To quote drag queen, Jasmine Master's infamous, "I have something to say, RuPaul's Drag Race has fucked up drag,' meme, this thought-provoking opinion is something that I find myself returning to every time a new drag queen expresses the validation they feel from being chosen to be on the show. Furthermore, when this validation seems only rewarded when winning, it becomes a rather toxic outlook towards drag in drag race. While I don't look down upon queens who have this belief, I do believe to an extent that it is exhausting to watch a queen dilute their talent to only being validated through RuPaul's 'stamp of approval.' Drag is a form of self-expression and the idea that for some drag queens, their admission to drag race and running time on drag race is validation saddens me, because I think drag is such a beautiful art form and the variety of nuances that it's performed in is what makes it most interesting to me. I sometimes feel like RuPaul's Drag Race, as a competition, tends to affect that with its challenges that are fine tuned to specific areas. Sure some queens are more well-versed in different areas, and the show is meant to show case the variety of talents that walk through that work room, but I notice the pressures of a competition like drag race affecting queens nevertheless. I'd like to hear other's thought on this.
Very important topic, especially since drag also has a history of being a political art form. Whoever chooses this topic should also keep in mind how Willam said one of the only reasons why she came onto drag race was because she couldn't get work anymore for being a queen who wasn't a "Ru Girl". Another important point is that while the race initially had very loose boundaries, because of its mass popularity it has its own controlling hand. this current season in particular (season 10). Has expressed that fits were egged on by producers, Snatch game characters or outfit choices were discarded based on what producers felt would be popular, etc. – Pamela Maria Schmidt7 years ago
I think this could be useful to also compare earlier seasons to the more recent seasons - particularly the 'scandal' around the most recent All Stars season coming across as scripted and pre-arranged. – CatEllen7 years ago
My sense is that drag has never been free of competition. Drag shows that I attended pretty regularly some three decades ago in a local bar had clear competitive elements. There were open rivalries, audience favorites, structured competitions, etc. I think it's legitimate to be critical and ask hard questions of anything in mass media, definitely, but I doubt there ever was a more pure form of drag that was free of competition and validation. – JamesBKelley7 years ago
With the second season of The Handmaid's Tale expanding on where the book finished, the ante is continually upped in terms of violence and horror. To keep the tension building, the torture and suffering the women in The Handmaid's Tale keeps getting worse and worse. Is this feminist tv show crossing the line with how much suffering is shown?
Anyone taking on this topic needs to acknowledge that men also suffer, are tortured and exploited in The Handmaid's Tale: Commander Warren Putnam's hand is amputated as punishment for his lustful feelings and behaviour towards Janine, Nick is exploited as a sperm donor and forced into an arranged marriage. Also, I suggest that the topic be re-worded slightly: Rather than presume that the suffering is worsening solely for the purpose of building tension, why not ask 'what is the purpose of the escalation of horror and suffering? Is it inappropriate, and does it compare with torture porn?' Anyone responding to this topic as it is worded would have to be familiar with 'torture porn', which complicates matters for the potential writer. – Jos7 years ago
While it is definitely devastating to watch, I wouldn't necessarily label it as "torture porn", because that would imply that we derive pleasure from watching the characters suffer. We see plenty of horrible things in shows like Game of Thrones, and we keep watching not because of the events depicted, but because of how the characters respond. – RebaZatz7 years ago
I'm not sure about others, but I was pleasantly surprised by the new TV series, based on the comic series, 'Runaways'. What I enjoyed was that the show made a strong nod to the comics, including a few throwaway lines and in-jokes, maintained aspects of the narrative that were iconic and important, but ultimately told a new story.
There has been much discussion on this site, and online in general, concerning the act of adapting from comics. I think 'Runaways' would be a good one to critic. Now although I enjoyed this immensely, there are also problematic issues in the alteration of the narrative, which deviates hugely from the original. In a similar way that 'Riverdale' reinvented itself for TV, 'Runaways' presents not quite a reinvention, but a reimagination.
Is this the way to compromise for comic adaptions?
Shows like 13 Reasons Why and Girl, Interrupted romanticize mental illness and the experience of depressed individual. Gender often plays into these narratives, and the specific roles that are romanticized-the depressed, their hero/protector, and the idolization of their struggle.
