Educational television programming for children and teens has historically been a risky venture. Despite the quality of information regularly presented...
CulturallyOpinionated May 12, 2022
Without any doubt, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is an American classic; it is a book that is...
nbcaballero Nov 1, 2021
The ultraviolent horror anime Deadman Wonderland possesses a fascinating cast of characters. The men and women of this series are...
Debs Nov 24, 2020
The tale of Hikigaya Hachiman in OreGairu was one where self-discovery stood paramount. A story which implied a caterpillar-like figure...
J.D. Jankowski Nov 2, 2020
A dark fantasy thriller that reinvigorated its genre, The Promised Neverland captured the hearts of audiences with its unique narrative,...
Lyka Cali Aug 7, 2020
In 1982, Computer generated effects were still very rough. They could perform basic functions, but their integration and interaction with...
James Sep 16, 2019
Across the neo-noir world of the John Wick films, there is a running joke that the swath of death and...
JustinMoir Jul 19, 2019
Animation is animation, no matter where it comes from, or how it’s made. Yet in the sprawling jungles of the...
ImperatorSage Jun 11, 2019
If you're a fan of horror manga, then there is no doubt that you will have come across the works...
Andi Jun 3, 2019
Media productions are collaborative efforts. Whenever works of entertainment are discussed, people will rarely ever talk about the individuals who...
ImperatorSage Mar 11, 2019