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Death Note: Saitama meets Light

What would happen if Light Yagami from "Death note" wrote Saitama's name in the Death Note? In addition, what would happen when other aspects of different anime's worlds combined and clashed with one another. for example, if Edward Elric attempted alchemy on Tōma Kamijō's right hand? In essence, when key elements from different story lines meet, which one takes dominance? Saitama's (for all intents and purposes) invincibility or the absolute inescapable death provided by the Shinigami's death note?


    The Portrayal of Mythologies in Anime

    From "Is it Wrong to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon?" to "Campione!" and the famous "fate/" series. There have been various anime that have drawn inspiration from ancient mythologies from around the world. To what extent has ancient mythologies, specifically non-Japanese ones, influenced the production of various anime and manga? Out of the thousands of anime and manga out there, how many have taken influence from these stories. There have even been common rehashings of creatures from legends remade into broad categories or representations of creatures. The first of which comes to mind is the use of "Chimera" to describe various hybrid creatures across shows and very notably in the Fullmetal Alchemist" manga and anime. Exactly how much has modern storytelling taken from stories of millennium past?

    • The famous "journey to the west" story pops up everywhere in anime. – LaRose 9 years ago

    The Feminine Stereotypes of Anime

    As anime matures over the years, so do the characters. There is always that so called "villain," and the protagonist. However, one character that seems to always be changing is the collection of females. They are becoming more flamboyant, more showy, more lude. Though, there remains stereotypes between them; lolitas, the brutes, the fake red heads, the petite, quiet ones, etc. What do these character creations, that are seemingly apparent in most animes nowadays, say about our society and the way we are evolving as people?


      The Power of Music in Anime

      How does a music score affect the overall feel and quality of Anime? Looking at Anime series that place a heavy emphasis on music, such as Nodame Cantabile, Kids on the Slope, and the works of Jun Maeda (who is both an Anime writer and music composer), can we say that a greater emphasis on music contributes to the greater overall quality of the Anime? Does the ability of an Anime series or film to incorporate music make it a superior medium to manga?

      • Some of the best music I've seen in anime is definitely the scores for Miyazaki's films. – enizzari 9 years ago

      How Harem Protagonists Are Not In the Friendzone Simply Because They're Nice

      Imagine this scenario: you get a crowd of girls falling in love with a guy. She can be the girl-next-door, the high school cheerleader, the student council president, the foreign exchange student, or even the teacher! Do note that the harem genre does not restrict itself to a school setting, as the environment can range from exotic islands to vast galaxies. So what makes this guy so special that he has girls gravitating towards him? He doesn't exactly match the criteria of the perfect guy. In fact, he is so bland as a vanilla that the only characterization given to him that he's just a nice guy. That's your harem protagonist in a nutshell.

      See, if you are anything like the harem protagonist, all you have to do is be nice to the girls that you encounter, and suddenly they fall heads over heels for you. In real life, you'll be even lucky if the girl you like even knows you exist in the first place. So the only question you have to ask is, how is that harem protagonist not in the dreaded friendzone?

      • I think the Harem protagonist is often left as vanilla as possible because any sort of characterisation means it's harder for consumers to live vicariously through him, as he is supposed to act as a blank slate for us to project ourselves onto. – salparadise96 9 years ago

      Strength in Numbers: Kiznaiver and its Various Relationships

      Analyse how the different types of relationships between the main 8 characters of Kiznaiver create empathy, or the lack thereof.


        American Superheroes and Their Influence on Anime

        Discuss the relativity between American superhero culture and the concept of heroes in anime series such as My Hero Academia, One-Punch Man, Tiger and Bunny, and other series.

        • There is the potential of outlining a history between the two, and specifically focussing on how it has moulded shonen and seinen (since most of the other genres haven't been impacted by American comic culture). – Chesarka 9 years ago

        Yugioh Arc V: The Time and Space Continum and Cameo Characters

        One thing that Arc V's success is banking off of is its ability to not only venture into dimension (one for each summoning), but to also bring back characters from the previous season (GX, 5Ds, Zexal).

        This creates the possibility of having the protagonist, Sakaki Yuya face off against various duelist that have been known to be the best (Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, Kite) and draws upon the appeal and nostalgia factor of the viewers while also giving an interesting story in which the characters are introduced into a different type of environment.