I think this is really important to see. I would open this up to all mental illnesses. Specifically, I think To The Bone showed the struggles of eating disorders, how it effects you and your family and those around you without romanticizing it? It'd be fantastic to really look at what 13 Reasons Why did wrong and what other depictions do right. Does it just come down to what stories are told? Because the 13 Reasons Why story has A LOT of criticism in general. How it showed Hannah getting all that attention post-suicide, her blaming and guilting her peers when suicide is a choice, etc. etc. Just some thoughts. – M K Keane7 years ago
Since 13 Reasons Why Season 2 was released on Netflix a few days ago, there has been many conflicting opinions on the show. Some say it is informative and applaud it for raising awareness in ways no other show dares to do while many find the show extremely offensive, saying it glorifies and misrepresents mental illness as well as showing graphic scenes concerning matters such a suicide and rape that can be incredibly triggering for those suffering. What are your thoughts?
I've watched both seasons of this show and as a fan, I admire that it's tackling serious issues that teens struggle with in high school. I personally find that it raises awareness of those issues. It's one of those shows were some people will enjoy it, while others might hate it for exposing too much. – nomfyrocks7 years ago
I have to agree with nomfyrocks. I think a lot of people judge 13 Reasons Why too harshly, and are too critical of what it brings to the table. Yes, there are absolutely things which could have been done more sensitively, more politically correct, more appropriately. However, I think the people critiquing the show are not bothering to understand the entire purpose of a show like 13 Reasons Why in the first place. It is not a show everyone will be comfortable watching, but it is a show that brings awareness to a difficult topic and teachers viewers a wildly important lesson. Many of the people who originally watched and took issue with the show are individuals who have suffered from mental health or considered suicide, or at least individuals who already understood mental health and what it is like to be bullied to some extent. Meanwhile, many of the people who praise the show also suffer from mental health or have considered suicide. I think it really depends the lens you the view the show in, and how you interpret the meaning and purpose of it. In my opinion, the major purpose of the show is to teach people (who maybe do or do not understand/suffer from mental health) that their actions have consequences, and that all people will react and feel differently to the things they do. The major theme they are contending with here is that people kill people (or drive them to death) with cruelty and ignorance. The purpose of the show is not to teach individuals suffering with mental health or individuals being bullied how to cope or what to do. The purpose is to teach people to be more considerate and aware, and not to do things which will eventually make people feel they have no other choice but suicide. Obviously individuals who already understand mental health and what it is like to be bullied may have different responses, based on their individual perspectives and experiences. However, although the show can be interesting or beneficial to those people, it is not intended to those people. It is intended for the people who have or could become the reasons why someone else considered suicide, to make them accountable and aware of their actions. I think when faced with the prospect that your cruelty or ignorance could result in driving someone to suicide, majority of people will rethink the way they behave. The show might not be perfect, but I think some of the more difficult scenes to watch might actually drive this message home to people who are or could become one of the reasons why. – nicdanex7 years ago
I would like to start off by asking what does a glorified and misrepresentation of a mental illness look like? What does a accurate representation of a mental illness look like? I personally believe that season 2 of "13 Reasons Why" would have not had a better time to be released. The "glorified representation of mental illness" was shining light on issues that are present in someone's life. The great thing about art is, it brings awareness to a bigger picture, awareness that people don't seem to get when watching the news or reading a news paper. Art is the only way to get peoples attention, to show that we are more alike then we know, to show not to take life for granted even if you're dealing with similar circumstances as the characters. There was a reason why "13 Reasons Why" had its warnings before explicit scenes showed, to give audience the choice of following through with the program and shunning away from it. Everyone should have an option, because I understand why people may feel uncomfortable to watch it. But I don't find the season offensive because there is no right or wrong way a person with a mental illness behaves. Everyone has their own triggers and circumstances. – Arispeaks7 years ago
While Big Brother, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, or any Survival island anywhere, have human interactive elements of created drama, these shows can carry a feeling of detachment on the part of the audience: It might be possible to have some vicarious pleasure in watching these shows, but they can still be seen as shows where the viewers do not have the possibility of participation. The various reality shows on HGTV (Property Brothers, Fixer Upper, Good Bones, for example) or American Pickers (on the History Channel) create a feeling that the audience can be more closely involved. Imagine hitting the road and seeing a site that looks like an odd junkyard, knocking on the door, and asking to rummage through someone's property or warehouses? Imagine inviting The Property Brothers or Chip and Joanna Gaines to be involved in picking out a house to buy, having them knock down a wall, remodel a kitchen and turn the place into your dream home? These types of momentary thoughts can seem all too feasible. If you watch HGTV enough or American Pickers, it can be easy to imagine passing a place that looks interesting and wonder if it is possible to be like Mike and Frank. We all hope to buy a house that has potential and have Joanna do her magic and turn it into the white picket fence home of our dreams. Are all reality shows the same or do some create a greater sense of expectation than others? Do these shows have an impact on the real world of remodeling or buying junk (which might not be junk to everyone)?
