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Exploring the concept of time in Tarkovsky's films.

Analyse the passing of time and how it is depicted in Tarkovsky's films. How is the concept of time relevant to the overall poetry of the work?

  • Great topic! This probably goes without saying, but whoever tries to tackle this should definitely read Sculpting in Time. He shares a lot of great insights in there, and it really changes the way you experience the films. – ProtoCanon 8 years ago

In the run up to mothers day (UK) who are some of the best movie mothers.

In the run up to mothers day what better way to prepare than by reconnecting with some of our favourite movie mothers who have had an influence on use as much as our real relatives. From Maria in the sound of music to 'the cool mum' Mrs. George in mean girls who are some of your favourite movie mums?

  • Could this be expanded to TV moms as well? I can think of several, from Clair Huxtable and Hariette Winslow (Cosby Show, Family Matters) to Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls) and Annie Camden (7th Heaven). Some favorite movie moms of mine are Eudora (Tiana's mom from The Princess and the Frog), Vianne (Chocolat), Helen Harris (Raising Helen), and the moms from The Joy Luck Club. – Stephanie M. 8 years ago
  • The mom from The Wonder Years is also a good pick for TV. In movies I would pick the mom from Queen of Katwe, mom of chess champ who struggles with giving the best to her genius daughter. – Munjeera 8 years ago

The Next Step in the Horror Film Industry

What do filmmakers of the horror genre need to do to improve its reception and future in cinemas? I'm not a fan of horror films; my imagination and perception when watching films doesn't allow me to enjoy them enough. But when I hear about a new horror movie release, there isn't much praise that follows. It Follows is the most recent movie I've heard of that gained great appreciation as a horror film for how it differed itself from other horror movies. Instead of making sequels or prequels to existing horror movie films, would it be better if each new film was of a new subject and story entirely? Would horror films have a better chance if they weren't sequels and covered a new idea or concepts others before them have yet to?

  • Well, it's easier said than done to say every new movie should cover a new subject or story. There will always be overlap or elements which have been done before. What makes a genre is the repetition of specific characteristics. I'd say there are so many sequels etc. because companies just want to milk the fandom until it's dry, not because they expect it to do as well as the original. You say that mentality is hurting the industry and I'd agree to that. At what point does it become too much? – Slaidey 8 years ago
  • I'm a major horror film fan and think about this question all the time. Particularly because most popular horror subgenres can often be applied to specific decades (we went from slashers, to torture-porn, to the supernatural). Would be interesting to consider what the next big theme of horror will be. – Sonia Charlotta Reini 8 years ago
  • I am a fan of horror films, but i must agree i think each new film should have a different story line. I like to expect the unexpected, i need an unfamiliar plot. – bdh202 8 years ago

The Implications of Carrie Fisher's Death in the Star Wars Franchise

After the passing of its iconic and lovable star Carrie Fisher, the makers of Star Wars have reached a standstill about how to respectfully write out her character of Princess Leia. Consider the ethical, technological, and creative methods by which Fisher's memory can be served in a series built on a foundation of visual breakthroughs in film.

  • This will be huge for Episode 9, as Carrie Fisher supposedly finished her scenes for Episode 8. This article will be relevant for a few years! – SeanGadus 8 years ago
  • You might also look to The Fast and Furious franchise and how they responded to Paul Walker's death. They ended up using his brother as a CGI stand-in to finish some sections of the film he never was able to finish. – Nate Océan 8 years ago
  • Mustn't forget Heath Ledger who finished filming his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight (2008) . He died while the The Dark Knight was being editing and during filming of his last role in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009). Although his untimely death garnered criticism over the unfettered promotion of the Batman film, Ledger received many posthumous accolades for his critically acclaimed film performances. Wouldn't be fair to fans either, only days away from completing The Crow (1994), Brandon Lee died on the set after being shot by a faulty prop gun that fired the tip of a dummy round left accidentally lodged in the chamber. The film was completed by script re-writing, CGI, and stunt doubles. It was released one year after Lee's death to critical and commercial success, unlike Ledger's fallout. The Crow (1994), based on the 1989 comic book series, is now considered a cult classic. Brandon's death only added to the mystique surrounding his father's equally jarring demise, martial artist Bruce Lee. – L:Freire 6 years ago

Amadeus and the Mark of Cain

Juxtapose the Biblical story of Cain and Abel with Milos Forman's film Amadeus. Posit that the relationship between Salieri and Mozart mirrors the relationship between Cain and Abel.

Salieri perceives that God has betrayed his faith by granting more talent to Mozart, similar to the ways in which Cain feels that God has given Abel the upper hand. While Mozart's cause of death was not murder, Salieri repeatedly expresses a desire to kill him. Salieri also spends so much time manipulating Mozart, while Mozart spends most of his time composing; similar to the work ethic of Cain and Abel.

