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    Banky’s Dismaland - really not to be mistaken with "Disneyland"

    Street artist Banksy opens a theme park that looks more like a horror movie set. About the park, he says "It’s a theme park whose big theme is – theme parks should have bigger themes.” Analyze the pictures of the pieces that have been released, as each seem to contribute to a larger conversation about the society. For example, the picture of dead Cinderella in the overturned pumpkin carriage surrounded by paparazzi bears striking resemblance to the death of Princess Diana.

    • A tip to anyone who writes or even discusses this topic: Keep in mind that Banksy is more or less doing a type of performance art with this 'theme park', it isn't really meant to be taken too seriously. That isn't to say there isn't legitimate discussion to be had about his methods, but simply that discussions revolving around them should keep in mind that they are evaluating him as an artist. – MIKAILARUSHING 9 years ago
    • It would also be important to note that he has not done all the pieces. While the overall concept is being credited to him, many of the pieces in the park are done by other artists. This is important because that means their artistic voice is at play as well. – Celeste Reeb 9 years ago
    • You can't make things like this up. – T. Palomino 3 years ago

    Lost in Translation: From Manga, to Anime, to Live-Action film

    Popular manga being adapted into anime is common practice, but as of late there has been a rise of live-action film adaptations (see Attack on Titan, Ore Monogatari!!). Is it possible to still maintain the integrity of the original story through multiple translations from one form of media to another? It is a different process from films being adapted from novels and there seems to be more room for content to be lost in translation.

    • This topic sounds like it would be very similar to the debate over Western comics being faithfully adapted into live-action films. There could potentially be parallels addressed between the two despite manga being more often connected with animation in contrast to Western comics. – dsoumilas 10 years ago
    • I definitely think live action movies lose a lot of the anime and manga in translation. I watched the new Attack on Titan live action movie trailer and honestly, not only does it seem like just a grab for more money re-telling the same story in a different medium, it has most definitely changed it into a fan service! I saw Erin kissing Mikasa in the trailer... like, come on. They deliberately changed a major plot motivating relationship to make some fans happy because now shipping it is "canon". – Slaidey 10 years ago
    • I think it would be more interesting to limit this to anime adaptations, specifically. That way it could be more focused. I think bringing live-action would be too much for a single article, since there's so much to be said simply about adapting a manga to animation. – britaolmstead 9 years ago

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    I’m glad! It’s a really cute, happy show and definitely worth the watch.

    My Love Story!!: More Than Meets The Eye

    I 100% agree that the writers definitely could have developed Rinko’s character more and pushed the boundaries when it comes to gender binaries. While Takeo proved to be a complex and relatable individual, Rinko did fall to the background and became a bit predictable towards the end. Her “big bad secret” was anti-climatic and a bit of a letdown to the series. I thought that perhaps it was done to keep the show age-appropriate for a wider audience, but I agree that it didn’t do much to develop Rinko as a character, and more so as a female at all. She started out as a unique deviation from the typical shoujo-romance female by falling for Takeo, instead of someone who’s traditionally good-looking, usually callous, abrasive, and cold (promoting an unhealthy idealization of abusive relationships), but unfortunately didn’t end up making it too far from that by the end of the series.

    My Love Story!!: More Than Meets The Eye

    Aww sorry you felt that way! I watched all the way through and I really enjoyed it! It did have some slow parts.

    Thank you!!

    My Love Story!!: More Than Meets The Eye
    My Love Story!!: More Than Meets The Eye

    I think it really depends on your preference when it comes to anime. The show is definitely more about character development and exploration than it is about plot, so if you prefer anime with more dramatic and exciting plots, it might not be for you. While I enjoy drama as well, I find My Love Story!! to be really cute and always puts me in a good mood when I watch it! I think it has a lot to say about relationships and people and it’s definitely a feel-good watch.

    My Love Story!!: More Than Meets The Eye

    I liked how you analyzed all the recurring themes and how they resurface in each film. I hadn’t noticed a lot of them until you pointed them out.

    Hayao Miyazaki: The Art of Repetition

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your feedback.

    My Love Story!!: More Than Meets The Eye

    Thank you!
    I feel that My Love Story!! is definitely really up-to-date with current pop culture as well as current issues (using phrases like selfie, emoji, bromance, etc). Its writers are definitely aware of the audience they are writing to. I found that to be particularly true concerning Rinko’s incident on the train. The issue of a woman’s clothes and its relationship to sexual assault has been a huge topic of discussion amongst feminists and has been a trending topic in the media. There have been a plethora of articles about young girls standing against unjust school regulations regarding their clothing, the rise of the “slut walk” to raise awareness about sexual assault, women holding up signs saying “not asking for it.” I think Takeo asserting the fact that Rinko was NOT asking for it, regardless of what she was wearing, was a deliberate nod by the writers to feminism and these recent issues.

    My Love Story!!: More Than Meets The Eye