Reality TV is biased towards consumption. While it is true that there are differences between what is being advertised on a game-show type program, in which there is obvious competition, and a home renovation show, there can be no doubt that a product or lifestyle is always being sold. – Aedon7 years ago
Although some programmes these days cleverly use a timeline in history to create a fictional story, which entices viewers to be curious about what the characters' lives would be like in the time period. However, happenings and events from the time period are often altered to suit the plot of the episodes instead of the actual. Is this beneficial to the audience? Or should we be given historical truths to aid us to expand our own knowledge of history? E.g. Reign
I think this is an extremely interesting topic. However I'd work on the title - I think something more engaging like "In the Making of History" or "Is History History?" Haha I don't know. These are just at the top of my head. You can always keep this title, it's totally up to you. Just a quick note for ya :) – Hals0077 years ago
This would be absolutely fun to write. All in all, it comes down to the relevance of history today in the cinematic sphere and also the purpose of entertainment. You'd have a lot to talk about the level of 'responsibility' the stakeholders (e.g. audience, film makers, government censorship) have in producing historical TV shows etc. – Sakki7 years ago
A fascinating topic! One thing you should consider is what a historical truth is - is it enough to stick to historical facts? Odd as it sounds, can you present history without making it seem archaic? Can you tell the underlying tone of a period simply by presenting it as is, or does its presentation have to be altered to our contemporary audience to understand it? After all, everything we see, we see through the lens of our time, and everything comes with assumptions we've collectively made about the past. Something big that historical fiction has to tackle is that second narrative - you either write based on your audience's historical assumptions, or you write to change them. Which is right? – gachelzbieta7 years ago
Over the past few years, some of my favourite TV shows (particularly animated ones and those with deep story) have come to an end – by complete choice. Especially animated ones like Regular Show, Gravity Falls, Over the Garden Wall, etc. I've been thinking about this for a while but especially as the approaching end of my absolute favourite animated series, Adventure Time, nears ever closer. Whilst this angers dedicated audiences, many others, just as loving of a show, are happy and in support of studios' choice. This topic has a lot to it and fascinates me. For example; Why do shows end by choice even though their rankings or following is not decreasing at all? How SHOULD a show end? How do producers bring justice to a show before it disappears from our screens? Most of all, I believe audiences who look deeper, like ourselves, as well as the regular every-day audience should understand the multitude of factors that bring a show to an end. There's a multitude of answers and questions regarding this broader topic and I would love to see people's opinions and comments on it!
I really like this question that you ask: Why do shows end by choice even though their rankings or following is not decreasing at all?
My sense is that if someone is set on telling a truly compelling story, that storyteller would want to be able to determine when and how the story ends, not leave the story's telling time up to something as arbitrary as whether or not the series will be continued or cancelled. – JamesBKelley7 years ago
Absolutely, I agree. I have such high respect for shows that end to complete the story etc rather than dragging it out for profit. Even though AT is my favourite show and I’ll be very sad to see it go, I’m glad they’re bringing it to an end due to story ☺️ I wish more audiences could understand these things – inkski7 years ago
I suggest you take a look at how Babylon 5 was planned out: (for many references).
J. Michael Straczynski had the whole story planned in advance, but always kept "failsafes" in place. And then there was the whole mess with it being renewed at the last minute for a fifth season.
Also, sometimes you can't plan for everything. I an actor wants to/has to leave, there is only so much you can do. Especially if it is the main character or one of the main characters. – tanaod7 years ago