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What story elements are necessary to keep in order to make a beloved book to film adaption?

There have been many wonderful adaptions of popular novels, and also many terrible ones. What story elements must be kept faithful in order to appease fans and draw in new viewers. Is it important that the characters look the same? Does symbolism have to be exact?

  • An interesting topic. Your question own symbolism, well we know from past adaptations that change is likely. – Joseph Cernik 6 years ago
  • The biggest element the film adaptation needs to have is keeping the heart of the story. Whatever made the book work should be applied to the film. The Harry Potter films take a lot of liberties but they make sure to keep the magic of JK Rowling's writing alive. – cbo1094 6 years ago
  • It is important to acknowledge the bias of the fans. Their views may lack knowledge or understanding of the movie making process. It is cheaper to mass produce a novel than to create a movie, and the staff have a demanding job of keeping with the main plot points while on a budget. In short, fans may have a different take on the novel than both the author and director, causing a disconnect between them. – Keithwcic 6 years ago

Seizing the Audience

The actor puts on a memorable performance on stage, by television, through radio, in film, and at times even the political or business arena. Shirley Temple started frolicking before the camera at the age of 3 by mesmerizing both young and old with her voice, dance, and then with her diplomacy for the United Nations. In the 1930s, Lucille Ball captured the attention of men, women, and children by her stage debut, modeling exploits, and as a studio executive. Carol Burnett entered the stage in the 1960s and endeared a generation of fans through televised comedy, earning her a Presidential Medal of Freedom for her unique brand of entertainment. Explore these unique facets of showmanship; child actor, slapstick comic that harkens to the burlesque of yore, public persona as a venue beyond conventional female roles, as a transformative mechanism of expression, realization, or determination.

  • This is a fascinating topic. I'm looking for a common thread between these actresses, and curious about what your main thesis/question would be. Is it specifically that these women defied conventional roles for women, and used this defiance of expectations as part of their "act" on stage or in film? How much of that was in their control? Or is it simply the fact that they, as women, being on stage/in films in these roles, defied conventions? Or are they more like case studies for a broader phenomena of women onstage, changing the industry? This is going to be such an exceptional article and I'm very eager to read it! – Eden 6 years ago

The Show Must Go On

The carhop made its debut in the 1920s alongside the advent of the early automobiles. It would been forgotten were it not for having a part in the 1973 film, American Graffiti. The concept quickly evolved from customers who preferred to dine inside their car, to initially male carhops that were later replaced with female carhops in order to increase profits. The Sonic Drive-In restaurant is a return to this novelty of yesteryear. More to the point, cinema has catered to the inclination of many people over time. The earliest attempts involved storefronts that were converted to impromptu movie houses. A motion picture was projected onto a wall for viewers who were charged a pithy entrance fee; hence, the name Nickelodeon. This popular diversion led to larger movie palaces (doubling the entrance fee) due to the demand for more comfortable viewing accommodations when longer shows became the attraction. A pattern that has elevated from the mime street artist, to the flea sideshow that was part of the traveling circus, to the theater. Indeed, the theater itself has undergone a plethora of embellishments in order to dominate its market and to stave the onset of competing technology. It has experimented with silent actors, 3D renditions, Dolby sound, CGI animation, IMAX, to name some of the more popular effects. One cinematic event did create a noteworthy following, for all the hurdles it endured. The drive-in theater required mere open land, a wall, and window-mounted speakers to attract moviegoers. This setting appealed to families, teenagers, and film enthusiasts alike. Relive the nostalgia as well as the monumental challenges (nationally or internationally) that drive-in promoters tolerated in order to deliver the show: inclement weather, night cover restriction, and overall outdoor nuisance in order to mount the ultimate movie experience of that era. Was it a sign of the times, a shift from convention, or an industry in flux?


    Are live action adaptations of anime destined to fail?

    There's been a bunch of new live-action anime movie adaptions in recent years, Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, Attack on Titan, ect. And they're garbage. All of them.

