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Retellings and Nostalgia in Literature

There has been a surge in new and upcoming book releases being retellings of old stories, whether they be classics (for example, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley) or fairy tales (like Beauty and the Beast). What does this suggest about society at the moment, if literature is a reflection of our current state of mind? Are these retellings to do with nostalgia or a need to bring the past to the modern age? Do authors succeed in doing so?


    The Transition from Internet Content Creation to More Traditional Media

    Examine artists who have taken successful careers from internet niches (E.L. James, Kris Straub, etc.) and how they pivoted from this success to a more mainstream kind of fame. E.L. James took a Twilight fanfiction and turned it into a successful novel trilogy with barely any edits. Kris Straub turned his Candle Cove creepypasta into a successful Syfy original series. What goes into the process of bringing the internet into line with traditional media?

    • It might also be interesting to discuss the Slender Man movies, mainly the Sony one. It did moderately well financially but was critically panned. How do we define success when it comes to transitioning internet content to more traditional forms? Financial success, creative integrity, heavy reliance on the source material, or some combination of all of these? – Emily Deibler 5 years ago
    • An interesting topic to explore could be the trend of YouTube creators writing books. Many are often very heavily criticised. Many of these people, perhaps, would never have considered writing before finding Internet fame. What is it about the medium of books? Is it easy to break into? Is it widely popular? Is it something about the physicality of books? Is the trend just that, a trend, people seeing others being successful so doing it too? – leersens 5 years ago

    The Evolution of Mills and Boon Romance Novels

    Analyse the history and evolution of the Mills and Boon romance novels. How the content and cover art changed throughout the years.

    • Mills and Boon romance novels have been around for so many years, maybe like 50 or 100. You can analyze how they evolved over the years in terms of their covers (illustrations on the covers) as well as the stories themselves. For example, more recent versions have more explicit language. – nsafwat 5 years ago

    The representation of women as the hero in YA novels

    Analyse how female protagonists are represented as the hero in YA novels. It could be interesting to include an examination of the extent by which these female protagonists rely on the male characters and how they differ from male protagonists depicted as the hero in other novels.
    An interesting take on this topic could also include how these female characters reflect the women of today.

    • Great topic. I'd be interested in reading essays on this topic, There are so many YA stories, of course, that it wouldn't be fair to pick just two -- one with a female protagonist, the other with a male protagonist -- and make overly general claims based on just that one examination. – JamesBKelley 5 years ago
    • Great topic! I think JamesBKelley makes a great point, since there are *many* great YA female protagonists, and the YA genre is so large now. Maybe adding an additional specification would help focus the comparison -- perhaps comparing female protagonists in the top ten bestselling YA novels in your country, or comparing an older series with a newer one. – Eden 5 years ago
    • Yeah, it could also be a chance to compare good and bad YA female leads. (Bella, anyone?) – OkaNaimo0819 5 years ago

    Is it Problematic for Older White Males to Teach Courses in Diversity?

    This is a topic that I constantly am grappling with as I have seen it done in good ways and have seen it done in very, very bad ways. How much insight can an older white man give about the black experience during the 1960s? Of course, it's easy to just recount history, but is there anything emotionally informative about this? How can a privileged white male know what it's like to be a minority? I personally feel like it's more intriguing to learn about experiences first hand. For example, I'm taking a discourses in disability class taught by a blind professor.

    • I think this is a tricky situation because it also runs the line of - can you write about something you've never experienced? I think that humanity can be understood from alternative perspectives otherwise what would be the point of trying to teach these perspectives if only those who directly experienced it can understand it. – SaraiMW 5 years ago
    • I think people of colour should be taking about diversity as it shows that the institution is taking it seriously. Yet I also think that if you are an expert on a topic you should teach it. – Amelia Arrows 5 years ago
    • Poignant question. I believe that, as with everything, it comes down to the individual. It started off with the White Male complex, whereby it's always the white man who has to save the day (Green Book). This was mainly during a time when minorities had no voice and it came down to the often privileged, always observant white people to tell their stories (Harriet Beecher Stowe). The issue of insight and authenticity is a very important one. No matter how much research one does on the matter, a white man who grew up in a middle class family will never truly know how it feels to be a poor immigrant woman from Eastern Europe living in a council flat. Unless you're Ken Loach. I think he could pull it off. – danivilu 5 years ago
    • I agree with all of the previous comments, especially in regards to the importance of the teacher's personality and methods. Just like you, I had great and bad professors for courses in diversity but oddly enough, one of my best experiences was with "an older White male', who had zero experience, yet used his 'outsider' status to challenge our thinking. To compensate for his lack of direct exposure, he would regularly invite non-White guests with pertinent views and thus creating a great environment for open, mature conversations. He may not have provided us with lived experience but he was able to secure the necessary tools for our class' objectives and you may argue that it was thanks to his 'privileges' and contacts. – kpfong83 5 years ago
    • GREAT TOPIC! I'm a WASP from a conservative family/area of the country, and the narrative was always, "Don't get offended at everything; if it's not blatant, it didn't happen." What my parents (and I) seemed to conveniently forget is that I also have mild cerebral palsy. Now, as an adult, I'm working through that and realizing that disability-based and other microaggressions *do* happen, and people *do* have problematic attitudes toward those they perceive as different. So, would I for example be offended at a non-disabled professor teaching a disability studies class? Would I be offended at a white person teaching African-American literature (as did happen in college)? It depends on how they taught it. It would require extreme respect and awareness, which I think a lot of people in that position don't have. I tend to think that white male professors could be particularly condescending in the wrong situations, because they are the most privileged sect of all. – Stephanie M. 5 years ago
    • As an older white male (who taught at the university level for more than forty years), we can bring a lot to the table. I remember as kid driving from New York to Florida and seeing "colored" on bathrooms and drinking fountains as we drove through the South. I remember local Southern police and the vulgar language they used when they looked at our "New York" license plate. This is an odd title for a proposed essay--filled with hubris. – Joseph Cernik 5 years ago
    • Depends on what you mean by diversity. If it is just diversity of skin color, then no. Now I'm not an American, but from what I understand "whiteness" as a quality is historical and it wasn't very long ago when the Anglophone countries considered the Irish and Italians non-white. One of my Polish friends who lived in Sweden for a while mentions that there is still anti-Balkan sentiment there. Finally, what kind of diversity are you looking for ? A campus where everybody looks different, but thinks the same is not diverse, at least not in my book. – Sathyajith Shaji Manthanth 4 years ago

