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Remakes of classic epic/biblical films

Ridley Scott's Exodus last year, preparation for a new Ben-Hur filmed in the famous Cinecitta studios… Why are classic epic and biblical films being remade today? What are the genre's elements that still fascinate filmmakers? Will they still fascinate the audience? How much do you think the digital effects are going to change the appreciation and expectations we have on these films ?

  • Could also be interesting to look at the history of and continued practice of "white-washing" these biblical films. – Katie Brown 10 years ago

Why are people captivated by horror films?

Tell why people like to watch horror films even though everyone knows we will have nightmares later, but continue to keep going back to these types of movies.

  • Horror movies are like a roller-coster: there only good if they evoke new thrills. You could talk about how horror movies these days use cheep thrills to get an audience scared; like jump scares seen in all of the Paranormal Activity movies. – Aaron Hatch 10 years ago
  • I feel that one could break this down to sub-genres of horror. This might be a way to structure the article. For example, I prefer the occasional psychological horror. Do sub-genres influence our attraction to horror? Something to think about, at least. – BethanyS 9 years ago
  • I question the use of the word "everyone" here. – T. Palomino 2 years ago

The works of Karel Zeman - the origins of special effects and animation

Karel Zeman was one of the first filmmakers to play with the visuals of the image. He is famous for his beautiful handmade special effects and the arty look of each of his films, full of colours and fantasy. He is one of the first to have combined 'real'-actors performances with animation and special effects.
Study his impact on the film industry and the stylistic particularity of his works.


    Pixar: Riding the Critical tightrope

    With Pixar's critical success waning since Toy Story 3, does the company have the power and inspiration to pull off a comeback?


      Sleeper Hits of 2015

      What might be some of this year's biggest surprises and unexpected success stories? Do movies like Maggie have the guile to overcome The Avengers: Age of Ultron etc.?


        Collateral: Michael Mann's Last Success?

        Collateral is an all-time classic – the dynamic between Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx is surpassed only by Michael Mann's superlative direction. So, with Miami Vice, Public Enemies, and Blackhat pushing Mann into steep decline, are the filmmaker's best days behind? Are their similar cases of big-name directors succeeding and failing at different points in their careers (Ridley Scott etc.)?

        • This is a great topic. Seeing as how Michael Mann has become a director who is starting to appreciate style over substance, it'd be interesting to see how much he has let go of character depth while supplanting it with a really intricate, hyper-realistic visual style. Why would he (and other directors for that matter) see the way they tell the story as being more important than the story itself? – August Merz 9 years ago

        Superhero Cinema: Why All the Hate?

        With several installments of Marvel's Cinematic Universe and DC's Batman/Superman stuff still to come, will Hollywood ever cease its superhero operations? Detail how this process could come about and which genre might stand a chance of taking its place?

        • Perhaps people want something original and not just a rehash of the same heroes over and over again. Perhaps these super heroes need to change to fit the current culture's heroic ideal. Just some thoughts and ideas. – Travis Kane 10 years ago
        • Could also look at the high-profile actors that are very much respected in Hollywood, and how they could help with bringing superhero films more consideration. – Hannah Spencer 9 years ago

        Where Next for Phil Lord and Chris Miller?

        Having successfully rebooted 21 Jump Street into a successful franchise and helmed The Lego Movie into a one also, the comedic duo are in high demand. Having signed on to write and produce the future installments in the Lego series, while also negotiation a potential Jump Street and Men in Black crossover, they are not actually contracted to direct any of these projects. So what will they do next? You could look at the mass amount of rumours flying around or you could simply suggest a few potential properties that would be interesting to see their kinetic style put to.

        • Cool article, checking out their particular directorial style (use of visuals etc.) might a good basis for the article. – Thomas Munday 10 years ago
        • They have just been contacted to write the Flash sequel as well and currently they are directing or writing (not sure which) The Last Man on Earth TV series. – Tyler McPherson 10 years ago