    Article would explore why its so difficult to make the jump to the third dimension. Some of these IP's print money, why don't they make good Blockbusters? Is is an East to West thing? Is it something intrinsic in jumping medium?

    • I would say an interesting exception would be the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable live-action movie. Among Jojo fans it's actually widely considered quite fun and a unique take on the show. It is not a perfect 1:1 adaptation, but rather, that is what makes it more unique and interesting. it has a refreshingly dark/indie film aesthetic approach to the bright and cheery "Jojo" story that gives it a reason to exist as something uniquely artistic, rather than a cash-grab (*cough* AoT, FMA live action...) I believe a balance between being faithful to an original work while also pushing the boundaries and showing the series in a new light is what these live-action adaptations have to do to stand on their own merit. – Dimitri Adoniou 6 years ago
    • I agree with Dimitri's note about fan reception--I think a live action adaptation really hasn't "made it" until it's been recognized by the fans as worth viewing. The live action Bleach film on Netflix had some positive feedback within the fan community, for example. It would be worth looking through forums or social media tags to find fans' reactions to these films and if there are any common misgivings/complaints about the live action films. A common one tends to be miscasting, like in the case of ScarJo and Ghost in the Shell. Lots to unpack here. Would love to read this! – Eden 6 years ago
    • Most live actions always disappoint because the lack what makes the story and the characters in the first place – ummeraj 6 years ago
    • Risk V Gains. Money. This is, generally speaking, the issue that befalls a lot of the adaptations. Risk V Gains usually sorted this kind of way: If the risk out-weighs the gains; it's deemed a failure. If the Gain outweighs the risk, it's deemed a success ( Until the box office )... There are other factors, but those factors usually revolve around *drum roll* money. I working on an article about this very thing and how, if movies do not make "Marvel" money, it's deemed a failure. – Braxton Gaither 6 years ago
    • Live action anime adaptions share the same problems of adaptions in general, in which the filmmakers are taking the source material from a specific medium and transferring it to another. However, live action anime adaptions also come with the baggage of cultural differences. There's also of course the fact that animation can do things live action can't, so adapting it to live action can be extremely challenging, especially for more ambitious or less grounded anime such as Attack on Titan and pretty much any shonen anime. At the end of the day, I feel the key factors for such adaptions are to have the creatives behind it actually be fans of the source material and understand what would work in a cinematic, live action adaption and what wouldn't. These things are why the MCU has been so successful. Kevin Feige and the film mmakers he works with are superhero comic book fans but still know what to filter out or not when bringing the superhero stuff to the big screen. – ImperatorSage 6 years ago
    • Live actions for some reason don't look as realistic as the anime. I suppose it is because of the bright and expressive costumes and make-up of actors, perhaps. At least for me, this feature creates a feeling of the unrealistic fairytale-like story. The same goes with movies that tried to adapt anime stories. – JustinaVonDanzig 6 years ago

    How Widows are Seen and Portrayed in America through Movies

    This is an outgrowth of a few comments I noticed on my article about The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel–the issue of widows was raised. It might be interesting to see how widows have been presented in movies, say, a movie from each decade from the 1950s to the present (or beginning before the 1950s). Movies can reflect the values and norms of a period in time so what changes are seen and how do they reflect changing values? A 1947 movie, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, starred Gene Tierney (as a widow) and Tex Harrison (as the ghost). Or, the 2018 movie, Widows, starring Viola Davis and Michelle Rodriguez. What impact did and do these movies have on how the public looks upon widows?


      Has the Venom movie set a good precedent?

      Capitalizing on the origin story of a very famous villain was an interesting direction to take by Sony. The Venom movie has critically 'survived' its release, but where will the story eventually go? So much of Venom's origin is built around his interactions with Spiderman, causing some people to criticise the appear of 'web-like' powers from the character despite no canonical appearance of Spiderman. Should other films focus solely on villains? Or can a villain's story only be told when alongside their famous superhero.

