A Song of Ice and Fire: Can You Stop Reading at Book Three?


HBO’s Game of Thrones has introduced millions of people to the brutal fantasy world of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire book series, and it seems that many viewers have joined the legions of fans that lap up Martin’s astonishingly complex and epic story of the war for the Iron Throne of Westeros – since the TV series aired, all the books in the series have entered the New York Times bestseller list.

Yet the huge scope of A Song of Ice and Fire’s story has come at a price – the past two books in the series have taken Martin over five years to write each, and there are still at least two more books to go.

What are fans to do until the new books comes out? Martin has told Game of Thronesshowrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss the ending to the series, which the TV show is likely to reach before Martin, but that will hardly be the most satisfying solution for die-hard fans. Even worse, it might stop potential new readers from ever reading the books – and they would be seriously missing out.

A Song of Ice and Fire is a fantastic series, and its unmatched density makes it absolutely worth reading for fans of the TV show who want to explore the world of Westeros in more depth – but they must wonder how much point there is in committing to a book series which has no end in sight.

It’s also easy to see why many fear that the final book may never get written, and though those fears are largely unfounded it would definitely be another offputting thought for new readers.

What are people to do until the new books come out? And what if, for whatever reason, the books are never finished, and we are left with one of the most popular fantasy series of all time ending with countless loose ends left hanging? Both situations are especially hard for long-time fans, but for new readers they might mean they never read the series at all, which would be a great shame.

One solution could be to stop reading at book three, A Storm of Swords – or, if you’ve already read past it, simply think of it as the ending for now.

It might seem insane to stop reading a series when you’re not even halfway through, but there are plenty of reasons why A Storm of Swords can make a perfectly satisfactory, if not exactly flawless, conclusion to the series for new readers and old fans alike. It might even be a good way to view the series while the wait for the final books drags on.

It is generally agreed that the third book is the best in the series. It focuses on the climax of the War of the Five Kings, with more dramatic plot twists and character deaths than most other authors could fit into an entire series.

Even better, as it was originally intended that the next book would jump forward five years in the story (a plan now abandoned by Martin), A Storm of Swords ties up many plot threads that had been running since book one. They might not all be completely conclusive, and most of the characters are facing a gloomy future by the end, but Martin himself has said that the final book will not have a happy ending for everyone, and knowing the writing style of the entire series it is unlikely that every single loose end will ever be neatly tied up.

This applies to almost every character, and with a little bit of creative thought readers could easily convince themselves that A Storm of Swords was how A Song of Ice and Fire was always meant to end.

Warning: the rest of this article will contain spoilers for every book in the series

The South

Iron Throne2The Lannisters’ storyline in book three is actually surprisingly conclusive, and the place where readers could most easily be satisfied with the ending. The War of the Five Kings is over, bringing an end to the central conflict of the first three books. It might be the antagonistic Lannisters who are in power, but the two worst of them, Tywin and Joffrey, are both dead.

It is now the young, kindly Tommen who sits on the throne. His mother Cersei might still influence him to darker ways, but he might be as easily influenced by his more bearable fiancé Margaery. Either way, he will likely be a better king than Joffrey ever was.

This is actually quite a positive note to end on, while still maintaining the series’ penchant for never having the true ‘good guys’ win (it’s hard to believe that it will be anyone the readers actually like sitting on the Iron Throne at the end of book seven).

The more likeable members of the Lannisters are arguably even better off. Tyrion has finally escaped his abusive family and exacted vengeance on his father. He leaves knowing that the woman he loved actually loved him back, and with the possibility that he will one day find her again. Jaime and Cersei’s troublesome relationship is over, and Jaime is looking forward to a future where he can redeem himself and contribute something to the world, partially through helping to find the Stark children.

In other words, both of these characters have now had complete arcs. Arcs are fundamental to any story. In their most basic form they involve a character starting off in a place where either the reader or the character themselves is dissatisfied with their situation. The character then goes through several trials and tribulations that change them significantly. A story usually ends when the main character has fulfilled his or her arc and completed this change, either escaping their previous situation or learning to live with it. Think of The Hobbit, where Bilbo Baggins starts off as timid, then during his journeys learns to love adventures and overcome his fears, eventually proactively helping the other characters in the story by its end.

