Ryan Errington

Ryan Errington

Contributing writer for The Artifice. I have a deep interest in films, television and the arts.

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Alternative Christmas Films

What are alternative Christmas films to watch and are they any particular reasons why they turn away from traditional Christmas narratives.

  • Now when you mean "Christmas Alternatives" do you mean as "Nightmare Before Christmas" kind of alternative since it combines both Christmas and Halloween into one movie, or "Grumpy Old Men" in which Christmas isn't necessarily important to the story but is a piece of the film's theme. – Kevin Mohammed 9 years ago
  • I think to discuss this further you'd really need to hone in on exactly what constitutes an 'alternative Xmas film'. The whole idea of dissecting the traditional is something that sounds quite interesting, but the comparison piece would, like mentioned, need to definitively set out what you mean by 'alternative' with examples and the innate differences etc. etc. – JonnyN90 9 years ago
  • What do you mean by "traditional Christmas"? No examples? What would be the objective of such project? – T. Palomino 2 years ago

Blogging and Journalism

Blogging has become a large part of Journalism, both for professionals and amateurs. What are the positives and negatives of this?

  • One negative is certainly that the "anyone can do it" mentality over-saturates the market. It can be difficult for people to sift through the slush to find actual valuable information, not just random spurts of someone who can fake experience and their intelligence on the subject. – Christina Legler 9 years ago
  • While one positive is that blogging can give a voice to the people who may feel they are not given a chance to be heard. They can share their opinion on popular topics, participate in open discussions, and give new viewpoints to different stories. – Megan Finsel 9 years ago
  • Interesting, it would also be worth commenting on how this affects the more 'traditional' film critics, such as those established with print newspapers versus online critics, especially when it comes to making a living. – IsabelleMilton 9 years ago
  • While I think this is a good jumping off point, I think it presumes too much, e.g. that blogging is simply being accepted by everyone. I think this topic could includes points about what needs to change to further normalise bloggers, such as a way to find an appropriate convergence point for amateurs and professionals. Also, indication towards a paradigmatic shift about what journalism will be into the future. – Matthew Sims 9 years ago
  • Unsupported claim. Blogging and journalism are different things. – T. Palomino 2 years ago

Underrated Film Festivals

Are there any film festivals that are mainstream or independent which should gain more coverage?

  • Interesting topic. Sounds like it will require some research. – Joseph Manduke IV 10 years ago
  • The Province Town film festival in PT Mass. They have been a major player in launching John Waters and a lot of LBGT+ filmmakers/films! There is also the Boston Underground Film Festival, The Montreal Documentary film festival or Hot Docs film festival in Toronto, The Animation film festival (the largest animation film festival in the world) in Ottawa can all be interesting as well! Also the London Feminist Film Festival. Let me know if you would like any more suggestions on festivals! – CassDM 10 years ago
  • There is a relatively new LBGT+ film festival in LA, that might be something to look into. Perhaps you can discuss Sundance and the idea that it is "the" film festival? Perhaps compare it to other film festivals? – Nicole Wethington 10 years ago
  • I'd really recommend the London Short Film Festival - it has a wide range of events, screenings and talks, many of them are very affordable (or even free!) and it seems to be grounded in a lot more reality and purpose for the average independent filmmaker than the BFI's London Film Festival. – Phil 6 years ago
  • There sure are. But, what would anyone want to achieve by answering this question? – T. Palomino 2 years ago
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Politically-Charged Literature

What is the best examples of literature that awakens readers' minds to political consciousness on past and/or present events?

  • There's plenty of examples for this. It might be a better idea to focus this on a specific political idea, or a current event/issue. – Daniel Hein 10 years ago
  • I think you couls also add a time period or country. I am thinking how the whigs produced some interesting authors but the were a specifically British 18th century party. So this topic could be very broad depending on where and when it is focused on – DClarke 10 years ago
  • Good topic and one of the best ideas to point to is Hunger Games. That's very political in nature and undertones. And if you want to take liberties, you can talk about the Ministry and their treatment of the main character in Harry Potter. – SpectreWriter 10 years ago
  • This could go in so many directions. You could argue that most novels are political in some way (whether this be implicit or explicit). Perhaps narrowing it down to a specific time-frame would be more manageable? – Luke Stephenson 10 years ago
  • This topic could not be serious! Political awareness has been one of the main objectives of literature since the beginning of time. What examples are you asking for? – T. Palomino 3 years ago
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Fitzgerald's America

What sort of America is represented in F.Scott Fitzgerald's literature?

  • Since work on Fitgerald often evaluates the era he was writing in, it would be intriguing to read an article that veers off in an odd, fresh direction. – jennewymore 10 years ago
  • Fitzgerald's depiction of America is the representation of old money and new money through the glitz and glamour of clothing, parties and automobiles. It gives the readers the image that America is a shallow society that gives attention to consumerism. – maricsat 10 years ago
  • Flappers and WWI comes to mind – crispychips 10 years ago
  • Most of his texts focus on his own lifestyle and the people he associated with. How about talking about Meyer Wolfsheim (hint: Arnold Rothstein)? – mimz3 10 years ago

Christopher Lee's Legacy

What will be Christopher Lee's artistic legacy as an actor and musician?

  • There would be so much to talk about here. It would end up being quite a sweeping article if you took in all of his life. It might be interesting to just focus on the musician part, or just his early work, or just his later work, to get more in depth? – Francesca Turauskis 10 years ago

Comedy for Political and/or Social Purposes

Is there any comedy, either by comedians or comedy films/television which have strong political and/or social message?

  • I think the subject matter is a little too broad at the moment. I'm not saying that writing on multiple categories can't be done, but perhaps the writer should just stick to one subject (film/television) and then it could potentially be made into a series of articles. – Jamie 10 years ago
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Alternative News Media

Are there any examples of alternative news media online, and how does it reflect contemporary media on the internet?

  • Interesting to note is how news media online caters to a shortened attention span (I'm looking at you, Buzzfeed). Long blocks of text are no longer acceptable: things must be categorized and subdivided so the eye has something new to read. – Nicola 10 years ago

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Ryan Errington

It certainly does help with its setting (apartment block) from the protagonist’s restricted viewpoint, the surrounding environment upping the suspense and paranoia.

Male Protagonists in Hitchcock Films
Ryan Errington

I feel this is because they have been overpowered by the more established characters in understanding how to survive. There have been many episodes of Alexandria residents who were either non-responsive and/or in denial about how brutal their world is outside their walls, sometimes at the expense of their life. Hence why the established characters have been prominent in overshadowing newer characters.

The Walking Dead: Rick vs Deanna
Ryan Errington

Very true, sexism was and still is a pivotal part of gangster rap music. So it is unsurprising for sexism to take place in the film.

Oscars 2016: Recent Trends
Ryan Errington

I was not too fond of his first novel, This Side of Paradise. It came across as vain with a self-serving protagonists. Of course The Great Gatsby is far superior in its use of characterisation ans story telling.

Sunshine, Celluloid, and Shantytowns: The Hollywood Novel and The Great Depression
Ryan Errington

Very true, considering Les Miserables themes of love and struggle can transcend multiple genres.

Les Misérables in Film, Theatre, and Anime
Ryan Errington

Very true. South Park has never been afraid of analysing current stories with their brand of humor.

South Park: Respect Their Commentarah
Ryan Errington

Whiplash is certainly a thought-provoking film. Makes you wonder to what extent ambitions can cause certain effects and the actions of individuals.

Whiplash: The Cost of Dreams
Ryan Errington

I agree, though I do believe a film’s tone has to be set right depending on its narrative.

Should Children's Films be Dark or Light?