At the end of the film, Salieri attempts to play God by "absolving" himself and his fellow psych ward inmates, much like Cain tries to play God by taking away a life.

  • Sorry I didn't mean to mark that as fixed, I just wanted to thank you for the note. I thought I was so witty and original for thinking of this! In all honesty, I'd much rather explore a different topic based on this recent discovery. But I'm glad you told me about this research. I'm reading the article now! – DrownSoda 8 years ago
  • Unfortunately, I haven't seen Amadeus, but this makes me want to check it out. :) – Stephanie M. 8 years ago
  • Genius! You have a talent for seeing connections. – Munjeera 8 years ago

Portrayals of Omnipotence and Ascension in Japanese Animation

Princess Mononoke (Miyazaki), Paprika (Kon) and Akira (Otomo) were landmark films in the development of Japanese animation in the late 1900s and early 2000s. Otomo's magnum opus has had an unprecedented impact on science fiction. Miyazaki's groundbreaking work established his reputation as Japan's most skilled animator. Kon's film, on the other hand, is a showcase of his inimitable style paired with his excellent editing, detailed in a video by Every Frame a Painting.

(Spoiler Alert)
All three sport a familiar plot device that kicks in in the third act: the presence of an omnipotent being, though not quite fitting entirely in the definition. The three films end with the presence and emergence of a godlike figure-in PM, the Forest Spirit, in Paprika, the chairman and eventually Chiba/Paprika herself, and in Akira, the eponymous character. Personally, i found these three films (both because of their similarity in portrayals of omnipotence yet varying style, as well as the proximity of their releases) as good examples of a possible investigation into Japan's preoccupation with omnipotent and powerful beings (most involve a kind of ascension, a veil that is passed through, a barrier crossed). Perhaps one could go further into analyzing Japan's postwar cultural booms and how they eventually culminated in such films.

  • Hey thanks for the revision! Actually i did consider putting in under the anime category, but i wasn't entirely sure if it was strictly anime. The anime section and i suppose, by extension, the definition of anime itself is pretty widely contested, but i came to understand anime as more than just Japanese animation but the smaller subset of serialized animation within the larger sphere. I assumed "anime" to be long-form, that is, a series of episodes (ranging from 10-40) a season as opposed to Film, which i thought fit my bill of examples better. Hopefully someone more educated than me on such definitions could help clarify. – Matchbox 8 years ago

Super Heroes films as Genre Films

Super Hero films are here to stay. Each year a variety of super hero films are being released during the course of the year. While the genre "Super hero films" is the predominant label for these films, many super hero films fit very well into other established genres. Guardians of the galaxy fits well into the established Sci-Fi genre. Captain America 2's cast and director said that the film was influenced by 70 thrillers. The trailer for the new Wolverine film title "Logan" used Johnny Cash's haunting version of the song 'Hurt' to evoke a western feel. The director and star of Logan have gone so far as to dub it a "modern western". Recent trailers for Spider Man homecoming have focused Peter Parker's high school experience, which might fit in with John Hughes films and other coming of age high school films.

A question that remains is this: What are the advantages and disadvantages of separating films from the label of "Super hero" films and putting them into other genres such as crime, western, sci-fi, and fantasy? Do we gain deeper insight into these super hero films when we examine the other genres that they are a part of.

Does saying that a super hero film like The Dark Knight is a crime film help the viewer better understand the film and thus analyze its themes?

This topic could be taken in many different directions depending the writer's interest.

  • I agree with you. Super hero films have been and still are a go to choice as far as genre among people. and think are here to stay. They are popular for all ages. and I think are here to stay as far as popularity. You got me to put on my thinking cap on to separate the advantages and disadvantages on super hero films? – veyonna 8 years ago
  • I think that there could be a backlash coming to super hero films. I think that, like the western, it will vanish. Eventually people will lose interest, especially once their favorite actors start being replaced e.g., Robert Downey Jr. will eventually not be Iron Man. I think that they should be put into the box that best represents the theme of the movie. Ant-Man is definitely a heist movie, up there with the Ocean's movies and doesn't bear much semblance to a super hero movie like Guardians of the Galaxy or The Dark Knight. – ZachCarlson 8 years ago

Space Marines as Modern Military Satire

Few can watch a movie like Starship Troopers, and take it seriously. Most military satire incorporates some degree of jingoism and intensity to make a political point–but all these films run the risk of offending real people who sacrificed everything for their countries. But what if you place a movie in space? Make the adversary some alien–like a bug, gremlin, or otherworldly thing? Is sci-fi military the ultimate vehicle for satire?

  • If satires about the militia lack jingoism, they wouldn't be satires. – T. Palomino 2 years ago