The hit Netflix series Orange is the New Black (OITNB) is undeniably one of the most groundbreaking shows in recent...
Danica Leninsky Oct 13, 2014
Seeing is believing. I was blind but now I see. The physical sensation of seeing has a long established association...
hetta Oct 7, 2014
Agent Grant Ward has been a controversial character ever since the reveal that there was a “wolf in the herd...
Jessica Eve Kennedy Oct 5, 2014
There's a reason many people consider The Wire to be one of the greatest TV shows of all time. Very few shows...
Robert Humphrey Aug 11, 2014
Over the last decade our small screens have been populated with a deluge of programmes pandering to our obsession with...
GeorgiaHakin Jul 29, 2014
David Lynch’s 2002 surrealist sitcom, Rabbits, is a collection of nine episodes that follow the disjointed conversation of three humanoid rabbits...
Peek 824545301 Jun 14, 2014
MTV-produced programming in recent times has shown females to be shallow and despicable. Geordie Shore, Jersey Shore, My Super Sweet Sixteen,...
Ryan Errington Jun 3, 2014
The horror genre has always functioned both as entertainment and social commentary. It often reflects not only our deep-seated fears, but our...
Jane Harkness May 25, 2014
When Torchwood star John Barrowman was recently asked about a possible return of the Doctor Who spinoff, his response seemed...
George Underwood May 21, 2014
As humans, we initially find ourselves restricted to the domain of the medium-sized world. Here, our senses enable us to...
Danny Cox May 20, 2014
It has now become pop culture common knowledge that The Sopranos changed dramatic television programming for good. HBO’s critically and...
VinceMoran May 18, 2014
He is capable of murder, blackmail, and chaos in general, and though he has the power to disgust and shock...
S.A. Takacs May 16, 2014