Tyrion starts off dissatisfied with his place in the world, but bearing it, and ends with him finally showing the world what he is really capable of. Jaime starts off as a deplorable character, but over the course of the series learns the importance of the chivalry and honour that people – mostly the Starks – constantly berated him for lacking (therefore also providing a way for Catelyn and Ned to get a posthumous victory by showing him that there is a place for honour in the world). Arcs are important for the protagonists in a story, and as by book three both Jaime and Tyrion can be considered as protagonists these changes in their characters are very satisfying for readers.

All in all, it’s not a bad way to leave things in the series’ most important location, and likely to be no more or less conclusive than the true ending.

The North

House Stark SigilIf the Starks can be considered the closest thing that A Song of Ice and Fire has to true heroes, then their situation at the end of book three is also strangely comforting. Robb Stark might have died but his siblings are all still alive and more-or-less safe – and his death comes in one of the most spectacularly impactful scenes of the entire series, the likes of which many books would love to have in their endings.

Arya has managed to escape the last in a series of men to hold her captive. She has no chance of regaining her old life, but she is able to move on and cross the sea, escaping Westeros for good, with the possibility still remaining that she will one day return to exact revenge on the last people on her list who are still alive. Like Tyrion and Jaime, her arc is complete. She wanted to learn to be a warrior, and through many trials and tribulations she has finally become powerful enough to fend for herself in the world.

Similarly, we don’t know Rickon’s fate, but the last we saw of him he was alive, which is more than we can say for many of the Starks.

In one of the book’s happier conclusions, Jon Snow is named Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch after defeating the wildlings once and for all – making his arc more complete than almost any other character’s. The fact that the Others remain a threat could, admittedly, be annoying to readers looking for a truly conclusive ending – however, they are safely behind The Wall, which is now defended not only by an intact Night’s Watch (with a very competent leader) but also by Stannis Baratheon and his army. Even better, they now know that they can be defeated using dragonglass (which Stannis has an abundance of), and when we leave Bran Stark is safely on his way to a place where he can – supposedly – become powerful enough to face them.

Stannis is problematic in that he remains the only king from The War of the Five Kings who has not been killed, and he is therefore still a contender to the throne. However, thanks to Melisandre’s guidance, he now sees that his true battle is with the Others, another example of a transformational arc leading to what seems to be one of A Storm of Sword’s biggest themes – letting go of personal goals for what is truly important for the wider world. This can also be seen in Arya leaving Westeros and Jon giving up the opportunity to become legitimised in favour of leading the Night’s Watch.

Sansa’s storyline is also hard to reconcile with a true ending, as she is one of the few characters left on a real cliffhanger, having just witnessed her new guardian Littlefinger killing her aunt Lysa. This actually takes place in the final chapter proper of the book, making it harder to see A Storm of Swords as a proper conclusion to the series. However, like Arya and Rickon, it’s easy to see that she is still in a better situation than she has been in for a long time – she has escaped King’s Landing and the clutches of Cersei and Joffrey, and is now living in hiding with someone who seems to genuinely care for her. Her arc is not as complete as others, but the fact that she is learning to let go of Winterfell and the dream of being a queen gives her storyline thematic unity with Arya, Jon and Stannis’, making it feel more like an ending.

Stopping at A Storm of Swords will also mean readers never get to find out what happened to Theon Greyjoy after he was captured by Ramsay Snow at the end of book two. Perhaps it’s best that they don’t, though – after all, he was essentially one of the villains of that book, and leaving him as he gets his comeuppance is fairly reassuring.

A Storm of Swords’ epilogue reveals that Catelyn Stark has been brought back from the dead as a vengeance-mad walking corpse, and is systematically killing off those who wronged her family. This acts as the big tease for the next book, and will inevitably leave readers wanting more. However, this is actually a happier ending than it might first appear – the other Stark family members might not get their old lives back, but they are safe, and through Catelyn they can have their revenge.


ASOIAF DragonAnother potential problem is Daenerys. The books have been leading up to her coming to Westeros, but by the end of A Storm of Swords this has yet to happen. The ending of the book implies that she will wait some time in Mereen before leaving, but it could equallybe taken to mean that she will stay there for good.

