Contributing writer for The Artifice.
Junior Contributor III
Is the Window for Being a Career YouTuber Closing?YouTube revenue is at an all-time low, in part due to the recent departure of several major advertisers over concerns about their products being associated with hate speech. Many on YouTube now rely on services like Patreon for income as much or more so than their YouTube partnerships. That said, Patreon is typically only successful for content creators that have already built a brand and a following. Is this the beginning of the end for YouTube as a cottage industry? Is there room for scrappy newcomers to make a living anymore?
Ruined by the Fandom - How our interaction with fans affects our view of media.Investigate the seemingly modern phenomenon of media being "ruined" by it's fandom. Works like Steven Universe, Undertale, and Minecraft all have encountered problems with people being reticent to engage with them despite merit of the works themselves due to preconceived notions of what kind of people engage with those works. In some cases, particularly Steven Universe, high profile twitter users have expressed fear of discussing the show for worry of how the fandom may lash out at them. How new is this phenomenon? Is critiquing a work based on it's fans valid? How can creators avoid this stigma? Should they have to?
Gentrification and the Fighting Game CommunityAnalyze the path the Fighting Game Community has taken and how its path towards more mainstream "Esports" appeal may be pulling it further from its roots. Look at how the origins of Fighting Games, which until about 2009 were competitively played primarily in arcades, separated them from other competitive fighting games primarily played online. Look at how the economic factors required to play online games in the early 2000s vs the quarters required to play in an arcade created two separate groups. Look at how attempts to court sponsors to major FGC events could be seen as disrespectful to its roots. The racial undertones of Evo's "No Thuggery" rule.
Understanding Abstract Art | |
![]() I feel like sometimes the player’s desire for narratives in which their choices have concrete consequences and impact comes into conflict both with the designer’s desire to tell a given story and, even moreso, the rapidly exponential cost that comes about when having to design around an ever growing matrix of decisions and outcomes. | Video Games and Morality: The Question of Choice |
![]() So, countdown until someone gives us a retelling of Richard III in orange-face? | Shakespeare's Richard III: The Power of Speech |
![]() I feel like Pottermore Prime became more of a burden than they were willing to manage. Any medium that allows cross communication requires admins. It is much simpler to simply remove that element. | The Lost Civilization of Pottermore |
![]() I always felt as though Wendy was almost defined by her ties to the normal world. Though Wendy would cease being Wendy as she aged, a Wendy that became a permanent resident of Wonderland would scarcely be Wendy either. | The Problem of Peter Pan: Should Choices Hurt? |
I feel like this article is conflating abstract and non-representative art into a single meaning while talking about non-representational art.