Taylor Ramsey

Taylor Ramsey

While I quietly wait for a really good excuse to go on an interstate mayhem spree, I read comics and watch movies. While I do the "writing" here, my wife makes it readable.

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Taylor Ramsey

Also, CBR IS very helpful. But again, I spend all day in front of a screen, and just plain prefer to unplug in my free time.

Things That Embarrass Me About Being a Comics Fan
Taylor Ramsey

Actually, I agree. The dedicated reader CAN find all the info they would want. I just cant devote that kind of time, and I suspect there are others (probably in my age demographic)that are not constantly online.
The issue of finding the unknown is still there…I may not generally look for a particular comic from a smaller publisher like IDW, but DO hear about them out in the wild. Previews brings books to my attention that are not from one of the big guys that I might otherwise not notice.
Atomic Robo is a book that is a little hard to find if you mainly read only Marvel and DC, and are only looking for their books. Without previews, I would have never found my favorite book on the stands.
Previews IS full of chum to be sure, but from a ‘one-stop-shopping’ standpoint, there really is no other game in town.
The best solution would be for them to make the mag avail digitally without having to go to your local shop. They were going to but I never checked back to see if it happened. They didn’t want to cut out the LCS, and I see why, but the old model is just not working any more.

Things That Embarrass Me About Being a Comics Fan
Taylor Ramsey

The Previews that come out still costs more than it should (meaning any cost at all), and many people(including myself) literally go through page by page to see if there is something I may not have heard about yet. The internet is helpful for many things, but not unless it is something that A) you know to look for already, or B) someone else is already talking about it.
It is unfortunate that we cannot get the complete thing for free like most other industries, particularly now that it is available digitally.

Things That Embarrass Me About Being a Comics Fan
Taylor Ramsey

Yes, Batman used a gun frequently in his early days. Stopped by editorial mandate to keep the books less violent. Detective Comics was a very dark book early on, and Batman was not opposed to lethal force.
This was an interesting article. I think more is being attributed to classic characters in order to retcon in more depth, as a result, they become less accessible to modern audiences unless they are sent too far into the dark (Man of Steel, anyone?)
I think Miller’s DKR is the best modern Batman, and a good example to use in this context. Kind of a bummer that there have not been more stories of equal quality for Bats in recent years.

Batman and the Problem With Vigilante Justice: A Love Story
The modern comic convention experience
Taylor Ramsey

Ephemeral, yes. But still kind of sad.
The creator’s rights thing is something that has been on my mind of late.
May end up being an article soon…

Lost to History: Film and Television We May Never See Again
Taylor Ramsey

Your experience will depend on the con you go to–the mid size ones can be a lot more enjoyable if you do not like crowds. Also, when you go. The first day and the last day of most shows will be the least attended, often because the first is a weekday, the last a Sunday.
I always find those to the be the best days for casual roaming.

The modern comic convention experience
Taylor Ramsey

Not a topic that would automatically come to mind, but in the wake of the success oh 12 years, one that really needed to be broached.
Nicely done.

Discussing the Importance of the American Slave Narrative