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Mother's influence on indie games

Examine the influence the JRPG series Mother has had on recent indie games, with examples being Undertale, Lisa, OFF, Space Funeral, Ib and Anodyne. Talk about how it's atmosphere and mix of quirky humor and cosmic horror has been modified and utilized by modern indie developers.


    Can Resident Evil 7 restore the series to its roots?

    At this years, E3 Capcom reveal a trailer for the upcoming Resident Evil 7. They also released a demo for the game. The Resident Evil series has been criticized for seemingly abandoning it's horror aspect. Resident Evil 4 was hailed as a masterpiece for changing the third-person shooter genre. The change is centered on the introduction of "offset camera angles that fail to obscure the action."

    However, by adding these aspects to the game, Capcom appeared to ruin the "survivor horror" series. One reason for this seems to be the abandonment of zombies all together. Replacing them with a cult called "Los Illuminados." The cult members were infected with a parasite, and so were "mindless." They cool use tools unlike zombies, like guns, axes and/or vehicles.

    To counter this the series shifted to become more action oriented. The horror element gave way to the action. This continued for Resident Evil 5 and 6, although there were other complaints. Resident Evil 7 promises to return to what made the series a great survivor horror series. Capcom's reveal of Resident Evil 7 demo was meet with mix reviews. The demo doesn't play like the last 3 games or the original games. It played more like the Silent Hill series. It was first person and featured less action.

    The demo however will not be part of the "main series," according to director Koushi Nakanishi. He stated that it was more of a "tonal preview." He stated that the demo was designed to show the "fear/horror," elements and the "exploration of an environment." Some of the gameplay elements were left out of the demo. Koushi clarified that "puzzle solving, resource management, and combat," will return to the series as well.

    Overall, the demo has sent the message that the series horror aspects are returning. Can this entry revive the series? Can Capcom find a balance between action and horror, while satisfying new and old fans? What do you think made Resident Evil 4 – 6 "abandoned" the horror. What would you like to see in the series of the future?


      Can Final Fantasy 15 resurrect the series?

      Determine whether the Final Fantasy series can return to prominence. With the new chapter "Final fantasy 15" expected to be released in September this year. Final Fantasy 15 was originally called Versus 13. There have been internal disputes within Square Enix, causing the game to be delayed for years.

      Final Fantasy 15 is a completely different game than Versus 13 was. However, while the demo was generally well received, many fans have decried the simple and often uninteresting story. There are also complaints regarding the change in combat. The game will also be "open world." Does this help? What must FF15 do to continue the series success?

      • This is definitely a hot topic and the answer seems to be polarized. Many think the FF series should die (or be "final"), therefore XV doesn't stand a chance. That aside, many also dislike the new look, calling XV nothing but a "sausage-fest" full of emo-looking boy band members--and, oh yeah, the turn-based style is gone. Others, however, have high hopes because it is so different from the traditional FF game. I think it would also be worth noting how similar it is in style and gameplay to Kingdom Hearts. Why is it that some gamers were okay with KH not being turn-based, but aren't okay with XV not being turn-based? KH played well, didn't it? So why can't XV, too? If you can't tell, I'm on the "I have high hopes" side of the fence for XV. Ha. – Christina Legler 8 years ago

      The Narrative of Journey (2012)

      Analyze how the narrative, or lack thereof, works for the videogame Journey (2102). If traditional storytelling is not applied (such as the use of a narrator or text during the game), then how does the game use alternative narration techniques that make the story memorable and enjoyable?

      • If you needed other works to compare this to, you could draw on silent film and Pixar shorts. – Turner Campbell 8 years ago

      Sims 4's Increased Gender Diversity

      Recently, Sims 4 received an update that allows players more options to customize their Sims' gender identities and personal expression. The update includes new choices where the player can decide 1) whether their character's frame is masculine or feminine, 2) whether the character prefers clothes deemed masculine or feminine, 3) whether the character can become pregnant, and 4) whether the character can use the toilet standing up.

      What impact will being more inclusive to gender identities beyond strict binary norms have for players, especially for players who are not cisgender? Are there any games that provide similar options or ways of pushing gender boundaries? Would it be beneficial for more games to adopt similar means of customization? Are there ways the Sims could go even further to explore gender identity?


        Mercy and Revenge in Dishonored

        Dishonored is a stealth game where the main character is an assassin/bodyguard named Corvo Attano. After Corvo is framed for killing the queen, he embarks on a mission to find and rescue her daughter. During this quest, the player can choose to kill several targets (High Chaos) or find other means to incapacitate and evade enemies (Low Chaos). These choices affect the difficulty level and ending of the game; High Chaos causes more guards, rat swarms, and plague victims (zombies) to appear in areas. As well as that, non-hostile NPCs tend to become more openly hostile or nihilistic.

        However, many of the merciful quest options include ruthless endings for Corvo’s targets, even when he is ultimately sparing their lives. The targets are often subjected to more suffering, though the result is a less imbalanced world. Analyze how Dishonored explores the concepts of mercy and revenge with its Chaos system. What do the environmental consequences and brutal depictions of mercy say about Dishonored’s world and the notion of vengeance?

        • It certainly is an interesting topic. I thought it was rather ironic that mercy actually led to more horrific fates for Corvo's enemies, and perhaps death might not the ultimate punishment. – idleric 8 years ago
        • I am not much into gaming but an article on this topic would certainly interest me in getting more involved because of the way the topic is being framed. The ideas or theme of mercy, revenge or in the above mentioned topic of gender identities being applied to this format may be a way to get people who are not necessarily into gaming, reading about it. – Munjeera 8 years ago

        Nerd Cred: The Chasm

        Explore the tensions between Table Top (think: Warhammer; D&D) and Live Action gamers and role players (fantasy real-world experience, think: your banker in a local park decked with with swords and cloaks). Why is one group often disparaging of the other? What credence does one community have for this divide? How often does overlap occur? Does this tension foster a stronger sense of one's own identity?

        • I like to think of the rift in various "nerd acceptance" is natural and just goes to show how large and evolved the community has become. I mean, look at sports fans. If someone likes one sport they sometimes reject those who like another better and it's kind of the same thing. Overlap and division will occur based on the individual people but it is a good question as to which activities most overlap and why? – Slaidey 8 years ago

        Subway Syndrome: The Drawbacks of Choice

        Explore a phenomenon I've dubbed "Subway Syndrome" (Yes, like the sandwich), as it relates to the choice-heavy model for gaming.

        Subway, Chipotle, and choose-your-own-ingredients restaurants give you so many options that you're bound to make a mistake. Add jalapeños and mustard to your tuna? Sure! Sounds great! Throw some ranch and honey on your tortilla soup. Eventually modification leads you to mistake and regret. "Why did I choose this? I should have gotten the BBQ. Why did I add this? I shouldn't have put so many weird flavors here."

        How does the potential for regret affect the multi-choice gaming model? In what ways does modification and the opportunity to customize your experience create drawbacks or detract from what could be a solid core/well-crafted story/canon/writing? How does it impact your experience as a user?

        Much has been said (even by me) of the benefits of choose-your-own adventure games. Can someone play Devil's Advocate?