    Foreign literature across Space and Time

    Though I’m French, most of the books I’ve read are foreign novels, and by foreign, I mean Americans (except for Harry Potter and a couple of other exception, but not that much), while the books I have to read for classes are French and especially French – or French-written – classics. It made me realize that I don’t really know classic books from other countries – I might have heard of them, but I’d never read them – while using American contemporary novels in my essays isn’t the best way to have a good grade! I was then wondering… quite a few things!

    Pell-mell: How domestic and foreign literature is tackle elsewhere in Europe, elsewhere outside Europe, in the USA, in the UK, for instance? Are there contemporary foreign books – French books for instance – that are famous in the US, the UK, in Sweden, in Brazil, anywhere outside of its original country? What define “classic”? Does it depends on the country, or is Goethe’s concept of “Weltliteratur” (basically, global literature) real, widespread? To what extent time define whether a book is a “classic”? And, finally, any reading advice concerning foreign classics?

    [I’m not quite fluent in English yet, so I hope it was understandable, and not too messy!]

    • Interesting topic. From a North American perspective, I have noticed that it depends greatly on the distribution and quality of the translation of the novels. The marketing campaign also adds an extra layer especially in regards to contemporary works. As a comics scholar, I have seen European comics make or break in the North American market depending on how the author/illustrator interacts with the readers. For example, the success of the French cartoonist Pénéloppe Bagieu is due to her careful marketing (social media, interviews) and being present in the comics festival circuits in North America. – kpfong83 5 years ago

    How Men vs Women Write Feminist Novels

    When reading a feminist novel, or one based on that movement, if differentiates greatly between the gender of the author. Women, I find, speak more passionately about the subject, and are willing to stand up and ridicule the opposite sex with great meaning and intention. However, when a man is writing a book about feminism, it's through an entirely new set of eyes. He may or may not judge the patriarchy as harshly or express similar views, even though it's the same concept.

    • This is an interesting topic. It would be cool to see comparisons between books written by the opposite sex. – OkaNaimo0819 5 years ago

    When the protagonist is the most interesting character

    It's almost a cliche at this point that the central characters in any story are rarely the most interesting ones. More often than not they tend to be relatively bland, and the story grows out of their interactions with a cast of more interesting side characters. However, every so often a protagonist will end up being the most interesting character in their story. For instance, in Osamu Tezuka's "Buddha" manga, the Buddha is actually one of the more well-rounded and relatable characters, even given that the legends about him tend to paint him as an almost perfect, untouchable being. What are some other examples of this phenomenon, where the main protagonist really is the most interesting, or one of the most interesting, characters? What is it about them that makes them so interesting?

    • I believe this statement can be completely true. Sometimes the evil character is more relatable and evokes more emotion than the Plain Jane good person. For example, in The Vampire Diaries, everyone loves Damon. He's mysterious, alluring, and sexy. More than that, people want to believe in him. They want to see the whole "bad-boy turned good" phenomenon play out. Like in Maleficent or Wicked, entirely new stories are revealed. It shifts from delivering a story about monsters to explaining how they became this villain everyone believes them to be. I think that villains are important in literature and film, because sometimes they teach us more than the heroes. People can't relate to a perfect character. They can easily relate to the villain, because they see their flaws scattered in themselves. – nicolemadison 5 years ago
    • what if we explored the possibility of "supporting characters" being the REAL "protagonists"? Or the possibility of multiple protagonists? – Dena Elerian 5 years ago
    • From my experience, the most fetching leads out there tend to have an equally, or slightly more, fascinating and multi-layered antagonist who may mirror the protagonist in their values and goals (if not their means of attaining them). – Michel Sabbagh 5 years ago