Tanner Ollo

I'm a graduate of Indiana University and I have a B.A. in Journalism. I also enjoy a great series no matter the medium.

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    Out of the Ashes: Building New Societies in The Walking Dead

    The Walking Dead comic series shows various groups of people trying to form new societies in order to survive the zombie apocalypse. Examine the different types of societies in the show (Woodbury, The Kingdom, The Hill, Terminus, etc.) and how they form and sustain their societies as well as the flaws that inevitably lead to their downfall at the hands of the Walkers.

    • I'm not familiar with this show (not a fan of zombies, vampires, and etc.) but this sounds like a fun and informative topic. It might be worth contrasting the strengths of each society with their weaknesses (e.g., is one society weak in an area where another is strong). – Stephanie M. 8 years ago
    • This is a very engaging idea for a topic. As a fan of the show myself, Ive noticed the recurring trend of moving from location to location in a trial and error effort to rebuild civilisation. I think the different societies depicted exhibits the different humanitarian approaches to the apocalypse itself and a discussion of this would be extremely interesting. Great Idea! – AdilYoosuf 8 years ago
    • This topic would be interesting to look at given the last major arc in the series (with the new Governor, and the idea of poeple being placed in their pre-apocalyptic roles), and that the series is now over and it finished with somewhat retrospective ideas from Carl. More to work with. – msnfrd 5 years ago

    The Women of Frank Miller's Sin City

    In Frank Miller's Sin City (1991-2000), the prostitutes of Old Town, Basin City's red light district, keep the pimps and cops out. In a city filled with corrupt cops and politicians, they are the only semblance of true justice. But are they a good portrayal of strong female characters or are they merely a male fantasy? Analyze how well the women of Old Town hold up in the age of #MeToo.

    • This is a fantastic article topic! I would recommend for anyone who takes it that intersectionality feminist theory may come in handy when analyzing this thesis. Considering the race, class, and gender of the characters in question can help improve equality and make it more inclusive. – M. L. Flood 6 years ago

    Is Rock and Roll Dead?

    Analyze how changes in technology (rhythm machines, streaming services) and people's changing taste in music have led to the loss of influence rock music (Punk, New Wave, Heavy Metal, Grunge, etc.) had on mainstream pop culture. Also compare the number of new bands signed to major record labels to the number of acts of other genres (Hip-hop, country, folk, etc.) from the early 2000s to the present.


      Recurring themes in David Fincher's films

      Discuss common philosophical, social, and psychological themes in David Fincher's films (Alien 3, Seven, The Game, Fight Club, Panic Room, Zodiac, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Social Network, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Gone Girl).


        Deconstructing YA Literature in "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl"

        On the surface, Jesse Andrews' debut novel "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" (2012) might seem like another Young Adult novel with quirky teen characters and a bittersweet coming-of-age story. But is there more to the novel than meets the eye? Analyze how the characters comment and critique certain cliches found in YA literature and how it deconstructs this facet of the literary community.


          World War I Through the Eyes of Wonder Woman (2017)

          How does the latest Wonder Woman film portray World War I and the physical/emotional effects it had on the soldiers and/or civilians. Also worth exploring is Diana Prince's/Wonder Woman's character development as she struggles to hold onto her ideals amid the horrors of the trenches, mustard gas, and the moral ambiguity of humanity.

          • This is an awesome topic! I saw wonder woman yesterday and found the use of the WWI setting very intriguing. It is a crucial aspect of the film and Wonder Woman's emotional and moral growth/development. – Sean Gadus 8 years ago
          • This is a good topic, but its two instead one. Maybe make it a little bit more specific: choose character development or World WarI, as these are both very different topics. Maybe be could fuse it by saying how struggles such as war develops strong character as in Wonder Woman. – birdienumnum17 8 years ago
          • I like these ideas, although I tend to agree that the stronger topic here would be Diana's character development, especially as she is such a mix of innocence and power. I think it could also be interesting to explore her empowerment and how that is juxtaposed with the suffragette era briefly alluded to in the film. – HoldenSheppard 8 years ago
          • I like this topic! One thing to consider might be how Wonder Woman views the causes of World War I. – Ben Hufbauer 8 years ago

          Rumors, Lies, and Bullies in Joel Edgerton's "The Gift"

          Joel Edgerton's directorial debut film "The Gift" (2015) shows how a small rumor can ruin someone's life and how the past eventually catches up with us. Analyze and discuss the psychological and emotional effects of bullying. Also discuss whether or not time actually heals all wounds and if people actually change as a result.

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            Latest Comments

            We need diverse voices now more than ever. I’m happy that publishers see the potential in making sure everyone is represented in the literary community.

            The Long-Term Positivity of Multi-Cultural Children's Books

            I just love sci-fi movies like Ex Machina that really make you think about heavy philosophical themes. Heck, it doesn’t have to be sci-fi either. Any movie that tickles your brain is enjoyable even after the end credits.

            Ex Machina, Frankenstein and Modern Deities

            The first novel I’ve read of Murakami’s was Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage and I’m interested in reading some of his other works. Any recommendations?

            Colorful Haruki Murakami and His Ever-growing Popularity: Why do People Like His Works?

            Great article all-around. I would like to point out that Ferris drives around downtown Chicago, not Toronto. Just letting you know.

            John Hughes Remains Relevant: Don't You Forget About Me

            While reading this article, I was reminded of the Yin Yang symbol of Taoism: light is not entirely good and darkness is not entirely bad. Each side as a bit of the other within them, and both sides are in constant flux. Eventually, when one side becomes too powerful, the other fights back and evens things out. Kind of like how the Jedi’s power, who went from peacekeepers to warriors by siding with the Republic in the Clone Wars, was checked by their near extinction at the hands of the Sith.

            The Lost Path of the Jedi

            If they ever made a live-action Trigun or Cowboy Bebop movie, I could definitely see him directing one if not both of them. I mean, he’s already established himself as a master of western and crime films, so combining that with a dash of sci-fi would really expand his portfolio.

            The Work of Quentin Tarantino: Quality Over Quantity

            Finally, an anime with a main character that I can easily relate to! I think this is definitely one of the best shows this season has to offer.

            How Takeo Broke the Mold in Ore Monogatari!!