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Is Children's Television Educational?

Is there a reasonable argument that children's television educational? Or if it is not, how can children's television be made educational?

  • It may also be of interest to explore the idea of: does children's television need to be educational - if so - to what degree does it need to be educational (What do you want children to learn)? Young children's shows are often educational, teaching various subjects such as math and the alphabet; however, with older children's and preteen television, this does shift. The programming seems to shift to situational and social problems that characters may face. Now does children learning from social situations provide them with a type of awareness valuable to their development or should more academics, such as, math and science be added? – Schmerica11 9 years ago
  • A better question is: should it be? – T. Palomino 2 years ago

Slow TV: A New Phenomenon

Slow TV programs from Europe, where there is little production and simply contains what the camera sees. Examples include a canal trip and log fires. Is there any relevant to such programming?

  • Ryan, not familiar with Slow TV but I would think by the examples you used that this would be a great program for say mood settings, like mood music. This could be in the back ground at a dinner party or say light mediation. Slow TV would not demand attention as do many mainstream TV programs. So perhaps different manners in which to put on these Slow TV shows could be examined. – Venus Echos 9 years ago

Star Wars Rebels Season 2

A look into what Star Wars Rebels could contain within it's second season and how it could connect to the Clone Wars TV series. For example the additions of Hondu, Rex and Ahsoka.

  • Talk about the popularity is the show, and how effective it is as a Star Wars related series. It is easy for Disney to make an easy cash grab, but this show has a lot of time and effort into it, and it defiantly show why. – Aaron Hatch 9 years ago

The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt building on the Foremothers of Female Centric Comedy

An Analysis of Tina Fey and Robert Carlock's new comedy and how it has been shaped and influenced by it's predecessors from "I Love Lucy," "30 Rock," "Parks and Rec," to more recent contemporaries like the "Mindy Project," and "Girls." "Unbreakable" would serve as the center piece for the larger discussion of the emergence and evolution of female centered comedies.

  • Great idea! I think there seems to be a rise in female-centric comedy that makes a bold step away from shows like Sex and the City! It would be interesting to think about why this shift has occurred. – Jessica Marie Farrugia 9 years ago

Law and Order: Special Victims Unit 1999-

An article on reasons why Law and Order: Special Victims Unit has been on air since 1999. What is the appeal? Is it because they may be based on true stories; are the writers great, or the directing or the actors? What has made this show work for so long?


    What shows should be rebooted

    Since Full House is getting Fuller House, are there any other shows you think should get spin offs or that should just have their story continued? There's also "Girl Meets World," which isn't quite as good because Cory isn't the main character, but at least he's in it!

    You could also go in another direction with this by arguing why these spin offs aren't a good idea. I, for one, would like to see what happened to Lizzie McGuire!

    • Might be worth talking about the success or not-so-much-success of spin-offs that came straight after the original show, eg. Friends and Joey or the upcoming How I Met Your Dad – Hannah Spencer 9 years ago
    • I would definitely echo Hannah's idea of talking about the merits/failings of the ones that already there, and then looking ahead to things that should/should not be rebooted and why. I think Girl Meets World is really important because it connects our generation with the generation growing up, and I like that Cory isn't as much the focus. He's grown up too. – Helen Parshall 9 years ago

    The Mindy Project: is it a newer version of Sex in The City?

    The Mindy Project has had three seasons, what is the appeal of this show, what void is this show filling for the audience? Is it satisfying the need for some of the antics of Sex in The City?

    • Not even close. The Mindy Project is about a girl who WISHES she was Sex in the City. Instead Mindy is a character who surprises herself almost as much as she does her audience. I fail to see how any fan of SITC could see that show in TMP. – wolfkin 9 years ago

    Tv Series "Empire" Opens Doors

    The TV drama has met with success and has opened the door for conversations regarding nontraditional sexual liaisons as well as the reality of mental health. Many communities are not accepting of same sex relationships and deny that mental health issues exists. With Empire’s popularity perhaps these issues will find an inroad to these communities.

    • This would be a very interesting article! You could also discuss the characters, specifically Lucious Lyon and his attitude towards his sons, Jamal and Andre. Andre, for example, oversees the financial business of Empire, yet his father criticizes him for marrying a woman of a different race. – Amanda Dominguez-Chio 9 years ago
    • This is a good topic, I believe that having a show that contains a whole cast of African Americans on cable television is changing the industry alone. With the use of same sex relationships, and mental health can open up to viewers of this television program. – silvam 9 years ago