And why not? She finally has what she wanted – a kingdom to rule and a place, potentially, to call home. She has freed thousands of slaves and won the love of the people of Slaver’s Bay. She reaches the same point in her character arc that she would have reached if she’d sailed to King’s Landing in book two and taken the Iron Throne in book three. In Mereen, however, she too learns to let go of the past and stay where she is needed, not where she personally wants to be – another example of this conclusive theme.

Of course, that ignores all the prophecies associated with Danearys and her destiny to (supposedly) fight the Others. It’s difficult to overcome this, but A Song of Ice and Fire wouldn’t be the first series to end with many prophesised events still to happen. The Wheel of Time immediately springs to mind – Robert Jordan requested that several plot threads and mysteries remain unresolved. This helps to foster fan discussion long after the series has ended. It’s also good to remember that in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire prophecies are not set in stone, as the Stallion Who Mounts the World proved.

Similarly, the question of Jon Snow’s parentage could continue to be a point of fun discussion among fans without ever being solved. Like Daenerys, the important point in his storyline is that he no longer worries too much about his parentage or his status as a bastard – he has more important duties now.


This is taking a very general view of the characters, and of course there are hundreds of other, smaller details that remain unresolved by the end of A Storm of Swords. It is not the perfect conclusion to A Song of Ice and Fire, and it never could be – after all, Martin never intended it to be the end.

Still, it seems pointless to worry about the future of the series when A Storm of Swords is such a suitable place to stop for new readers or old readers who want some comfort from an ending. It shares the characteristics of many endings – character arcs are complete, the world is at peace and there is unity in the narrative theme of letting go that feels right for a conclusion – but with that trademark A Song of Ice and Fire bitterness than fans have come to love. It’s certainly better than the alternative – having a whole generation of readers not being able to read one of the best fantasy series ever written.

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  1. Millfloow

    I believe I wont live to see the conclusion to this series and wish I had never been given the first book as a present.If I had known it was a series and was aware of how long it took the author to complete each novel I would not have read it.
    I also (at this rate) do not believe the author will live long enough to complete the series. Just wondering, with so many great fantasy writers out there, maybe one of them could give us an ending to this series. Although given another few months, with many other great books to read, I believe I will no longer care who will sit on the so called Iron Throne.

    Anyway, I will stick with A Storm of Swords for now.

    • I think I’ve read that George R. R. Martin has said that he doesn’t want anyone else to finish the series – although honestly, I can’t think of anyone who would be suitable.

      In any case, I think that fear that Martin will die before the series is ended is unfounded. He’s only in his sixties!

  2. Christian Ferguson

    The show is definitely going to outpace him. They only wanted 7 seasons. So season 6 (2016) is going to begin WoW material, for which the book will likely be released in 2015 (his publisher said definitely not this year). That means that by Season 7 (2017) he’s screwed. The show is NOT going to spend 2 years on Books 4 & 5…there’s simply not enough material. And I doubt they want to drag out WoW either.

    So unless Martin can churn out Book 7 in 2 years (assuming it ends in 7 books), he’s done. He can write that quickly, but it’s been evident since AFFC that he’s become bored by the series and written himself into corners.

  3. I want HBO to take over, to invent an ending that uses Martin’s ideas but in a way he wouldn’t like, just to sour him, as a sort of “punishment” for letting time pass without finishing the series.

    I want to see him decry the HBO finale and try to promote the (yet upcoming) books as the “true ending”.

  4. Personally I think WoW is already written and he’s just waiting so it doesn’t conflict with the show and to maximize demand.

  5. Toni Foster

    Why hasn’t he finished the series? If he knows the ending then what’s holding him up? Is it just being lazy/rich? Or is he afraid of blowing the ending like so many authors have done before?

    • He just takes a long time. He revises and revises until he thinks it’s right. Given how good the books are, I wouldn’t want to mess with that.

      I have a feeling he’s procrastinating a little, though. That or, given the concern he might have that he might not have the amount of years he’d like left to live, he’s doing what he really wants and not spending every waking moment writing. Can’t fault the guy for that. I hope for his sake he has many years left, of course.

  6. Awful thought: the book readers must wait for the last book to come out, while show viewers already have seen the last season and hold to power to spoil us.


