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The Uchiha Clan, from Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto

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Did Boruto "kill" Naruto? - The Impact of Boruto on the Narutoverse: Exploring the Evolution and Continuity

As a writer, it is important to delve into the theme of how Boruto has impacted the Narutoverse and what aspects should be explored. Here are some key points to consider:

Evolution of the Narrative: Analyze how the introduction of Boruto as a sequel series has brought new dimensions to the Narutoverse. Explore the ways in which the storyline, characters, and overall world have evolved to reflect the passage of time and the changing dynamics of the ninja world.

Character Development: Examine the growth and development of familiar characters from the Naruto series within the context of Boruto. Explore how their experiences and relationships have evolved, and the impact this has had on their individual story arcs and the overarching narrative.

Intergenerational Conflict: Investigate the conflicts and tensions that arise between the older generation of characters from Naruto and the new generation represented by Boruto. Explore the clash of ideals, values, and perspectives, and how this dynamic shapes the narrative and drives character growth.

Continuity and Legacy: Explore how Boruto maintains continuity with the Narutoverse while forging its own path. Examine the ways in which the series pays homage to its predecessor and honors the legacy of Naruto, while also introducing new elements and expanding the lore of the ninja world.

Impact on Fanbase: Analyze the reception and impact of Boruto within the Naruto fanbase. Explore how fans have responded to the new series, the strengths and weaknesses identified, and the ways in which it has contributed to the ongoing enthusiasm for the Narutoverse.

By exploring these aspects, the writer can navigate the theme of Boruto's impact on the Narutoverse and delve into the intricacies of its narrative, character development, and fan reception. It is crucial to strike a balance between honoring the original series while allowing the new generation to carve its own path, creating a cohesive and engaging continuation of the beloved Naruto universe.

  • I'm not sure what happened, but, so it's made clear, I already took this topic and its article is in the Pending section. It was a great topic to write! Thank you for the idea! – Siothrún 8 months ago
  • Time limit ran out is all. Good topic and good article from the looks of it. – Sunni Rashad 8 months ago
  • Thank you for the clarification and for the compliment! – Siothrún 8 months ago

Money in Naruto

Money in Naruto comes in the form of 'Ryo'. However, it isn't ever explicitly mentioned how money is received or created. For example, Kakashi Hatake. Previously, he was part of the ANBU Black Ops, then soon became a jonin-level, academy teacher. What kind of income did he get while he was working as an ANBU? If any? Compare him to a chunin, academy teacher like Iruka Umino. What kind of income did he get? If you compare them together, would that mean Kakashi is significantly wealthier than Iruka?

  • Not trying to bash this topic, but I genuinely do not know how interesting of an article this will be, as the series does not focus on money that much. So, there is really not much to say. (I think there might be some filler episodes that address wealth, but they're filler so whether they match/can be considered canon is actually debatable.) We only get a few brief explanations about ninja's pay. I would have to do some digging to confirm, but I do recall that orphans get their needs taken care of by the village (at least in the hidden leaf. Other villages have differing policies.) until they are old enough to earn money for themselves. So, this is how Naruto and Sasuke are being taken care of before they become genin. During the early chapters/episodes when Naruto is getting his early mission it is stated that ninja's tend to get paid upon completion of a mission. A portion of that pay goes to the village and that is how the village and ninja's make money. Where never told how that money is split, but it is made clear that the village is very similar to a private military company. With the Hokage and elders acting as contractors, and the ninja's acting like mercenaries. The pay is based off the difficulty of the mission. (I recalling this being stated just before the Zabuza arc starts. Naruto is complaining about how their getting lame missions like chasing a cat, and wants something more difficult to prove himself.) Other than that I do not recall much else being said about the pay. I do know every village also has a Daimyo (Lord of the country) so they could be getting pay from them as well, but once again to my knowledge nothing is stated. – Blackcat130 3 years ago
  • To add to that, how does Naruto sustain himself? He's lived by himself since he was a child, does he receive an allowance from the Hokage? – EvanLizardiSimo 2 years ago
  • Studying the economics of an anime world sounds like an interesting topic! Maybe you could extend this beyond Naruto as well, and compare a couple of other shonen anime in which money isn't the central focus. – Sangnat 2 years ago
  • This is one of the thing I really don't like about Naruto. Despite being such a long run it never even scratched the economics side of the world building. One of the untouched side by Kishimoto. On the other hand HxH did it really well while explaining the world building. Now they should do it in Boruto(since Naruto is the Hokege) but I don't think they are doing it. – tasin 2 years ago