      • It's a great question: where does Sony plan to go with this? it may be a good idea to examine the thought processes leading up to the Venom movie, and possibly touch on the other films Sony has announced for their shared universe: does a standalone Kraven film without Spiderman make more sense than a Venom one, and can these films survive without Spiderman? On that note, I'm not sure that referencing the Sam Raimi films would be a good idea, as they are two completely separate continuities. – LaPlant0 6 years ago
      • Maybe this is a cynical take on it, but its not clear that they had much of a plan for the franchise after this initial film. I wonder if instead it was meant to be a final effort to pool together Spider-Man fans after the decline of the Amazing Spider-Man movies. The film itself felt directionless in many ways, like they didn't know what to do with what they already had let alone continue it on further. Still, I would be interested to see if they could pull together a fully-formed continuation and have it stand out among the other comic-based movies out. – MSQuigg 6 years ago
      • Analyse the movie in the light of recent negative hero releases like ‘Joker’, ‘Brightburn’ and even ‘Glass’. – Dr. Vishnu Unnithan 5 years ago

      Should the X-Men Universe follow the template of the MCU

      The success of the MCU has been one of the hallmarks of cinema for the past decade. Arguably what has contributed to this is a significant amount of planning, and team of people dedicated to the topic, as well as a large amount of source material. Given that the X-Men universe has the third reason locked in, what's to stop 20th Century capitalizing on the blueprint laid down by the founders of the MCU and giving them something to compete against? Arguably all it could take is a team passionate about making this a reality.

      • It might be important to isolate some of the more well loved characters and explain why they are so compelling that they deserve their own film, considering that the team dynamic of X-Men is likely more important than merely separate characters: it's only by working together that the X-Men are able to overcome insurmountable odds. It may also be a good idea to discuss the Deadpool and upcoming X-Force film series. Another thing to consider is exactly what in the X-Men film universe is currently considered canonical, considering the inherent conflict between X-Men Origins: Wolverine's depiction of Deadpool and the more faithful representation of the Deadpool films. Not only that, but Days of Future Past and the ending of Deadpool 2 apparently completely rewrote the timeline. – LaPlant0 6 years ago

      Exploring the Morals behind Vigilante Archetypes

      The vigilante archetype in superhero movies push the boundaries of societal rules and morality. Last year, audiences were treated to the release of Marvel’s Venom, Deadpool 2, and DC’s Arrow season 7, and these all have strong vigilante archetypes. These characters regularly circumvent the rules to enforce their own type of laws in the name of justice. But does rectifying violence with more violence solve anything? Does bypassing the local law enforcement when they fail to protect the city make a hero? When an antihero blurs the line between good and evil, serving their own form of justice, where do audiences stop and say “this isn’t heroic anymore.”? Characters to analyze could include (from both Marvel and DC respectively): Venom, Batman, Green Arrow, The Punisher, Deadpool, Wolverine, etc. The article could explore: what makes an antihero, what makes a vigilante, and where heroics breech the boundary of evildoing.

      • This is a good topic. However, I would clarify differences between what is violent, what can be seen as martial arts, etc. – Yvonne T. 6 years ago
      • Very good idea Yvonne T.! Writers could analyze the MPAA rating system (and other motion picture systems) and create a violence rating scale to differentiate what is and isn’t acceptable. Good determining factors could include: whether the violent act only maims or actually kills, whether it was a kick or punch verses a firearm or other weapon, and how much collateral damage was involved in the process. I agree, there is a definite difference between martial arts and other types of violence. However, martial arts did originate to damage opponents in combat, and that type of violence is still violence, although how it’s depicted on screen does matter. There are many scenes in Deadpool 1 and 2, as well as Venom, that could be analyzed concerning depictions of martial arts related violence, and these different levels could be evaluated as well. – M. L. Flood 6 years ago
      • Does the audience stop and say, "this isn't heroic anymore?" Usually, it seems these characters evolve (some a little, others more). So do audiences change their feelings as a story develops? – Joseph Cernik 6 years ago