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    Does Rotten Tomatoes help you choose what films to watch?

    As a popular reviewing website, Rotten Tomatoes gives an easy to understand percentage ratio to allow people to see what the masses of online critics think of films new and old. With films being rated as soon as they are released, are you one to check the film's rank before deciding on whether a film is worth watching at the cinema or do you not consider reviewer opinions at all before going to the movies?

    • You could expand on this by looking at a number of movie reviewing sites, like IMDB, Letterboxd, etc., and talk about the differences and similarities between them, how to use them, etc. – Marcie Waters 9 years ago
    • I agree with Marcie, this article should look at other sites and maybe even each of them in relation to what the fan base of the people who use them are. For example, I don't trust Rotten Tomato because it gives bad reviews to movies I think are good because it's a different fan base using the site and rating them, one which doesn't appreciate or understand certain genres. Which sites support which kind of movies the most? – Slaidey 9 years ago
    • I agree with the topic that the website is an easy way of determining wether a movie is good or bad. However, this can spoil the views before watching the film, especially if you have just paid to see it in theatres. Also, I recommend using other movie rating sites to see more opinions on the film. – naomidelottin21 9 years ago
    • Rotten tomatoes is very up and down for me, sometimes they get it right, other times it is little more than internet sensationalism. A movie could be nearly perfect but because the internet hates the director it will get a bad review. It is very much a little looking glass for the internet. – lostatsea303 9 years ago
    • This is a topic I've always wanted to write about. The way in which different sites work and when if ever one should let said opinions affect them before viewing the film themselves. What a rating means, how it's scaled, who is posting the ratings, and how many does it take to accurately judge a film? – danielhageman 9 years ago

    Do offensive comments on Web Videos equate to harassment?

    In the legal sense, harassment is intentional behavior which is found threatening or disturbing. When it comes to web videos the majority of commenting is considered as fair game, but should the more repetitive and offensive comments be considered as legitimate harassment that should be regulated, or should these be taken with a grain of salt to keep free speech on the internet?

    • I don't see how this could fit into any of the topics? Is it about any artform? – Francesca Turauskis 9 years ago
    • Agreeing with Francesca - this sounds more like a paper for a class than anything else. – TheLegendofPie 9 years ago
    • I guess the main question I have is harassment of who? If you want to explore some recent web video creators who are talking a lot of flak, that might be interesting to go about this topic. If you can find controversial YouTubers who have millions of fans, that might be a way to go (like PewDiePie and Shane Dawson). But if you are talking about people using crass language, I mean... it is the internet. – firefly8517 9 years ago
    • I value free speech, but I think we need to exercise it with more care. If we put others down with our words, we are abusing our freedom. But does it count as harassment if the receiver of the comment has no knowledge of the perpetrator? – birdonawire 9 years ago
    • To bring this topic into the realm of art, you could investigate how the regulation of harassment could leak over to other forms of expressions. If YouTube or other online forums become liable for harassment suits due to video commentary, will the music industry be next (in particular rap songs:many of these types of these songs fit into the "tentional behavior which is found threatening or disturbing" definition. – Angelia 9 years ago
    • Unless there is a way to track harassment, it seems like all comments, mean or not, are innocent uses of speech. Freedom of speech is always better than locking down ideas and shunning others. An Internet of policing is the foreseeable Distopia, But I agree with Francesca Turauskis, this does not seem to tie into art concepts, but rather a legal topic, or psychology. Maybe it is vital to discuss this concept for the sake of working in digital media! – cwinegargarrett 9 years ago
    • Based on today's generation, we can recognize some people who are being harassed is relates mostly on computers. For example, by using the computers people can hack other peoples computers to shut their servers down or use the other person's identification as a fraud. In similar cases some of the women and men are becoming attached to dating sites which people log in to find their match without noticing the true self of other people online. Also, most people take Selfies and post videos on sites like Youtube and Facebook to share about their personal lives.Other effects of web video harassment are the languages and the cinematic are presented on TV's , music videos, and films can lead towards bad behavior by watching inappropriate scenes for their age portrayed in the entertainment and media is could be a harassment don't you Agree? Parents must take immediate action to control the activities online for their own safety and their children safety especially on sites like Facebook and Youtube sites to become famous by trying increase the number of time their videos are being viewed and comments written under their uploaded videos, nude pictures, and blogs they have created for themselves in order to communicate with their friends in other locations without noticing the person.Therefor, it is inappropriate and unacceptable to behave like that towards their parents and the community where they live in. – Afrajashnivand 9 years ago