Portrayals of Female Sexuality in Boruto Next Generations

After Naruto ended, it didn't take long for a sequel- Boruto- to emerge from the woodwork. The manner in which Ukyo Kodachi and Mikio Ikemoto portray the women/girls in their creation is vastly different from Kishimoto stylistically; this can be seen in the way that they dress, the way they talk about boys, or just their behavior in general. Why the sudden need for the sexualization of young Kunoichi, and how does it differ from Kishimoto's method of expressing femininity throughout the Naruto franchise?

  • In a nutshell, sexting is very pernicious for all the teen generation regardless of their ages and natures. Once a guy tastes sexting, it becomes an open habit that the teens find hard to overcome. Keep your teens away from social media, dating websites and apps and especially keep strict eyes on the cell phone usage of your children by monitoring them through monitoring applications. – Nicki Marie 7 years ago
  • I haven't watched Boruto and I'm still finishing Naruto but the whole way through Naruto I've found the representation of women terribly underwhelming and in most cases disturbing. It'd be a good article to draw in readers by making a comparison between the two. "What's different, what's not, and what should change?" – Slaidey 7 years ago
  • Personally, i think they try to keep up with the current world trend, i suppose with the current world now thing are more open compared to previous generation. – Aaron3889 7 years ago

The Naruto Complex

The anime "Naruto" deals with the concept that no one is inherently evil. All of the "bad guys" have a back story. Their back story explains why they have done what they have done and how they have become who they have become. Often times, the "bad guys" have been wronged in their past and their actions are well intended. What are the implications of showing this gray area in anime and TV? What is the significance in making the audience empathize with the antagonist? Does it become more enjoyable when the villains are more layered than they initially appeared? Does the "bad guy" not actually being evil, undermine the protagonist?

  • Of all the different topics that arise from a show like Naruto, this is one of the hidden gems. Not many pick up on that duality driving villains in a show like Naruto, but nonetheless it is a profound idea. Good topic and poignant questions. – MikeySheff 8 years ago
  • But there is always a bright side about Naruto and positive inspiration. – HaodiNi 8 years ago
  • I like this a lot! I think a lot of times some shows focus on portraying villains as wholly evil even though this shouldn't be the case. Each person is complex and isn't entirely evil or good. I think allowing the audience to see an antagonist as a complicated person with mixed motives is a good way to create a real story. – seouljustice 8 years ago
  • Naruto uniqueness lies in the fact that all central conflicts arises due to clash of ideals. All characters seek peace ,but all in a different way. In doing so it breaks the cliche of good v evil. – Akash 8 years ago
  • Naruto is very good at making you question your morals. There are tons of villains in Naruto and other anime but more often than not, you find yourself relating to the villains. Stubbornness is a trait that I think all the villains have in common; by adding in these emotions we experience every day, it gives a sense of realism and connection the characters. – aguzma3 8 years ago
  • I like this idea for a topic! Although, I would find it interesting to include- for the case of Naruto specifically- that many of the main antagonists (the Uchiha, for example) and their backstories provide an interesting commentary on privilege and oppression (here the Senju could represent the dominant majority while the Uchiha are the suppressed minority). Rather than necessarily "undermining" the protagonist, I would be curious to see how they instead highlight the protagonist's social standing and how it shapes their worldview and, thus, pits them against the antagonist in the first place. – ees 8 years ago

Homosexuality in Naruto

It's often been joked about about fandom regarding the relationship between Sasuke and Naruto. However, does this perception within the fandom have any relevance. Yes or no? What's the impact for the overall narrative and themes of the series if any. Furthermore, how do cultural perceptions regarding controversial matters such as these influence the series.

  • There are a lot of fandoms out there that "ship" or imagine relationships between two characters of the same sex, particularly in anime and manga. It could be interesting to frame these questions within an exploration of "slash" fiction as a whole and its relevance, impact, and place in today's culture. – Nicole Williams 9 years ago