Annihilation directed by Alex Garland is an adaptation of the 2014 book by Jeff Vandermeer of the same name. The...
Sunni Rashad Aug 29, 2023
North Korea exists as the ultimate evil in contemporary culture. The Kim Dynasty rules as a monarchy and the people...
Sunni Rashad Aug 16, 2023
One of the things that draw the most attention in any context is certainly the dance. It has this ability...
allan reis Aug 2, 2023
Laika's film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Coraline as well as the original film Kubo and the Two Strings, share a...
aprosaicpintofpisces Jul 3, 2023
Dir. Ken Satoshi's Perfect Blue is an incredibly tragic and lonely animated film, released in 1997. It took the Japanese...
Veara Jun 28, 2023
Analog horror is a broad, and sometimes confusing definition for a genre that has recently bloomed mainly on YouTube. But...
alexpasquale May 8, 2023
A good romance fiction is not just about two characters falling in love. The relationship should contribute to the positive...
noahspud May 2, 2023
Unions as they exist in America have always been contentious. Born out of the material needs of the workers to...
Sunni Rashad Apr 25, 2023
The allure of an open-world game lies in the concept of promise and reward. Players are drawn to areas of...
Patrick Apr 4, 2023
Influence in art is a difficult thing to pin down. On one hand, many artists speak fondly of the work...
Logan Mar 21, 2023