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    How Action Movies Influenced Video Games

    Movies of all genres and decades have had probably the biggest impact on the video game industry. Developers have always cited their favourite films and inspiration (Escape From New York inspired the Metal Gear Series, for example, or the works of John Woo inspiring the Max Payne series). Perhaps the biggest influences are the Action movies of the 1980s. Rambo, Commando, Predator, Running Man, Total Recall, and countless others. This genre has helped lead to some of the most visually and interactively appealing games in the industry. But what is the full extent of the connection? And how many games trace their roots to the big screen?

    • Contra is a big example of a game influenced by 1980s action movies. The game's box art features two characters that look like Stallone and Schwarzenegger. – Sean Gadus 2 years ago
    • I think it could be a great article. From my point of view, I see action movies with a high influence specially on the gameplay and cameras, on how we, as players, situate ourselves inside the game, how we feel the atmosphere, like games as GTA does, for example. Hand to hand combates, cinematic gameplays. One excellent example is the Madagascar gameplay on Uncharted 4. – allan reis 2 years ago

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    I think remasters (and especially remakes) serve a purpose in the industry. And I think for the very very old games, there is a value in reinventing them for modern hardware. But I think there’s a line somewhere between useful remasters/remakes and just plain cash grabs. But as you said, the companies recognize that the player’s love for the old games will win out over sense.
    Great article!

    An Abundance of Remasters: Originality in the Gaming Industry

    I remember watching the first episode of Mando and seeing him walk into that bar like in an old western movie. I knew right then that I would enjoy the series because it wore so heavily the western genre on its list of influences. Great article!

    The Mandalorian’s Response to the Western Genre

    I think part of the value of games like Animal Crossing is the form of escapism they provide. They encourage the player to relax, but they also don’t tend to suck you in for hours upon hours. The game is limited to an internal clock system and you *will* run out of things to do after a certain point. Very well-written piece!

    The Cozy Escapism of Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley