Do all fun games necessarily have to be good ones? Likewise does a good game have to be enjoyable? I think there is a lot of oportunity for discourse on the nature of fun and enjoyment in the space of games. Games like Mount and Blade come to mind when I think of games that are objectively bad, like in no world would I rate the game anything higher than 5/10, but anyone who's played it will tell you that there is something undeniably fun.
It depends on your use of the word "good," and what aspect of the game it pertains to. A game can be "good," in that it is "fun." Or it can be "good," in that it is constructed and designed well. But can something really not be fun even when it's good? Well then that really does depend on which definition you're going by. If it really isn't fun, then what exactly is "good" about it. If it isn't fun, then it probably fails as a game. And "fun" doesn't have to mean rip-roarious glee and excitement. Something can be "fun" simply because it never becomes boring, and you can end up playing it methodically for hours. So all of this would also hinge on what your chosen definition of "fun" is as well. – Jonathan Leiter9 years ago
Building from what Jonathan Leiter said, "good," and, "fun," are very subjective concepts. Try breaking each down into what exactly it is you mean in using word; operationally define them, if you will. For instance, by saying a game is "good," do you mean that it's visually appealing? Or, do you mean that its plotline and character development are engaging? By saying a game is "fun," are you referencing the nearly endless possibility presented by GTAV? Or, are you more talking about the fast paced and challenging game play of games like Shadows of Mordor? I think this is an intriguing topic but it just needs a little brushing up around the edges. – Michael Richardson9 years ago
There are differences between good and fun. The main one would be that good can be an objective term (in that good would mean well-made), whereas fun would definitely be subjective. The problem that I have with this topic as it stands is that it is too nebulous, and if written, would likely devolve into an article regarding your own tastes in video games. As such, I would have to reject. – JDJankowski9 years ago
I would suggest discussing Cards Against Humanity which is almost word for word the difference between good and fun. It is a proclaimed "game for horrible people" and yet it is one of the most fun experiences you can have. – alexpaulsen9 years ago
I think this bears similarities to questions about books and films. It seems critics love the "good," and audiences love the "fun." – Kristian Wilson9 years ago
Many games use various moral choice mechanics to allow players to role play and influence the story and outcomes of a game. Unfortunately in most games this usually boils down to the story having a "good" or "bad" ending as the player makes various red or blue choices (Mass Effect, Infamous, etc) and there is rarely any point in trying to do a mix of each as these games don't have option for playing the middle. (in some cases gameplay abilities and content will be behind 'you must be this good/evil to ride this ride' sorts of walls.)
My thoughts for an article would be in exploring ways that moral choice has been used effectively and innovatively as an aid to storytelling and not become secondary to gameplay mechanics. Games like Iji and Undertale (non obvious moral choice and consequences), Bioshock 2(which has a great example of a developed middlepath), Telltales Walking Dead (no right answer choices).
If you have any other ideas for games you think handle choice well leave them in the notes.
The Fable series does a good job in my opinion with moral choice influencing game play. – DrTestani9 years ago
Undertale is actually an excellent example of moral choice. I've personally played two of the endings thus far. The first play through I didn't choose well at all, though it turns out that the path I chose was necessary to find the true ending. Throughout the game you are given options to murder, to attack and spare before killing them, or avoid attacking all together. In order to get the true ending, the played has to complete a neutral run.
There's a lot of moments that pull at emotions and make the player really question what they should and shouldn't do. The choices you make might not be reflected right away in the game play, but they are evident later on. I could write a 500 word essay about this game and the brilliance behind it's moral implications, but I won't. – HDumars8 years ago
I think Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 would be an excellent game to talk about with regards to morality. The character of Kreia is a morally ambiguous character, her true intentions are cloudy. Over the course of the game she points out flaws in both the Light side philosophy and Dark side philosophy. – Daonso8 years ago
A classic mechanic in many games, namely shooters, is the weapon mechanic of a simple two-weapon slot system where the player has a primary and a secondary weapon. There is, however, a considerable amount of games that allow you to use a variety of weapons that are selected commonly using a weapons wheel or something of the sort. These guns, swords, wrenches and otherwise are found, bought, or looted (depending on the game) within the world, and more are found as the player progresses through the story.
Now, imagine that you are playing through a game such as DOOM or Fallout, and you gather weapon after weapon from story, enemies, and the occasional chest/treasure trove. You gather more and more to your arsenal, and you subconsciously feel yourself getting heavier (is it lag or…?). Eventually, a small but irritatingly itchy question comes up: How could having all of these weapons on me be physically possible?!