    Will Fairy Tail be the next anime to join the ranks of One Piece, Naruto and Bleach?

    Because of their popularity and episode count, One Piece, Naruto and Bleach are known in the anime community as 'The Big 3'. With Bleach and Naruto Shippuuden coming to an end and Fairy Tail's episode count continuing to rise, will Fairy Tail take the place of one these anime or will this group of shōnen anime become known as the Big 4?

    • It's a question I have often wondered. It seems like a lovechild between Dragonball Z, (predecessor to the Big Three) and Naruto. It's also worthy to state that the Naruto manga has ended. I have wondered often if there will not be a new Big Three after the three Anime end (though One Piece may be around for quite some time.) Whoever takes this up, I recommend looking at additional Anime that may join this count such as Boku no Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail, etc... – SpectreWriter 9 years ago
    • If you look up 'big four' anime, Fairy Tail is the fourth, and the other three are One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach. – nsiegel 9 years ago
    • I was thinking... Maybe someone could examine the common features that make these series popular, and see how they are different. – Jordan 9 years ago

    Our Obsession with New Media

    Where some people backdate the media of their favorite genres of mediums while waiting for other content to come out, others hold their breath in anticipation for the newest comic book film or whine about the time it will take for the newest Game of Thrones book to come out. Considering the plethora of quality older novels or films in these genres, do you think that some people brush them aside too easily or ignore them entirely because they are not new? Or is this just another first world problem to complain about?

    • It's perfectly fine I think to be looking forward and waiting with bated breath for new episodes of our favourite serials to come out, but I do agree with you that there's an awful lot of gems, both well-known and hiddent, just waiting to be uncovered in the past. – CalvinLaw 9 years ago

    The Moral Spectrum of Characters in Fantasy

    'Bad guy' protagonists and 'good guy' antagonists. What fantasy heroes do you think of as anti-heroes or morally grey? What fantasy villains do you think were sympathetic or in the right? Explore the moral spectrum of different characters in fantasy and share the ones you thought were unique to the genre.

    • Firstly, no one "dwells into" things, they "dwell on" thoughts or "dwell in" caves. Secondly, I'm not 100% on what topic you're trying to delve into here. An exploration of the introduction of a moral spectrum in the fantasy genre? – Austin 10 years ago
    • I altered it to 'dwell' because of I received this: Revision Rather than saying 'I am particularly interested', you can reword the sentence as 'Dwell into the graying area of morality...' – YsabelGo 17 hours ago I will return it to what it was originally and clarify the topic motive. – ChrisKeene 10 years ago

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    Latest Comments

    Thank you, I appreciate that.

    American Psycho: A Post Modern Horror

    Yeah, most of the people that watch it end up with a lot of questions.

    American Psycho: A Post Modern Horror

    That’s great that my article had such an effect.

    American Psycho: A Post Modern Horror

    He is a very interesting character.

    American Psycho: A Post Modern Horror

    Yeah, it’s pretty out there.

    American Psycho: A Post Modern Horror

    Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.

    American Psycho: A Post Modern Horror

    Yup, a lot of that.

    American Psycho: A Post Modern Horror

    That’s because, depending on what academic discipline you follow, post modern doesn’t have a strict definition.

    American Psycho: A Post Modern Horror