Contributing writer for The Artifice.
Junior Contributor II
The Rise of Netflix in College StudentsI know from experience that Netflix is very popular among college students as a form of amusement and stress-relieving. I think this might be an interesting topic to talk about how it might be affecting their education and/or social experiences at college. Is this a problem? or does it have the capability to eventually become a problem?
Video Games and the "No Girls Allowed" ClubIn these modern times we have seen changes to the video game industry toward a more acceptance of females. We now hear of female gamers, female main characters in games, and even professional female gamer teams. But have we really accepted females completely into the gamer community for who they are? Even with all these changes we still see females being harassed online, or judged on their gaming skills by being a female. I think it would be interesting to write this topic from both or either sides and discuss whether you think the gamer community has embraced or rejected female gamers.
Supernatural: Just Another Shapeshifter of Shows? | |
![]() I’m really glad you enjoyed my article! and that it helped answer questions you had about the show. I actually haven’t seen Full Metal Alchemist, but I will defiantly check it out! It does sound a lot like what Supernatural’s plot is essentially based around. I think Supernatural does take in a lot of elements that are common in mythical shows with creatures (such as using vampire, werewolves, ghosts etc.) But I think the show also tries and focus on the creatures as living beings with feelings and a life instead of JUST monsters, as a lot of the time the Winchesters are trying to save the creature from their own selves. I think that’s the part that interested me about the show, is the sense that everyone has a story to tell. | Supernatural: Just Another Shapeshifter of Shows? |
![]() I entered the ME universe by going straight into playing ME 3 and not realizing the importance of story and decisions from ME and ME 2. But nonetheless I fell in love with the game and its elements. The options of choice between the conversations, actions, and consequences, make it the ultimate RPG game. I love when games make you question your morality and give you a chance to create your own unique story, and Mass Effect does exactly that. Can’t wait for Andromeda! | The Role of Choice in the Mass Effect Universe |
![]() Thank you for addressing this issue. As a young woman I cannot tell you how much I begin to dislike a film or TV show once they start sexualizing women. I think a lot of the problem comes from this visual acceptance and normalizing of rape and sexual harassment on TV to the point where it doesn’t bother us as much. That’s where the problem is then taken from the acting on TV to real life situations imitating that issue. | Sex and Harassment in Entertainment Industry |
![]() Great analysis of all the superhero movies, and the deeper meanings to them. I do think that they will always hold a place in our hearts because of our desire deep down as humans to feel special and powerful. As for the genre franchise, I think it will continue to prevail, especially with the remake of the TV show Heroes coming back around. The Superhero Genre might not be at the top of the list forever, but I’m sure they will continue to be around for awhile. | The Three Eras of The Modern Comic Book Movie |
![]() This was such a helpful article! | The Four Timelines of The Terminator Movies |
I’m not sure what you mean, can you expand on your point a little more?