  7. I don’t think the show is perfect, and I do enjoy the richness of detail that the books have over the show, but I’m also happy that we’ll get an ending one way or another. Now it’s up to Martin to make sure that ending happens the way he wants it to. If he doesn’t want HBO taking it over, then he knows what he has to do.

  8. I agree A Storm of Swords can be a more than great conclusion to this epic, but we all want to read the true ending.

  9. archeer

    At the rate he kills off his characters, there won’t be any left for the final book, so if we wish for an ending with people alive, Storm of Swords would be it.

  10. I am now debating whether to watch next season before reading the winds of winter. Definitely season 6 I will not be watching unless winds of winter has come out. I do not…. Do nottttt want to watch David and dans half assed version of the story before reading George’s fully fleshed version. I need to read it from the source first and then see how it’s adapted, not the other way around. Perhaps my views will change when the last season of game of thrones is out…

    • Really, it’s not “half-assed.” They have done a remarkable job distilling GRRM’s epic saga down into something that’s suitable for the small screen and still have it acclaimed as one of the best shows on television by book-readers and non-book-readers alike. That’s no mean feat whatever you might believe.

  11. Hope he completes the current stories and plot lines within the next two novels, otherwise there is a good chance that neither the author nor many fans will be alive to know the ending, at the very slow rate at which GRR Martin writes!

  12. Adnan Bey

    I was waiting for this article to come up since you’ve proposed it on the newsdesk. I do hope that GRRM finishes WoW soon and gets on with DoS but even so, this is an interesting article. It does seem like it’s pretty tied up. And for those people who just can’t see it that way… make up your own ending. Of course, I am not a show water and the immediate solution is to just put the show on hiatus and let the guy write. I realize that might be a little harsh though.

    The vast majority of characters have actually reached conclusive ends by the end of Book 3. Jon, Bran, Tommen, Tyrion, Margery, Sansa and Arya to name a few. I did not see Lysa’s murder as a cliff-hanger at all. It was a welcome development. And it sees the Lannister dynasty not be destroyed but redeemed in a way by Tyrion and Tommen with the help of Margery.

    Excellent article! 🙂

  13. I know there is some sacred vow that his fans have taken where we can’t say this, but seriously, he needs to get his arse in gear if he wants book 7 to ever see the light of day.

    • Pat Tyler

      I have to say I think based on the book/TV timeline certain prominent stories will be out of book material by the start of the next series. This leads me to think the next book will come out around the end of this year or the start of next year but before the next series of the show.

      He’s painted himself into a corner here and there is absolutely no way he can conclude the series before the TV show does. They cant put the show on hiatus for a few years due to the ages of the actors involved and he has already outlined the major story arcs to the 2 showrunners.

  14. The last two books were awful, they took you not very far very, very slowly and on the most circuitous route.

    • Matt Perkins

      Yep. They were really bad. At this point I’d trust the TV writers much more to deliver a satisfying conclusion to the story.

  15. ASOIAF fans should appreciate what they’ve got. Us Wheel of Time fans had to went threw years and a sad passing before the cycle was finished.

    • And while It’s horrible to say, Jordan’s passing might have been the best thing to happen to TWOT. We’ll never know exactly how much Sanderson brought to the table but the last three books were the best since book five or six.

      • I think it’s also worth noting that Sanderson’s writing was very similar to (and heavily inspired by) Robert Jordan’s, to the extent that people can’t tell who wrote which part. That’s great, but I can’t think of an author who could do that for Martin’s work. In many ways, though, you could come to consider that the TV show’s job…

    • I’ve theorized that Martin may very well pass before ASOIAF is finished. I don’t mean to sound crass, but he is a sixty-five year old man who doesn’t appear to be in the best physical shape, and he takes years to write each new volume. He still has to finish the sixth book in progress, and then write the whole of the seventh, and now maybe even an eighth. I think we fans of ASOIAF may indeed get “Jordaned”.

  16. Don’t read the books, just watch the series. The producers of the show know where the story ends. G.R.R. can write all the books he wants…

    • In many ways, it will kind of take the pressure of both Martin and the readers if the series ends first. We know that Martin often changes his mind about the story while he writes (which was the main reason for the massive delays with AFFC and ADWD), so there’s not way the seventh book won’t have surprises whatever happens!