Of course, some games balance the system out and even add logic to this philosophical dilemma, such as Borderlands's backpack storage and Fallout's weight system, and because we are talking about the dimension of videogame physics, reasoning can be thrown out the window. This does not, however, mean that there is anything wrong with the system. Gamers everywhere can tell you that they enjoy walking around looking innocent while having a rocket launcher in their pocket (along with an assault rifle, carbine, grappling hook, sniper rifle, smg, samurai blade, mini-gun, baseball bat, bloodscythe, broken whiskey bottle, and a small tactical warhead slingshot). This is just how gamers work.
What do you think about having an infinite (or finite) number of weapons at your disposal? How does this affect the way a game plays and how you play it?
In my experience, sometimes too much realism takes away from the fun of gameplay. I want to play a game, not experience the real. So the weapon wheel seems appropriate for games. But on the other hand, too many options becomes pointless, in my opinion. I end up favoring one or two weapons anyway. Assassin's Creed creates a nice balance of this, in my opinion. – DrTestani9 years ago
It is my belief that most gamers don't care enough about the institution of realism to forego this system as a rule. Frankly, sometimes the convenience of an infinite inventory just beats out the sheer ridiculousness of it all. I can't tell you how many times I was frustrated by over-encumbrance in games like Fallout and Skyrim. Yeah, there is of course no way I could carry ten dragon bone, a couple dozen potions, and a full set of armor and weapons in real life, but when exactly am I going to run into this incident in real life? Gaming, for me, is all about throwing away all those pesky trappings of life--physics, reality, and whatnot. I mean, can you imagine how boring Mario would be without that plumber's superhuman leaping abilities? But to get back on topic, I would say that I don't believe that realism necessitates the removal of the infinite inventory from the game. There are some games that do better without it (e.g. The Left4Dead series, which tries to encourage its players to be resourceful with the limited nature of its primary weapons) and there are those that absolutely need it (e.g. Skyrim, which I alone seem to believe needs to do away with practically the whole concept of carrying a limited amount of things). I think it would be interesting to examine how the concept of the inventory plays out on both ends of the spectrum and to look at the advantages and disadvantages of both systems. – Farrow9 years ago
This reminds me of Skyrim. Of course it's a burden to start getting heavy just when you find the perfect weapon assortment, but at the same time, it could also make the player choose which weapons are more important to them to carry, as well as, which weapons to level up on. It might be interesting to look into, I brought up Skyrim earlier because of this, which games allow you to have a secret place that you can fast travel to so that you could get what you need. – Jaye Freeland9 years ago
There you are in the front row at a concert for your favorite band. The guitars pierce the air. The drums pound through your chest. You can almost touch the lead singers guitar. And then your door bell rings, shaking you out of the intimate show. Virtual Reality is quite possibly on the verge of becoming the new video game phenomenon. The possibilities with VR are endless. One of the topics being discussed are concert experiences held in VR. There is sure to be many who watch a concert on their VR in the comfort of their own house. But to many, that isn't a concert experience. Will this trend take off with music fans? Will artists agree to stream live shows on a VR?
From legendary classics like Final Fantasy and DragonQuest, to fresh new experiences like Undertale and Indivisible, these worlds are all unique in their own ways, but are all bound by a common trait in their blood; they are all RPG's. This style of gameplay has been around for a long time and is still going on and seeing numerous titles with this kind of gameplay in mind. But what makes these types of games so fascinating an immensely popular? What do you find so intriguing about RPG's and do you have a favorite and if so, why? But to go even beyond, why do RPG's seem to have the most diverse and complex stories, and what about them draws you in?
