Following the poor sales of Nintendo's Wii U, how will the Nintendo Switch fare in the console gaming war, taking into consideration it is attempting to add portability to the console gaming world much like the Wii U? Will this be another nail in Nintendo's console coffin, or will it bring them back to the forefront of the console wars?
I think that there are myriad of factors to discuss including the level of third party support for the device, the battery life of Nintendo Switch, how it will be perceived by mainstream consumers, will there still be nintendo 3ds games or this the end the nintendo's handheld line, etc. – SeanGadus8 years ago
Throughout a growing number of games (one blaring example being Bioware's Mass Effect or Dragon Age series), players have the option to "romance" a character, through completion of side quests, dialogue, gifts, etc. What does this add to the game, if anything? Does it take anything away?
Another thing that could be focused in is the "role-play" aspect. Some games (such as Bethesda games) have always had that rpg aspect that ties into the general style and playing experience of the game. Other's however, don't really need it. A good example could be the Witcher series. You make decisions and romance, but ultimtaely the game is based and adapted (pretty heavily) off the Witcher book series. Therefore is this rpg aspect really necessary? – Mela8 years ago
E-sports have been growing in popularity in recent years. Under branches like Major League Gaming (MLG), competitive video game tournaments fill entire arenas and are broadcast complete with play-by-play and color commentary. Its players compete for major prize money. Outlets like ESPN now dedicate reporting coverage to e-sports. Top video game players even have exercise routines and diets to ensure they remain at the top of their game. Many of them consider themselves to be just as much an athlete as any traditional professional athlete in sports such as baseball. However, well-known sports analysts regularly laugh in the face of this kind of thinking. Is competitive video gaming a sport? What qualifications must an activity meet to be considered a sport?
I believe MatPat of Game Theory has addressed this topic in one of his videos, if you haven't seen it yet. It would be a great source to start with. – kiahrhea8 years ago
That would depend on the definition one has of 'sport.' Argumentation on this can be interesting. However, I am not sure topic is a right fit for this magazine. – T. Palomino2 years ago
The Gatewatch is a more recent development in the story of the Magic the Gathering Trading Card Game. It is an agreement held between five Planeswalkers, Gideon Jura, Jace Beleren, Chandra Nalaar, Nissa Revane, and Liliana Vess to "Keep Watch" over the menaces of the Multiverse. The grouping up of Magic's "Heroes" seems to be following the trend of many comic book narratives (and adaptations). By its nature, a full story told through occasional shorts and a combination of card art and flavour text is an atypical narrrative, but it might bring something new or refreshing to the game. What is the Magic universe doing – if anything – to set the Gatewatch apart from other Super-Groups and does it have to?
MTG has always been unique in the ways you've described. You can get attached to specific cards aesthetically, because they fall into an enticing story line published on the Magic website or because they simply saved a game for you in real life. Furthermore the Magic: Duels games creates a story mode to play through as various Planeswalkers to get attached to them. It would truly be interesting to read an article on how people have responded to Magic and it's various points of interaction in comparison to the typical kind of Super-Group, there are just so many more areas of introduction. Even in drafts it's more interactive now. I remember when everyone got a clan and participated in earning points during the event so one would win. Is this drawing in more youth to the game in a time when other Super-Groups are dominating the media? – Slaidey8 years ago
I don’t believe that the plot of Magic: the Gathering favors convoluted storytelling but at this point in the games legacy, the issue seems to implode onto itself. Setting the Gatewatch apart from other characters or main aspects of the story seems to be more of a marketing tool than an artistic storytelling device used to further advance the universe. It seems evident that this approach can bring something new to the playing field, and make it easier for newer players to delve into an otherwise extremely convoluted story. The main focus on this aspect of storytelling comes at a time in which a motion picture about the card game’s story is beginning to kickoff and perhaps the Gatewatch are developing into more complicated characters in the hopes that this will begin their transition from flavor-text into a full-length script. – xenoplanet8 years ago
In the past we've seen stories across the multiverse develop and soon dissolve into dust. Not until the first threats of the Eldrazi had any successful group of Planeswalkers stood together to face such a disastrous threat to the multiverse. Something that might be explored with this topic could be the evolution of what it means to be a Planeswalker, and what they have had to do since they were significantly de-powered a thousand or so years ago. As it is, the Gatewatch represents a guild, or police force for the multiple planes, so this will inevitably draw in more Planeswalkers; it seems this is Wizards of the Coast's way of expanding their ranks, and adding reasoning to the exploration of new planes. The possibilities with the coming of Gatewatch are endless, and Wizards has set themselves up for an easy time when it comes to storytelling from now on. – SEGonzales8 years ago
In the first Bioshock game, a large number of characters have Jewish names (Dr. Steinman, Sander Cohen), are outright identified as Jewish (Andrew Ryan, Brigid Tenenbaum), or come from fields/careers with a strong Jewish population (Broadway, medicine). The creator of the Bioshock series, Ken Levine, is himself Jewish, and the game takes place only a few short years after World War 2. This causes me to wonder: for Levine, was this game, in part, an examination of post-WWII Jewish identity? Does it point out hardships or condemn/commend personal choices? The game's overarching theme, if nothing else, is that choices matter and are our ultimate freedom ("A man chooses, a slave obeys"). How is this theme connected with the strong Jewish characters throughout the game?