  17. DanceChild

    I’m going to quote and agree with what someone said over redit http://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/299f39/spoilers_all_a_song_of_ice_and_fire_can_you_stop/

    I think that this is true if you view the series as it was originally intended to be written. First as a trilogy, where the Red Wedding was the end to book 1.

    The series overall can be thought of as two trilogies,

    AGOT ACOK ASOS – The Winter is Coming Trilogy

    AFFC/ADWD TWOW ADOS – The Winter has Arrived Trilogy

    Feast & Dance are essentially the first book in the second trilogy of the series.

    In a similar fashion to AGOT, we are introduced to a bunch of new characters, i.e. Dorne and The Iron Islanders, each starting on new plot threads, of vengence and conquest respectively.

    There are new arrivals on the Wall, but this time unsettling tales from the South give the Lord Commander cause for concern, and possibly causing him to make a huge mistake á la Mormont’s ranging.

    The Lannisters begin badly, Tywin’s funeral, the manhunt for Tyrion, and seem almost doomed with, Jaime being lured into a trap, and Cersei’s trial, but a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of Ser Robert Strong, who may indeed bring them back from the brink, just like the intervention of one Petyr Baelish did in AGOT.

    I could keep going on, but the parallels are there, and AFFC/ADWD are simply the beginning of what could be an even better trilogy. Many of us were spoiled by the ability to be able to read all 5 books at once, most of us I wager, would at least have had access to all 3 of the first books at their time of first reading, so AGOT never had to stand up to the intense scrutiny that Feast and Dance have.

    There is no doubting, that the moving of the battle scenes from ADWD to TWOW left them feeling a iittle hollow towards the end, but I would prefer that GRRM gets the story where he wants it to go, even at the expense of that.

    TL DR: AFFC/ADWD are the first in a second trilogy of books, go easy on them, they are setting up plot points going forward, much like AGOT did.

  18. i think the books should be read. the third book is indeed a very conclusive piece to the series. as soon as i started reading a feast for crows and a dance with dragons, i felt like i was reading a new story altogether or a sequel that wasn’t expected to happen. the characters are now in very different places and mind sets than they were before. i think a storm of swords is a good stopping point for those who are merely looking for satisfaction, but for those who want more then they would risk the other books knowing that Martin may not reach the end of them. the readers looking to peak their interest in this world would gladly risk the possibility of never seeing the end of a song of ice and fire.

  19. Raag.Be

    I just started reading from a dance with dragons after season 4 ended. there are so many details, i think i’ll read the initial ones but only after i am done with the new ones. need to know what happens!

  20. Korrallon

    I never read the books, but I watched the show. As it looks, they are killing off characters very quickly and it seems like, as the other commentators have said, there will be no more characters to work with.

  21. I honestly have no problem with HBO taking over the series and creating an ending for it. As the article says, the book series could have easily ended after book three. Books 4 & 5 are a bad mix of too much writing for too little character and plot development, which doesn’t give me too much hope for the remainder of the books.

  22. I started watching the show first and I must have just finished season 3 before reading the books and stopping with A Storm of Swords. I haven’t read on because of the epilogue of ASoS; I have this affinity to the show for some reason and I’ll finish that first (obviously) but I can’t wait to get stuck into the rest of the books when the show has finished.

  23. I’ve never seen the HBO series, so I can’t address it. But I have read all five of the books and consider them a narrative mess. George Martin is a terrible writer, a misogynist, and would-be pornographer (if he knew anything about eroticism). His violence is nothing more than crudely gratuitous. HIs characters are one-dimensional and formulaic. He never thought of a subplot he didn’t write and this leads to many unfinished story lines. In the last two books he’s all over the place and very little of it follows up on themes developed in the first three books. All of them are over-written and he obviously didn’t have good editors. About 30% of the text could and should have been cut, as it serves no narrative purpose. These are several instances of him attempting (and failing) to emulate JRR Tolkien. He even gratuitously added a second “R” to his name to advertise the allusion.

    Let’s face the truth: Martin is no Tolkien or even Steven R Donaldson – a writer who is honest enough to admit that his early writing (which won critical acclaim) was pretty awful. Martin is just a hack, who attempted to write about things of which he has no knowledge, understanding that if he makes it sensational enough, a young reader with little to no appreciation for literature will eat it up. It in no way compares to Tolkien’s lengendarium, though his fandom insists that it does.

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