

A frustrated soon-to-be Junior who likes writing screenplay and studying original scores.

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The Insanity behind True Detective: The Symbolisms in the Original Scores

As far as we know, True Detective has received critical acclaims for its first season while the general reviews ponder the quality of the Season Two is far-distanced from that of Season One. Although the "scoring" gap between the first and second seasons is obvious, it cannot deny that the indication behind the Original Scores would add more colors to the cops' stories. The article would focus on examining the lyrics of some original scores (like Far From Every Road by The Handsome Family) and analyzing how the lyrics symbolize the story plot.

  • This is an excellent topic. This first season was phenomenal and I must sadly admit that I did not pay that much attention to the scoring. Yet,while reading this suggested topic, I immediately thought of Breaking Bad and the way in which the musical score was intricately woven into the entirety of the series, filling in and enhancing every gap. I do hope someone picks up this topic. Now, I'm going to look up the scoring in True Detective! – danielle577 9 years ago
  • Second season was a bust the first episode in. The writing just lost all of its unique touch falling into bland clichés of the cop crime drama – Riccio 9 years ago
  • Second Season has many impromptu dialogues. Character's conversation cannot get rid of the F words. Believe it or not, I have never heard a female lead babbling the words in nearly all episodes ever since True Detective Season Two. The scoring is still that good, considering that Lera Lynn and Bonnie Prince Billy's songs are more than just indications. – moonyuet 9 years ago

The subconscious idea in the movies

Explore and analyze how the subconscious idea affects the development of the movie.

The word "subconscious" is an adjective to describe the situation of "appearing out of the consciousness". It is originated from the French word subconscient introduced by psychologist Pierre Janet.

One of the classical examples which obtain subconscious idea is A Nightmare on Elm Street(1984). The killer murdered the victim in the nightmare of his.

  • I believe Hitchcock played around with introducing plot elements subconsciously. In Psycho, Norman Bates is showing off his taxidermy collection to another character (can't remember who at the moment), which consists of all birds. Now what is another term for an old lady? Don't we call old ladies an old bird? (at least they did in the 60's when the movie was made) A stuffed old bird offers the viewers subconsciously the finale of the movie, it would appear. – DrTestani 9 years ago

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Boyhood is very underrated and it deserves the Oscars. As a fine artist and also a CGI Major, I deeply feel the spirit behind the movie. I mean our technology can improve and can change; but we can’t change our time. We cannot do time-travel, that’s the fact. This becomes one of the reasons contributing to my lacking concern on the Hollywood blockbusters. I desperate to watch Hollywood movies again. CGI? I’m working in CGI, I know how it makes and most importantly I know it’s fake. I don’t mind to tell my last movie in cinema is Gone Girl in 2014. I like Linklater’s “before” trilogy too. Linklater shows the real and inner part of the movies.

The 21st Century Films Prepared For Classic Status

If you watch the movie, you would find one thought has been centered : “Amazing Amy”. This phrase has made two ambiguous points.
On one hand, it demonstrates how great our female lead is. She is super intelligent that she can control anything like imitating to be a victim. On the other hand, it tells how pathetic she is. She loses her jobs while her husband loses his job. His husband started his own business while she was a housewife. It’s like a scene of 1950s America. Tracing back to 1950s, many women were mobilized to be caregivers at home, while men were breadwinners. Most of the women were frustrated and unhappy. They suffered from “the problem has no name”(if you read Betty Friedan you would know). They don’t have any self-identities and all they need to do is to take care of their families. The movie pinpoints how the problem (along with Nick’s cheating) led to Amy’s mental breakdown, knowing that Nick’s action makes her feel betrayed and insecure.
Thie movie is indeed a very deep thought of feminism- it tells the problem of which women can understand and men can barely realize.

What The Audience Got Wrong About "Gone Girl"

Great article to show how the original scores influence the movies. I personally admire Hans Zimmer. I like his style of integrating the classic music with modern(electronic) elements. Some of his famous original scores such as “Tennessee” from Pearl Harbour are aesthetically descriptive pieces, which makes the movies more persuasive. The guy that gained attention from Zimmer , Ramin Djawadi, is very good at composing the majestic and sorta medieval/Celtic-inspired style of music. He is a composer of The Main Title from Grame of Throne.

The Importance of Scoring in Films

Interesting article for discussing anti-capitalism in Hunger Game.
Hunger Game franchises remind me of the ten-year chaos in China to a certain extent. Chinese suffered from starvation and they were poor before and during the Cultural Revolution. The revolution is about the students(Red Guards) purging the capitalists. It turned out to the great destruction of cultural, economic, diplomatic and social failures in China.
The pathetic history arouses me to speculate about the last chapter of Hunger Game. Is there real peace after rebellion? Or just other chaos come out? Do you guarantee that the new government has a sufficient policy to any recovery in society?

The Hypocrisy of The Hunger Games

I like folk songs. I always feel that the folk songs can help us to learn more about the past.

Folk Music: A Timeless Genre

Performance art is the most controversial art form , but it is also the most “liberated” and direct one I have ever seen. Some of the performance artists take themselves to more extreme level in order to arouse the audiences’ awarenesses to certain kind of issues such as human rights. In my definition, the performance art is experimental and conceptual. It is more about the experience of an artist (such as pain) to interact a concept(like rights) with the audience.

Body of Sedition: Yang Zhichao and Art that Hurts

Great Article to analyze the Sales

The Art of Sales in the 21st Century

Quentin Tarantino is undoubtedly one of the best directors in terms of creativity. His stories are not only to be ironic and controversial but also to ridiculously show senses of black humor.

Among all the Tarantino’s movies, I like Pulp Fiction the most. I find out his storytelling skill is really impressive in this cult film.

The Work of Quentin Tarantino: Quality Over Quantity