slated for release later this year and the previous releases of movies like the Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles what classic movie or cartoon will get a reboot next? How many of our childhood TV shows will get the silver screen treatment and do we want any of them to be rebooted or remain fond memories of days gone by?

  • This is an interesting topic! Don't forget that shows, such as TMNT and Teen Titans, are drifting away from their original genres as well. TMNT and Teen Titans were action-adventure shows but their spin-offs have more comedy now. – YsabelGo 9 years ago

The Works of Quentin Tarantino

Our grandparents had Hitchcock, and now we have Tarantino. Every generation has their defining filmmakers and Tarantino happens to be one of them for our generation. You can talk about some of his greatest works and the story behind them, his work ethics, how he came to be a director, etc. The possibilities are endless.

You can also write about another filmmaker if there's someone else you're more passionate about.

  • Would be interesting to explore the reasons for Tarantino's success and if they are the same today than when he first started. What are the key elements of his filmmaking that make him so different? Also, I've heard that Tarantino said he would stop after his 10th film (he has been around for many years now yet has only made 7 films, the 8th being in prepraration - what does that show? quality over quantity?) to avoid repeating his style over an over again until audiences get tired and he makes a bad film (the case of many directors). what does that show about him? – Rachel Elfassy Bitoun 10 years ago
  • "When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, 'no, I went to films.'" - QT I think that quote says the most about his success in creating truely fresh and original work. For me, his greatest skill is not his ability to come up with new ideas, but rather his masterful ability to seamlessly weave together myriad dramatic and cinematic innovations from the past 100+ years into beautiful film remixes. You can tell through his work that he absolutely adors movies and everything that they are. – Paris Yee 10 years ago
  • Good lord please for the love of Christ don't let Tarantino be considered the defining voice of our generation. I mean he's a great film maker but the VYP he is not. He's effective, he's profitable and well regarded by critics and audience alike. He's practically become his own trope and that's an interesting enough article. – wolfkin 9 years ago

Racebending in Hollywood

In recent years there has been a rise in the multiculturalization of characters in television, leading to better representation of races in the media. However, there have also been significant examples of "white washing" characters that were originally people of color. This lack of respect for the representation of people of color in the media is a result of the systematic racism that rules Hollywood today.

  • Recently, the film Aloha has received a negative reaction to casting Emma Stone playing a person of color. Sadly, Emma Stone is not the first white person to play a person of color. You could provide specific and notable examples(i.e. Mickey Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi in Breakfast at Tiffany's). You could also argue that racebending can have a positive effect, adding diversity. Just an idea! – Amanda Dominguez-Chio 9 years ago