Screen Junkies: Totally Honest Movie Trailers

Ever watch a trailer of a movie and wonder how the actual movie would be like? Or do some trailers look especially ridiculous after you have already seen the movie? Well, there is a YouTube channel that answers your question and agrees with your assumptions.

Honest Movie Trailer

Screen Junkies, which is actually a movie review site that has now expanded to YouTube, started making honest movie trailers in February. In this short period of time, the channel is already sporting close to 200,000 subscribers and over 26 million views. The appeal is simple, they give movies interesting twists through trailers which creates a new and definitely a hilarious perspectives about the movies we are thinking about watching or have already seen.

So far the channel has made 13 honest trailers but while also producing a show, their YouTube channel offers a lot of other movie related entertainment for everybody. From hating the Transformers to loving The Avengers, and from mocking the Twilight to questioning the Prometheus, Screen Junkies are not afraid to make the movie trailers funny and ironic. While they might insult some of the fans of these movies, who still might find some humor in it all, the objective viewer will get a good laugh even when they have not seen the movie yet.

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Student by day and a movie-blogger by night, I love to watch movies and TV-shows but not as much as I love writing about them.

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  1. Petra Foster

    I liked the Prometheus one 😀

  2. Jordan

    Haha thanks for introducing these, they are awesome. I subscribed 😀

  3. Tatijana

    I just went to the site to watch some now!

  4. I did like this channel. Quite a few of their trailers were entertaining.

  5. In 2012 that channel was a hit. Today, their formula got a little overexploited and repetitive. Still funny, though.

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