Although the late Shotaro Ishinomori is best-known for his involvement in kicking off the tokusatsu genre with Kamen Rider, his...
Damascena Oct 15, 2014
The new Doctor arrives this August. Doctor Who, the British science-fiction show, follows the adventures of a Time Lord known...
Amanda Dominguez-Chio Jul 3, 2014
American culture has influenced the world through centuries, with impacts on the political, social, economic and cultural landscape of the...
REBGuest Jun 17, 2014
He is the brains behind one of the most recognizable melodies of our time, the only person Darren Aronofksy trusts to compose...
Mette Marie Kowalski Jun 7, 2014
Today, Frank Capra is celebrated as one of the most influential and important directors of the last century. What makes...
Megan Kelly May 29, 2014
With the recent release of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 there are now 5 live-action Spider-Man films since 2002, averaging just...
Kevin Licht May 12, 2014
The first time I watched Star Wars I was actually exposed to Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I remember growing...
Jemarc Axinto Apr 11, 2014
BAFTA-winning show Black Books (2000 - 2004) is easily one of the most successful and beloved British sitcoms of all time -...
Mette Marie Kowalski Mar 23, 2014
Waverley was first published in 1814. Two hundred years later, Walter Scott's early novel remains a powerful narrative. There are...
StephenPallas Mar 10, 2014
The Walt Disney Company is one of the largest media cooperations in the world in terms of revenue. The Company...
Siobhan Calafiore Jan 5, 2014