Recently several popular anime shows have been remade into live-action versions, e.g. Death Note (in several versions), Itazura-na-Kiss, Dragon Ball Z, etc… Many have been either unsuccessful and disappointing to fans (the example that comes to mind is the Avatar the Last Airbender!) or, more recently, have engaged in the unfortunate cultural appropriation of characters aka "whitewashing". What is behind the apparent difficulty of successfully remaking these fantastic stories into live-action form – is it the difference in mediums? Is it idiosyncratic to the directors/creators? Is it pure coincidence that no examples of a successful adaptation in popular cinema/television come to mind, or is this a systematic trend?
Using examples from my own memory, I feel it is both medium and a disconnect between directors and fan-base that can result in a failed remake. Often times, it is the animation style that aids in both delivery and overall success. Also, sometimes directors/creators can miscalculate what aspects of a show are responsible for its success. For example, a show that gains popularity for its wit and character development can be poorly mistranslated so that the action aspect of the show overpowers other components. – BreannaWaldrop8 years ago
With every year comes a new award season and while there are always surprise contenders (Moonlight [2016], Room [2015], Slumdog Millionaire [2008]), there are always films that everyone views as being made purely to receive awards and acclaim.
The recent commentary surrounding La La Land (2016) as being awarded purely because Hollywood like a film about itself; any number of period dramas (The Kings Speech [2010, The Artist [2011]) as well as films that don't do too well at the box office but receive multiple Academy Award nominations.
Is there anything wrong with this? Is the 'Oscar Bait' a valid category of film? Is it a genre?
This could definitely be an interesting topic to discuss. You could look at the common features of movies such as La La Land and how these turn a movie from something made for the public to something made for the awards. Are there certain themes, genres (drama, action, comedy), and/or plot lines that are used in 'Oscar Bait' movies? – SophIsticated8 years ago
It is definitely and interesting topic to discuss. Particularly the point about Hollywood loving a film about itself and acting in general. The success of The Artist, Birdam and La La Land at the oscars is a great example as they are all vastly different movies but all have that one Hollywood aspect in common. – AbbeyThorpe8 years ago
Very interesting topic for discussion. It's undeniable that oscar baiting is prevalent in the production, timing and distribution of films nowadays but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a genre or category but more a by-product of studio's self-importance. The only thing more farcical than films pandering to Hollywood was the worldwide outrage surrounding DiCaprio's (deserved and overdue) Oscar win. – danieljubb8 years ago
I think this topic could definitely use some exploring. I think for the most part, a good film has a set formula to execute and achieve in order to snatch that Oscar and it's almost entirely undeniable to say that some movies don't set out with those awards in mind. However, I think even though these movies don't always appeal to the public it doesn't necessarily take away from their beauty or brilliance. This is for sure an interesting discussion and eludes to that greater issue of Hollywood simply patting themselves on the back or actuality creating art for the sake of art (and not an award). – JulieCMillay8 years ago
Sophie Vannan, My colleagues above are kind in saying that the topic is interesting, but I'd go so far as to say that not only is it interesting, it IS absolutely real. You need only look at the difference between critical accolades/Oscar wins and box-office earnings to see that there is a gulf of difference between what folks in the Academy like and what the public likes. Take this into consideration. The following is a list of the movies that have won the Oscar for best picture in the last four years: 2016: Moonlight
2015: Spotlight
2014: Birdman
2013: 12 Years a Slave These movies were given the award by the people who made the movies. Now, let's see which movies would've won if the award was given by the people who watch the movies (I'm basing these "winners" on box-office returns; I got these figures from 2016: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
2015: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
2014: American Sniper
2013: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire As I said, there's a huge difference as to why the movies that people most care about are the ones that so often get overlooked during award season. I think that, in large part, this is due to Oscar baiting. Perhaps the best way to proceed would be to see 1. what kind of "bait" do modern directors use and 2. why doesn't the public care about it given it's obvious divergence from critical opinion. Thanks for your time,
August – August Merz8 years ago
Using the hints in the movie ,Star Wars the Force Awakens, suggest possibilities who the character Rey is and what could be her possible origin. She appears to be the main character in the story and there are a few obvious possibilities who she really is. This would be an interesting topic to explore because the question as to her identity is a mystery thus far.
