Yasmine Allen

Yasmine Allen

A young scholar who enjoys studying and writing about various disciplines including; physics, philosophy, politics, art, Esotericism and Biocentrism.

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Carl Jung on Synchronicity and the Esoteric.

An analysis of C.G Jung's astounding and provocative thought regarding his book on 'Synchronicity and the Paranormal.' Albeit having been the founder of Depth psychology, as the advent of esotericism within the 20th century, Carl Jung's work not only reaches the depth of the mind but borrows the symbolism prevalent within the occult. This article will elucidate the symbolism of Carl Jung’s ‘Synchronicity and the Paranormal’ wherein Jung’s writing regarding the ‘psyche’ and ‘daemons’ is taken into an analytical approach, analyzing the hidden meaning of Jung’s work on psychology and the paranormal and its relevance to the occult.

  • This is a pending post. I suggested changes so it touches more popular culture ways of seeing Jung. As it is here, it sounds more like a topic for a professional journal in psychology. – Joseph Cernik 6 years ago
  • Awesome idea for an article. I have read some of Jung's work and I would add bringing spirituality and Nature into the fold since he believed our connection with Nature enhanced our intuition and to notice synchronicity in our lives when they happen. – youngmollflanders 6 years ago

Devil's and Realist and the Occult

Considering that you may be an avid fan of anime and you've seen many an anime in your lifetime, it is possible you might have stumbled upon 'Devil's and Realist,' written by Madoka Takadono. This anime is an essential piece of occult literature, which revolves around the school life of an affluent aristocrat in the 19th century England, William Twining, who in the beginning tries to procure a financially stable position with a full ride scholarship. However, Twining has a secret, he is actually King Solomon, and he doesn't even know it. King Solomon was the King of Isreal, whose roots are seen in biblical scriptures and in the writings of the occult. Having control over demons with the seal of his ring, he was the ruler of the underworld and the keeper of ancient wisdom. This anime follows the exact story of Solomon with a parallel to a skeptical human boy. Although this anime is pure fiction, it revolves around a provocative topic. Overall, 'Devils and Realist' is a tantamount part of occultism, and occultism is inextricable to this series. Focusing on the biblical and esoteric story of King Solomon, this article analyzes the correlation between this anime series and the occult.

  • The thesis of this article is thus, "Occultism is inextricable to the anime series, 'Devil's and Realist' which has its roots in the influence of esotericism." – Mindovermatter 6 years ago

Mysticism and Carl Jung, an analytical approach to the Esoteric's of C.G Jung

Carl Jung, a disciple of Sigmund Freud, is revered by psychologists as having founded modern depth psychology. Albeit Jung's astounding writing regarding psychology, his work was mostly inspired by Esotericism and the religion and teachings of the ancient Gnostics. This article will elucidate the symbolism of Carl Jung's 'Synchronicity and the Paranormal' wherein Jung's writing regarding the 'psyche' and 'daemons' is taken into an analytical approach, analyzing the hidden meaning of Jung's work on psychology and the paranormal.

  • This sounds more like a philosophy question than an arts analysis question, but could work if applied to a specific piece or set of pieces. – Stephanie M. 8 years ago
  • An interesting take on this topic could be in relation to the different perceptions of reality present in a particular style of literature or film as many of them have tackled this topic. – SaraiMW 7 years ago
  • Take a look at this NPR article that discusses some of these ideas and consider adding the specific films to your topic? Pertinent information starting around ~40 mins. Do the memories we have need to be real for us to take them seriously? How does memory shape our worldview? http://www.wnyc.org/story/on-the-media-2017-10-06/ – derBruderspielt 7 years ago

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Yasmine Allen

Thank you very much! My readers mean more to me than anything they will ever know. Sharing the knowledge that one has acquired is the greatest gift, and I shall cherish every present that I give to my dear readers.

Carl Jung on Synchronicity and the Esoteric
Yasmine Allen

Hello there,
That is a really good question!
Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff are very prominent figures within quantum physics, both having contributed to this science with their Orch Or theory. This theory suggests that
“consciousness arises from quantum vibrations in protein polymers called microtubules inside the brains neurons.” Thus, this theory claims that consciousness derives from vibrations from the activity inside brain neurons.
Well, if we are trying to understand consciousness this may be different from psychics phenomena such as apparitions.
Lets start with the big question, which both Roger Penrose and Hameroff were concerned with;
“What is consciousness?”
The mystery of consciousness has been inquired since antiquity. Consciousness, in my view of it, philosophically, is more analogous to the omnipotent darkness within Plato’s allegory of the cave. The prisoners are the mind, and the shadows are you and I. If we go deeper into the theory of consciousness with the use of QM theory we’ll see that objectivity intertwining itself with subjectivity, for if one claims that an electron changes its orbital and assume a superposition, collapsing its wavefunction (inverse the derivative of the wavelength measurement), just by a simple observation or intention, then of course there is a means to the external and internal realities for which we rely. However, these theories are only unveiling a small part of reality, it still leaves is with many assumptions and ideas of what consciousness is. Penrose believes that neurons and their vibrations within the brain are the seat of which consciousness derives, his theory leaves out the Noumena notion; what is beyond the senses and still appears to some of us as a phenomena, such as apparitions? This question is left to the spiritualist who conceptualized the essence of the being, not consciousness. If so, the corporeal substance must be; soul.
Well, what is soul (anima)?
We can say that the soul is made of this indestructible energy, therefore, soul itself cannot be destroyed. But since we cannot fathom soul, it must precede the true essence of our being. Objectively, it is beyond the idea of consciousness and is unelectable, but it still persists to be there, in idea only.
How can that which precedes the essence of the being ever be known or pondered without there being a foreknowledge of the nature of the self? Simple, the self is without a true nature. Orch Or theory does not deal with the noumenal or supersensable psychical nature of the ‘self’ in terms of ‘soul’ and ‘being.’ This theory therefore has no place when considering the existence of apparitions, it simply only has a place concerning consciousness, not the esoteric.
So when you ask the question of whether such data explains apparitions, or not, then you are excluding the extraneous theory of consciousness without the attempt to allude to the nature of the essence of ‘being’ itself.

Carl Jung on Synchronicity and the Esoteric
Yasmine Allen

It is a great honor to have been your introduction into the world of Carl Jung! You’ve made me most happy and grateful!
For starters a great boom would be “Man and his symbols.” Which deals with Jungian analysis on dreams. The funny thing about Jung is the fact that his genius derives from an open perspective on the Esoteric and spiritual nature of consciousness and the temporal reality of the mind.

Carl Jung on Synchronicity and the Esoteric
Exploring The Hero's Journey: A Writer's Guide
Yasmine Allen

Great article, this will help a lot with my writings.

Plot Twists in Fiction: Making a Story Standout
Yasmine Allen

I found this article to be quite intriguing and informative. The essential question has within this article a satisfying answer, thus sound.

I have written many stories online, derived of course–by the mind. Yet I haven’t taken a single creative writings class, but I also have a very fine touch in drawing and math. Why not explore that correlation? Overall great piece.

Are Creative Writers Taught or Talented?