In The Birth of Tragedy, German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche discusses two artistic impulses: the Apollonian (named for Apollo, the god...
Art Posocco Feb 27, 2014
Recently, FOX released their cast for the new Fantastic Four film, slated for 2015, with mixed reactions. One would assume...
Jonathan Matos Feb 26, 2014
Back in 2012, in celebration of its 20th anniversary, it was announced that a new Sailor Moon anime was in...
Marlena Matute Feb 24, 2014
Earlier this week, Mormon mother Kathryn Skaggs wrote an article accusing the newest Disney film, Frozen, of being part of...
Jonathan Matos Feb 23, 2014
Lena Dunham is naked. A lot. Her hit show, Girls, has had a monumental rise since its first season began...
H Feb 17, 2014
From glistening ball gowns, to fairy godmothers and singing animals—Walt Disney has little children everywhere growing up wanting to become...
Emily Lighezzolo Feb 3, 2014
After our appetite was recently satiated on Hunger Games, we are diverging our fingers to the next tasty literature meal:...
Emily Lighezzolo Dec 18, 2013
With the release of Iron Man 3 this summer and Thor: The Dark World coming in just a few weeks, the...
Taylor Ramsey Oct 11, 2013
So what happens if HBO runs out of Game of Thrones books to adapt? The simple answer is an extended...
Lauren Gabourel Oct 6, 2013
AMC, creators of top rating shows such as The Walking Dead, Mad Men and Breaking Bad have announced a spin-off...
Tyler McPherson Sep 25, 2013