I feel like this has been the most talked about thing since the movie came out. It's such a big mystery, with many fans divided on who she's related to. Is she a Skywalker? I've also heard things about her being related to Obi-Wan Kenobi. And what is the importance of her family? Do you think it's a good idea that she's related to some other main character? – thewyverary9 years ago
Hopefully Rey doesn't become another River Song, where the question is asked and teased so much that eventually the audience no longer cares. – J.P. Shiel9 years ago
Another area you could think about is what is the significance of discussions related to her birth and genealogy? How would Rey as a character change if she was a Skywalker, a Kenobi or from a brand new bloodline. Would the viewer's view of the character change drastically based off the revelations of her identity/parentage. – SeanGadus8 years ago
If one wanted to get philosophical, one might address first, the speculation, but next, the reason behind it. Why do people care about her origins? Because they're a JJ Abrams 'mystery box'? They're never hinted to be relevant to THE story, just HER backstory. Because lineage matters in Star Wars? Because lineage matters in real life? Because of ESB? Will the solved mystery be underwhelming? Because of speculation? I tend to see a lot of guessing the 'truth' in fictional works, but haven't been able to determine what makes us seek it. Will Rey be a better/worse character if 'hey, her dad is Luke' and it holds no other significance. I dunno'... I guess this is a small part of a larger narrative: audiences prioritize plot when there's so much more in a story. Meditate on it if you desire. – m-cubed8 years ago
I think Rey's parentage is important because it would has the possibility of informing viewers who left her on Jakku and why. I personally believe that Rey is a Kenobi which would be interesting and Luke found her when she was little and watched over her similar to what Old Ben did to Luke however if this is the case they would have to explain who Ben romanced and who the offspring became. Which could possibly lead to a new Anthology Kenobi Film which I would be all for. It would just be nice to know because then you can connect the dots relating to what happened during the 30 years before Force Awakens. – Twistedsloth8 years ago
I find it rather fascinating that a character's heritage has such a significant sway over the perception of said character, even in today's day and age. What is it about a character's history in contemporary literature that still holds such a strong grip, when we try so desperately to carve our own path and destinies?
Perhaps a point about this would help extend your analysis. – Lucy8 years ago
Music is a crucial part in creating and enhancing the mood, themes and overall atmosphere of a movie, and without it, many of the popular films we know and love would have a completely different feeling. However, the interaction between the composer and the director can often be very scarce, even close to nonexistent. Indeed, the composer can receive the movie after everything has been completed, and with only a few weeks to create the entire score so that it fits perfectly with each scene. On the other end of the spectrum, the director may send sections of the movie to the composer at a time, meaning that making the musical connections of each part of the movie and tying themes together can be a near nightmare for the composer. How exactly does all of this pushing and pulling manage to come together to create the masterpieces that we see on screen?
This would certainly be fascinating to write about as the soundtrack can greatly enhance the impact of certain films looking at composers like John Williams with countless films and even a more contemporary form of composition like with Arcade Fire in Her. I think the collaboration aspect of it is also very important to consider when creating the entire piece. Nice topic, would love to see it brought to life. – Callum Logie8 years ago
Really interesting topic, as soundtracks can make or break a film in my opinion. The importance of music in film is definitely underestimated. Most great movies have great music. – Charlie8 years ago
Recent years have witnessed the emergence of live-action remakes of classic Disney films including Cinderella (2015), Maleficient (2014), The Jungle Book (2016), and Beauty and the Beast (2017). The trend is ongoing, with Disney planning many more adaptations in the coming years. Can the popularity of live-action remakes be reduced to nostalgia, or is it reflective of a lack of creativity on the part of studios? On the other hand, do live-action remakes offer something new to viewers, and does the genre provide opportunities for filmmakers to explore new themes?
This is a question that's been dwindling in the back of my mind for some time. I've mostly assumed this to be a lack of creativity and a need for more income but I would be very interested to see what live-action remakes have to offer. Given that the author has done their research and looked into all the possible aspects of this prompt I think it could be a very good article and may conjure some good discussion. – ReidaBookman8 years ago
I think there is definitely something to be gained here. A place to start would be the change of the elephants in the live action Jungle Book. The singing marching tanters (who are enjoyable) are transformed into animals perceived as gods in their jungle. This contrast provides an interesting view, and would make for great discussion. – McCooper8 years ago
I believe you can't help but feel nostalgic when watching these remakes. Take the classic Beauty and the Beast for example, the soundtrack was the same, so were the settings and costumes as well as the characters. You could argue that there may be a lack of creativity which is why more remakes are being filmed, in saying this, how many Beauty and the Beast remakes can you make? One should be enough to take you back and get a feel for the real life adaptation. I know this isn't a Disney film but I would love to see Anastasia remade! That would be a dream come true, I love that movie so much. I would love to see who would be best suited for the roles and how they would go about filming it, such as the settings and costumes. It even has the most amazing soundtrack as well. Hopefully some day. – claraaa8 years ago
I think these remakes provide a platform for a modern narrative within the seams of an old timeless story. It gives filmmakers and writer a real chance to enter contemporaneous rhetoric into allegorical, well known tales. This topic is a great one to dig deeper into because I think it would give the writer and the readers a chance to learn more about these old stories and how they affect the public today and not just the questioning of creativity on the production side of it. – JulieCMillay8 years ago
Well in the case of the 2016 Legend of Tarzan film, starring Margot Robbie, I believe it's interesting how film makers can put their own spin on an acclaimed animated Disney film without impeding on the original film. Similarly to the 1991 film Hook, I personally find it more eye-opening when creators think outside the box and develop their own story upon the original film. Perhaps another article could explore the significance of these unique stories in the form of live-action remakes which develop from classic cartoons. – ninaphillips278 years ago
I thought they were done with typical Disney movies after Enchanted, and was surprised to hear about the remakes! (Don't forget about Pete's Dragon, which has almost nothing in common with the original.) They're not making very big splashes besides Belle, but they've lined up about 19 more and bought Anastasia to adapt. What I see most in these is "fixing" the old ones: the romances have more time to develop, the background characters get a bit of heart, an abstract fairy tale gets placed in a real setting. But yeah, basically they've taken the twix of childhood and made it the truffle of adulthood for Disney fans. – IndiLeigh8 years ago
Is the new Chronicles of Narnia film doomed for failure? Discuss the struggles of making the film slated to reboot the franchise almost 7 years after the last movie (Voyage of the Dawn Treader) and 3 studios later (was Disney then Fox and now the new studio). Will it do as well as the original trilogy or has it lost its momentum?