RPGs bring together gaming, improv, friendship and strategy to create and experience that is utterly unique to the style. It is extremely inclusive and is worth trying out for those who have not. – alexpaulsen9 years ago
Yes, I believe you could explore what it would be like for someone who hasn't been introduced to - or for someone who already has preconceived notions about - RPG's. How do they look from an outsider's point of view? How can that be changed? What can someone do to get an outsider to try playing, or to change their opinion about them (without physically forcing them to just sit down and play one -which usually leads to more frustration than progress). – AutamnDarling9 years ago
Fantasy, fantasy, fantasy--having a purpose, being important, embarking on an adventure, discovering different worlds, delving deeply into another persona. Why are these things enticing to people? – Jaye Freeland9 years ago
Escape from our mundane lives : ) – Munjeera9 years ago
The writer of this article would be remiss to overlook the genre's roots in pen and paper. Dungeons & Dragons is the progenitor of all RPGs, and as such should be recognized. The immersion of a persona into a fictional world began there, and translated into new media via video games. – Tarben9 years ago
I play DnD, Pathfinder, and exalted for one reason I need a break from reality- currently I am going to school for social work-I volunteer, work, and study, but once a week I have a chance to escape from some of the icky stuff going on in todays world become a towering behemoth that really helps out the little guy. It gives me hope and courage to keep doing what I am doing and believe in myself. Its also almost a subculture of people-some like sports, cooking shows, etc. – scriswell8 years ago
RPGs and JRPGs seem awash with intense scrutiny of players. I've avoided them almost altogether because of the threshold that seems necessary to play socially. I enjoyed Child of Light, which I understand is derided as RPG-lite, and play plenty of games with RPG elements, like the latest Witcher, but don't think I'll ever touch something the staunch defenders of their fandom would consider an RPG/JRPG. I support AutamnDarling's point - As an outsider, I feel like it would be incredibly difficult to persuade me to play one. I encourage someone to give it a shot. – Paul A. Crutcher8 years ago
Discuss the friction between players of Pokemon Go and organizations that ostensibly work to preserve public spaces within cities. How did the two groups mitigate these frictions?
Could you explain how Pokemon Go works against people trying to preserve public places? Do you mean how that the game encourages a disproportionately high percentage of the population to go to specific places they wouldn't go otherwise? What's the danger in that? – Benjamin Brandall8 years ago
Consider video games, such as the Sly Cooper series, that require a single player to take on the role of multiple characters. What implications do games that force players to utilize different gaming styles and strategies have for encouraging teamwork and collaboration, especially in young players? How do in-game biases towards particular characters, such as Sly, who can do far more than Bentley or Murray, affect the way players think about leaders, followers, and capabilities? It might also be interesting to consider the benefits and detriments to having single players learn this alone, rather than in a multiplayer game that requires more than one real people to collaborate for success.
The Sly Cooper series is one of my favorite video games from my childhood. I had never thought about that aspect of it before though. You're right that Sly Cooper is the main attraction of the games. He's the cool, suave guy who picks pockets with ease and gets the girl. Bentley and Murray have smaller missions by comparison but are nonetheless important to Sly's success as a thief. They take a backseat to Sly's visibility as a leader and hero, which tends to be an underrated quality. That doesn't make them "followers" just because the spotlight isn't on them. As kids, there's often a huge stress on becoming strong leaders but it's important to evaluate what actually means. As gamers, we're given control over each character in the Sly Cooper series at the precise moment when we need their strengths in that given situation. Sly's good at stealth, Bentley at intelligence and hacking, and Murray is the muscle. They rely on each other's individual strengths to function as a team. That's a different type of teamwork than as you say, multiplayer games, and it also functions differently than the turn-based systems that have been used in games such as the Final Fantasy series. There are certain implications involved in that which are worth exploring. – aprosaicpintofpisces8 years ago
While I do think single player games can incorporate and introduce teamwork to the player, it's multiplayer games that involve the player in better teamwork scenarios. With single player games, I can learn and build on how I work as a player in said games. But when those games place me into a multiplayer setting with real people beside me, compared to when I'm fighting alongside AI characters, I feel like I'm contributing to the cause instead of doing everything on my own. The sense of teamwork without real conversation isn't there for me. The feeling of making a difference isn't in my heart or mind or eyes. With real people by my side and in my ear, talking with me when I talk, I have a feeling of a team player, as someone who is actually accomplishing something for the good of others. – JRG8 years ago
YES 1000x
With the new and developing world of competitive video games, many games like Battlefield, Call of Duty, Destiny, League to Legends, and many more, these single player games where their is an objective, many people can make these games more enjoyable with the addition of team based things such as Esports, which is competitive sporting by professional gamers, which take mainly single player games and turn them into team based games. – dff50888 years ago
With the recent release of the acclaimed Civilization VI it would be interesting to look back at long lasting grand strategy series and the value it holds. Each iteration of the series has players building an empire starting at the beginning of human civilization and developing over thousands of years into the Space Age. This allows players to experience concepts such as culture building, technology development, military growth, and handling diplomacy as your empire changes over time. With this article I'd like to explore how the various games handles these concepts and how the choices in game allow the player to learn first hand about history and how our world developed and changed over time. It also would allow insight on how Civ VI handles these themes in particular.
I look forward to seeing this written, I learned a ton of history and facts by reading the Civilopedia in Civ2. Not sure how the modern games have handled it but I think there was always a lot lacking in how civilization actually started and expanded. Smaller groups were assimilated into larger ones or banded together to deal with threats; cases where settlers struck out to found new cities as part of the empire were far rarer. – Sboother8 years ago