I enjoy living recklessly and writing in a similar aspect.
Contributor III
Comics 2016: A Year In ReviewThis is more so a piece regarding what comics happened last year and what comics are rolling into this year. Say "Paper Girls" and how the storyline is going to go from the ending of the series. What comics were good that are hopefully (or already are) better than last year. It's not a year in review, as much as it's a year in review and how it's going to bleed into 2017. |
The Political Standpoint of Southern BastardsThis one is self-explanatory if you have read the comics, but it made me think of this article as a reference: (link) The political standpoint of where we are now, or where we have been in the past and how Southern Bastards connects to that. You can talk about how certain characters are treated in the comics and compare it to the real world and how things are going currently. There are so many standpoints you can make politically within this comic even certain storylines as well. I would love to see an analysis piece about this and how comics are closely based on real life at times.
Black PantherBack-story on the Black Panther that we did not get in Civil War and that we did not see from the Black Panther himself. How he became Black Panther is more depth – because the movie did not go into much of that aspect because of the movie coming out in a few years. This could be the evolution of Black Panther and how he got to be where and who he is, if it differs between what was stated in Civil War.
Suicide Squad: Movie VS. Comic(s)What was similar and what was different between the Suicide Squad comic and the film? What elements, including characters, from the comic could have made the movie better? What elements from the comic, including characters, would have made the movie worse?
Wonder Woman: The EvolutionSince the film has been made and a trailer (maybe more than one) has been released as well – let's give some background to comic readers who may not know about WW. Explain Wonder Woman's relationship with herself, the Justice League, and how she came to be who she is today. Also, tieing in the new comic series she has had and seeing where the movie could potentially take from that instead of taking from the older versions of Wonder Woman.
The Evolution of the HulkWith the recent events in the Civil War II – (untimely things) – let's talk about the evolution of the Hulk. Who the Hulk is and where he has come from. How his character has grown and at times not so grown. No one really talks about the Hulk in terms of how he grew up and how he arrived at where he was today. Specifically in the comics, since for one, the films never really were praised until Mark Ruffalo became the Hulk. I really think talking about the comics and his story arc and where he has come from in the series' would be so great to see!
Civil War I to Civil War IICivil War II??!? Want to focus on what Civil War II continues from the first one, what is different and what is the same. What should be and what should not be. We are having a lot of things derive from this Civil War series much like the first one – spin-offs, characters deaths, characters stepping down and so much more! What will this mean for the Marvel Universe? Did they create this Civil War in order to transition characters out and makes a storyline for new ones? Because it is starting to seem like that in some cases. What will this lead to for the MCU in regards to what's next for 2017 and even the end of 2016?
The Evolution of Paper GirlsThe greatness that is Paper Girls and what this means for a really good comic series. What the plot does for future comics, what the characters do for future comics and how the future of Paper Girls is looking for comic readers. There is not much to say about the evolution of Paper Girls without spoiling it for whoever is writing it – but, there is so much to say about the characters and the plot, where it will go and where it is going now!
Superheroes and Super Villains Who Use Guns | |
![]() Yeah, dude i wrote this about a year ago — I have a BA in ENGL now and have since moved up in the world. Sorry you stumbled upon my old writing lol | The "It's Complicated" Relationship of Deadpool and Spiderman |
![]() That is my bad, I do apologize for the “The.” But, I love your comment, rather than the normal “bashing” or “nice” ones you asked questions and I enjoy this. I hope everyone answers this because they are interesting questions being asked. I don’t know how to change the community, from the past and seeing online I have noticed that some lovers of comics can be rude towards people who don’t know certain things about comics. Which not everyone reads them, so they wouldn’t know. I have seen it minimal in the past year, but it has been apparent. As everything, it’s a hobby and a craft for some, so it’s only normal to be defensive about a craft that everyone says is childish. I think if we get that mindset out of our mind that it is childish we won’t assume everyone is being mean or rude when asking questions – if that makes sense haha. Just from the comments on this article alone, it’s a bit 50/50. WATCHMEN would have to be that line where it’s both. But, I only defined graphic novels and comic books by what they are now and touched on a little back in the day. What they appear to be now are issues in graphic novel form with some extra content. Back in the day, though, they were not that. It’s a weird line, you know, I was only going from what I know or what I have seen (looked up, etc). I think everyone defines them in a different way, which is totally fine – everyone has their own version of what a comic book and graphic novel is. Even myself, at times, get crap for reading comics. It’s a “nerdy, childish” thing I guess to some people. It’s becoming more normalized, that is true, and everyone is reading a little form of a comic these days. However, I guess it’ll always have that “oh, you read comics” reply towards some people. To me, it’s not childish because I have read them since I was a child. I don’t think it’s anything really, reading comics is reading comics haha. There isn’t a mature or childish aspect about it. It’s awesome, or it’s not (to whomever). The article was meant to be just what someone who doesn’t read comics would say or think (there’s another piece coming out about this and I wanted to focus only on certain aspects of it). I believe some people can be pretentious depending on what it is, I know a ton of people on the outside say that about the comics community. Which is why I added it in, I have seen it but I don’t accuse anyone of it. I think it’s not a great way to be, I know knowing a lot about something can be perceived as pretentious – but, I think the heart is in the right place. A lot of people get excited about something they know well. There’s that line I guess of knowing something and being excited about it and then knowing something and thinking you are better because of it. It’s a fun community, all and all I love it and I even love the comments I get good and bad. They are all funny or cool to read. I think we all can say comics are awesome and not childish haha. | The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading |
![]() there’s another writer on the site who is doing an article like this one, so i did not want to take what they are saying so i had to be minimal since there’s a slight part 2 coming! | The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading |
![]() Spot on! | The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading |
![]() I never understood that either, I took a class on teaching comics in the classroom and I never really understood why we didn’t. It’s not violent whatsoever, it’s so fictional to the point where I don’t know who would actually believe it haha | The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading |
![]() hahaha you’re good i was just joking | The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading |
![]() It really is! Hopefully, sooner rather than later everything will change. We all around balding middle-aged men, only some! | The Social Stigma of Comic Book Reading |
You’re right lol granted, he is a blurred line sometimes!