I'm personally curious to see how this film pans out, but I don't have high hopes for it after the large gap and constant change between studios. I think it has lost its momentum within the film industry, but I think there's still a possibility this film may bring in a new audience along with fans from the previous films; depending on how it's done. – SMonaghan8 years ago
This is an interesting question. Star Wars seems to have gained momentum after a few years absence and so did the Rocky films. I think it would be interesting how to continue using the same actors/actresses given they would be older now. Fans do get attached to characters and actors e.g. Harry Potter – Hyacinth8 years ago
I don't think it should be written off by any means. It's definitely fair to assume it is doomed and I honestly think the same myself, however it's often the case that films like this may not be masterpieces but do end up being perfectly enjoyable. With the director of Captain America and Jumanji behind the film it's probably best to keep an open mind and realistic expectations. – JakeV8 years ago
The Narnia film series has had a hard time gaining traction even when 'The lion, the witch and the wardrobe' was released in cinemas. And to me, I think that is boiled down to bad timing. The 2003 Narnia was released just off the tail of the last Lord of the Rings movie. I think it was banking on the possible resurgence in fantasy films. But it would be interesting how this new movie will turn out, maybe since it has been so long since a proper fantasy blockbuster it may gain some popularity. – Mxvec8 years ago
Known as the "maverick" or "auteur" era of American film, the 1970's represented a unique era of American film-making, perhaps the most experimental since early silent ear. Traditional musicals, melodramas, and epics were no longer drawing in audiences, and, desperate, studios began giving money to fledgling directors often fresh from the brand new film schools cropping up, leading to far more daring and unusual films, such as Taxi Driver, the Godfather, and Star Wars. Well documented as this period is, take some time to examine the period just preceding, and how it enabled these films to exist at all. That is, look back, first at the Paramount Decision in 1948, which ended the studios monopolies on theatres and film distribution and enabled independent filmmakers to gain foothold in the American film landscape, and the rise of television in the 1950's, which forced to make going to the movies far more of an event, with big-budget epics, full color, and features such as 3-D and widescreen. By the late 1960's, the mediocre performances of the anachronistic Hello, Dolly! and plodding Cleopatra rendered tried and true money makers impotent. Examine how changing audience expectations, over saturation of the market, and other such factors allowed movies like Bonnie and Clyde to set the scene for the New Hollywood of the 1970's. If the studio system hadn't failed, would the 1970's era of film-making ever been allowed to happen in the first place?
I would include certain film and TV examples that defined where the Studio System was heading towards. – BMartin438 years ago
Despite its popularity in the written world, fairy tales are notoriously difficult to adapt to the big screen, especially live-action film. While the fantasy epic can see great success (though even that took decades of box-office failure), why is it so rare for a live-action fairy tale film work while animated fairy tales are among the best movies studios like Disney have ever made? Analyze both the successes and failures, and discuss: why do fairy tales fare better in animation (such as Disney films) then they do in live-action? How is that a fantasy epic like Lord of the Rings succeeds while the Hobbit, by and large, fails? Address the curious case of the Narnia films, beginning strong with the relatively faithful Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, before crashing and burning with Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Is there something about animation that lends itself better to the relatively smaller scope of the fairy tale, as opposed to the more expansive world of an epic?
Hi! I would be careful and clear about how you categorize success and failure. The Hobbit, while not critically as successful as Lord of the Rings, was a commercial success making almost 3 billion dollars worldwide. In writing this article, I would also try to get a clear definition of a "fairy tale". Is LOTR a fairy tale? It depends on your definition. – SeanGadus8 years ago
I would be careful with writing this. Narnia, LOTR and TH are not fairy tales. Yes, they are adaptations but they aren't fairy tales, they are fantasy, like Harry Potter. These film series are more compared to the Harry Potter series than fairy tale ones. I like that you want to look at the lost cause from animation to live-action films. I suggest looking into the Grimm's Brothers Fairytales, hopefully that will help you understand what fairy tales are. Do some more research into understanding fairy tales :) – meganstalla8 years ago
Fairy tales are absolutely not a lost cause. In fact, I wish we had more and better adaptations of them, because they are so often the building blocks for modern literature and other media. – Stephanie M.8 years ago