If you watch or listen to interviews with Ken Levine, this is something that he is conscious of (his own heritage and that of his characters). What the take away from game is, I am not sure, but I think this is a valuable idea to explore. – SeanGadus8 years ago
You should watch a gamespot interview with him called "We Can Kill The Industry With Cynicism" - Ken Levine - Bioshock" – Sean Gadus7 years ago
The Mass Effect series was first released in 2007. The first two games in the series received critical acclaim and were considered to be a new standard for video-game story telling. While the third game in the series was mostly well-received, its ending was not. Many fans felt deceived by an ending that felt inconsequential. It left many fans so upset that they complained to the FTC, and formed an internet campaign called "Retake Mass Effect" that generated $80,000 in a couple weeks. Bioware also released a new ending that expanded the epilogue.
Regardless, these events affected the series negatively.The next game in the series, Mass Effect Andromeda, will exist in the same universe as the previous games, but will not reference them. The game will be open world, already has gorgeous graphics, and will continue to use dialogue trees, choices, and romantic relationships. What does the series' next chapter need to do to repair the negativity created by the ending? Will being "open world" massively improve the series? What should be added to the series? From what has been revealed so far, do you think that Mass Effect Andromeda will be better than its predecessors? Why?
I forgot to write that I edited your topic. Hopefully that's helpful. – Tigey8 years ago
I think if anything, the ending that felt inconsequential will have to literally be inconsequential to a sequel game that promises not to reference it which might just be salt in the wound. To many fans, Commander Shepard is their access point to the franchise and to be successful, the protagonist of Andromeda will have to be just as endearing and yet not a carbon copy of what worked before. I feel that it will be the difference in Andromeda - the setting, the tone, and fresh faces - that will make or break the game. – scrook8 years ago
An in-depth look at the far reaching effects of the newly released mobile AR game, factoring in the sociological implications of a game that requires people to explore the world and interact with each other, the benefits and dangers of said interactions, and the lasting power of nostalgia.
I bet you could find an interview with the Pokemon GO producers and what they wanted the game to do for people in terms of getting them outside. – LaRose9 years ago
CNN just released a newsclip on this topic. – Munjeera8 years ago
Pokemon Go has definitely been in the new a lot lately, with police departments issuing safety warnings and a Holocaust museum asking players not to visit if they're just going to play the game. It might be hard to look at the far reaching effects since the game hasn't been out that long, but it would definitely be interesting to see what these effects could be. – S.A. Takacs8 years ago
Pokemon Go was a fun experience at first, it's a shame the hype died down when it did. – Analyzion8 years ago
At first the games one could find on a smartphone were relatively small games to waste time like candy crush and angry birds. Then those games became extremely popular, one even getting a movie. Now you can find in depth rpgs, detailed world builders and tons of unique games as well as the smaller games. Having games on your phone has been possible and common since before the smart phone (snake anyone?) but now it's almost as if smartphones are attempting to be there own gaming console. Thoughts?
I have certainly seen quite a few people within my own social setting making a move to "smartphone gaming" (I suppose we can call it that, for now). This seems to be for a couple of reasons: 1) these games can be played on the fly, which is ideal for busy individuals and 2) it functions like a handheld console with limited controls. In addition to this, I have seen some job listings specifically geared towards smartphone apps/games. It would not be surprising to know that some companies (old and new) are attempting to break into a "smartphone" gaming market. With that being said, I do see one major drawback. Games are extremely taxing on battery life. This makes it difficult to play a game for any extended period of time, without being connected to a wall. – b8153b9 years ago
Nice topic! I think this has to do with the ease of smartphones. Smartphones are already addictive so gaming became an obvious next step. Phones have evolved from just making calls to being mobile computers many would feel lost without. Now we have access to an assortment of cool games at our fingertips at all times. It's a far cry from my days playing GameBoy Advance under lamplight because screens weren't backlit or waiting until I got home from school to play PS2 on my parents' TV. I agree with what b8153b is saying about battery life being a drawback. Another drawback I've noticed while playing games on my smartphone is that higher quality games often take a long time to load, glitch, or just altogether crash on me. I do like smartphone games, but I think they're unlikely to altogether replace more traditional game consoles in my heart. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic but lately, I've gotten back into playing on my old PS2 (in today's world of toss-away tech, it amazes me that the dinosaur is still alive and kicking). – aprosaicpintofpisces8 years ago
Smartphone video games gained popularity because of the introduction of the iPhone 3,the app store and the integration of apps. The world had already been moving toward more portable gaming consoles with the release of the original Game Boy in 1989. I think it's important to mention how restrained gaming was on portable consoles because there was a price for each game cartridge whereas the app store had plenty of free titles and allowed creators to profit through advertisements and donations. – AndrewSatoLi8 years ago